Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Garden Goodness
Monday, June 29, 2009
Haiku Hoopla!

Yeah, it's that time again! Write a haiku and post in comments for a chance to win a prize that will probably consist of grits, coffee, cobbler mix and/or pralines.
Or just leave a comment on what you think about poetry if you don't want to enter the Haiku Hoopla! You've got til midnight tonight. Feel free to pass the word around too. *wink*
And if ya missed the post yesterday on how you can have a better blog and accrue some blog love, scroll down and browse at your leisure.
Have a great week!
*Image from
Sunday, June 28, 2009
With a Cherry on Top? [Better Blogging]

Please, please, please...pretty please with a cherry, whipped cream and nuts on top~~~
Would ya add your address to your blog profile?
Several times over the last couple of days, I've wanted to email someone who left a comment to tell them something personal, or ask a question, or just chat outside the blog's public forum. But guess what? I couldn't because there was no email address listed on the email that notified me of their comment on one of my posts.
I promise, it's not hard to do. Look, if I can do it, anybody can! You'll also be increasing your online presence and promoting blog love throughout the Blogland community. This is all you gotta do:
- Sign on at your blog
- Click "View My Complete Profile"
- Several options are listed such as Photo, Edit Profile and Contact. Click Contact, then Email.
In just a few seconds you have made yourself accessible to others whose blogs you leave comments on. You can email back and forth with them. And who knows, maybe an agent or editor will be impressed with how savvy you are AND how easy it is to reach you!
Welcome to the blogging forefront. You shall no longer be lumped with all those other anonymous unreachable people!
Now, I don't wanna push it since we've talked about this several times already...but while you're in there tinkering around with your blog settings and preferences, wontcha consider taking off that annoying little Word Verification function? I promise you, since I started this blog back in September, I've had exactly two spam comments...and all I had to do was go in and delete them with the little trashcan icon. *poof* they were dust.
Add your email and lose the Word Verification thingy and your bloggy friends will be eternally grateful. You might even get more comments, followers and/or traffic. Don't believe me? Just ask Debbie at Suburb Sanity and Vodka Mom at I Need A Martini Mom. Their blogs are so busy, ya gotta take a number to get in and comment. LOL
Now, go spread the word. And since it's Sunday, do something nice for somebody! (o:l>
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Weekend Plans?

Hope whatever it is you're craving, you get a bunch of it!
Thanks for all your good thoughts about our drought-y sizzling heat here. Would you believe we finally got some rain today? [Never underestimate the power of Blogland!]
Friday, June 26, 2009
Dorothy, I'm Melting!

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Throw Me Somethin', Mista!

Okay, it's not really me...but I am soliciting writing resources from y'all today, so if you know of a cool blog or website full of good nuggets, how 'bout throwin' 'em into a comment for the rest of us revelers?
*Photo from
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Peach Cobbler (& Writing Recipe)

9 medium peaches (peeled & sliced)
1 pkg. Louisiana Fish Fry Cobbler Mix (yeah, you read that right!) or whatever your local brand
favorite is
1/2 Cup water
1 Tbsp. sugar
Wash, peel and slice peaches. Reserve peelings. Prepare cobbler mix according to package directions and let sit. Into a small pot over medium high temperature, put water and sugar. Stir and simmer for a few minutes. Squeeze peelings to extract juice, then put them into pot. Cook until juice thickens a bit. Smash the peelings to bottom of pot. Remove from heat and cool.
Melt butter in baking dish, or use cast iron pot if you have one. Pour in cobbler mix, leaving a bit in the bowl for garnishing. Strain juice from peelings over sliced peaches, then pour all over cobbler mix. Top with remaining cobbler mix. Cook according to pkg. directions. Great with vanilla ice cream!
- Don't forget to use the senses when describing scenes, people and things in your work.
- Clean up the kitchen! (Edit, revise, edit, revise...)
- Local flavor in your setting and character building makes for tasty reading.
- Look for ways to squeeze the goodness from a scene, chapter, stanza or description.
- Some parts of the "fruit" are not meant to go into the "cobbler." It's better to throw them out than to ruin your WIP.
- Taste and adjust seasoning/ingredients as you go. The best "cooks" (writers) are those who can take a recipe, tweak it and make it their own.
- Always follow directions unless you're a master chef.
- Share your cobblers with others. They may suggest ways to make it even better!
- Feed your readers well, but leave 'em wanting more.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Dr. Phil Says I'm What? (And Why I'm Twitching)

...and some writerly scoopage here at BookEnds Literary Agency's blog that might make you Twitch too. (Guess I gotta finally learn to Tweet. *sigh*)
*Photo from
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Dad's Day Message/Thibodaux da Cowboy

"Aw, Thib, I hate to hear dat! Where was you ridin' bulls? It's nowhere near rodeo time."
Thiboaux, he hang his head a little bit lower and say in a quiet voice, "Aww, man, dat bull down at da store dragged me 'round and 'round da parking lot til dat Wal-Mart manager finally come and unplug it."
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Noblesse Oblige Blog Bling

Marguerite at Cajun Delights has passed on some great bloggy blingage to me and I am honored. I so enjoy visiting Marguerite's blog. As she says in her own words, it is a place, " promote and share our wonderful Cajun culture with the rest of the world. The area known to most as Cajun Country, is so rich in culture and history and is such a fabulous place to live and have lots of fun. Delectable cuisine, incredible music, and warm-hearted people with a contagious "joie de vivre".
The Noblesse Oblige award "rules" say, recipients are recognized for the following:
- The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervade amongst different cultures and beliefs
- Their Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage, and offers solutions
- There is a clear purpose at the Blog: one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Cultures, Sciences, and Beliefs
- The Blog is refreshing and creative; and The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking
The requirements of the person receiving the award are as follows:
- Create a post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award
- The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post
- Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or more older posts as support
- The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions
Pretty cool, hunh? I do try to present tips about writing prose and poetry, and hopefully I also promote our awesome Cajun culture while extending a hand in friendship to others. I'm not gonna cite blog posts that backup these assertions because I think y'all all know me well enough by now to know they're true. :) So, on with the passing of the Noblesse Oblige award to others:
Debbie at Suburb Sanity for her great parenting advice and always seeing the humor;
Kathryn at Tender Graces and Kimmi at Writer in Waiting and The Unbreakable Child for going above and beyond as sharing caring authors who help others on the trail;
Terri Tiffany Inspirational Writer for never giving up, and for encouraging others;
Joy at Red Silk Streams for her love of poetry and for being a military mom;
And although most of my favorite blogs/bloggers fit the description for this award, I'll keep it to six. Finally, Michelle the Surly Writer and BigBadJimSuldawgSullivan, who continue to widen the "gray" between black and white margins while making me think and/or laugh. [*Suldog, disregard award nomination if desired, or if it causes you to hunt up more zombie chickens as a reward.*]
Now, have a great and relaxing Saturday! We're entertaining friends from Scotland, so I probably won't be on the computer. See ya soon, sha (Cajunese for "cher," friend).
Friday, June 19, 2009
Computer Comedy

Something for your Friday Funny bone courtesy of my friend Betty from GodBlessTexas; a little thing we used to refer to as O.E. (Operator Error) with a twist~~~
Jaden clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after him, "Hey, what was wrong?"
So I scratched up pen and paper and wrote down: I D 1 0 T.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bad Tats

Now, you know I have to ask: Do you have a tattoo? If so, what is it? And if you had to get one, what would it be of? 'Fess up!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Poetry Contest Winner
Congratulations to all you brave poets who entered the contest. It's fun and fascinating to me to cull through a specific set of words and come up with something totally new. It's like figuring out a jigsaw puzzle with no picture on the box cover to guide you. Or picking through a page of words, trying to decode a secret message within.
As usual, it was hard picking a winner, but I really like the way Embee at A Would-Be Writer distilled all the photo caption entries and came up with an image-infused poem that saturated my eyeballs and mind with Louisiana elements. Her poem was cohesive. I could "hear" the poet's voice without being overwhelmed by it, if that makes sense.
Reading and rereading your entries reminded me of an important rule of thumb for writing both prose and poetry: What you leave out is just as important as what you decide to keep.
Thanks again to all who entered, and we'll do it (or something similar) again soon. Now...the winner:
Mesmerized by the stillness of the water,
Drowned in memories of dusky summer promises.
The sunlight filtered through the trees
As the Spanish moss drooped above.
My place for reflection.
Around that corner.
Welcome home.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Simply Delicious Meal Menu

Before you don a drool bib, don't forget about yesterday's Poetry Contest. You do NOT have to be an accomplished poet to enter! Cobble together your found poem from the photo caption contest, tweak the lines and email me your entry. YOU could win a bookstore gift card. C'mon.....don't be chicken! :)
This is one of the meals we enjoyed while my extended family was in town for the long weekend. It was tasty, easy, used the best of summer's fresh local ingredients and the flavors were well balanced.
Simple Green Salad
Hearts of Romaine
Creole Tomatoes
Cajun Cauliflower
Large head of cauliflower, stemmed and washed
1-cup shredded sharp cheddar
Liberal sprinkling of Tony's (or your own version of Cajun seasoning)
1/2-cup each mayo and mustard
Steam cauliflower until soft, but do not overcook. Drain and remove to serving bowl. In small bowl, mix together mayo and mustard. Slather mayo/mustard mix over cauliflower, sprinkle on Cajun seasoning and cover with cheese. Pop in microwave and heat until cheese is melted.
BBQ Chicken and Grilled Zucchini
BBQ your chicken thighs slowly so you don't burn it. That is the secret to good drilling. The zucchini was cut into strips and marinated overnight in a plastic zippered bag with equal parts lemon juice and olive oil with lots of garlic powder, salt and pepper. Grill until tender but not mushy.
Fruity Sponge Cakes
4 fresh peaches
1/2-carton each of strawberries and blueberries
Whipped Cream
6 sponge cake cups
Clean and stem fruit. Cut into bite-sized chunks into a small bowl. Sprinkle on one packet of Splenda or sweetener of your choice. Let sit in refrigerator a few hours. When ready to serve, spoon fruit mixture into sponge cups. Add large dollop of whipped cream and more fruit to garnish.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Photo Caption Contest Winner/And a Poetry Contest!

Your entries in the contest were good, and it was hard to pick a clear winner. (Oh, and if you visited early this morning -- sorry for the premature automatic post of my "found poem," composed of parts and pieces of all the entries, minus the winner information. I crashed last night before polishing the post! Argh!) Thanks to all who entered!
The winner of the writer's prize packet goes to...
Anita at Rollercoaster Days! Anita put the evocative and fitting word "drowned" in the sentence with "dock," as a description: As she ambled towards the dock, she was drowned in memories of dusky summer promises and firefly kissed skin.
A prize was also garnered by Wendy at All in a Day's Thought for her lovely entry: Beyond blankets of dirt and canopied leaves, far below the spreading sunlight it waits; my place for reflection and emergence.
Surprise! Here's a secondary contest inspired by the first~~Make your own poem using only words from the photo caption contest entries found HERE. You can change the word tense, line breaks and spacing, of course, but you may NOT add any extra words of your own.
Email your poems of no more than 15 lines to by tomorrow at midnight, and I'll announce a winner on Wednesday! Put FOUND POEM CONTEST ENTRY in the subject line.
Doh, I forgot to state what the winning poet receives ----- a Barnes & Noble gift card! So, keep those entries coming.
Finally, here's my "found poem" crafted from the caption contest entries:
Sweet Home LouisianaBeyond blankets of leaves below
spreading sunlight waits
for emergence around that corner,
filtered through trees saying
welcome home. Wake up, [ space ] hurry.
Tires scrape and burn slow
as Spanish moss, [ space ] fall coming.
There boys fish,
amble to the dock [ space ] drown
in memories of summer
promises, Hansel & Gretel's
house, a Yellow Brick Road.
Little old men in stable arms
of oaks mesmerized by the stillness.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Boudreaux & Thibodaux Use a Measurin' Stick

Boudreaux, him walkin' down da road one day when his friend Thibodaux approaches from da udder direction carryin' him a long long bamboo fishin' pole and a yardstick.
Da two friends, dey stop and talk awhile. Thib, he stands dat pole straight up in da air, and den he tries to reach up to da very tippy top wit da yardstick. Seeing it just ain't gonna work, ol' Boo yanks da pole from Thib's hands, lays it down on da sidewalk and measures it.
"Dere you go! It's 12 foots long," says Boudreaux. Thib, him upset and irritated, yeah. He grabs dat yardstick and yells at Boo, "You fool! I don't wanna know how long dat pole is! I wanna know how high it is!"
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wooing the Muse

Check out Michelle's story and let it inspire you to reach for your own creative goals.
Friday, June 12, 2009
If You Were an Ice Cream Flavor...

Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Marriage of Poetry & Prose

I read a book I didn’t like,
gave it to a writer-friend,
She didn’t like it either,
neither made it to the end.
We both enjoyed the prologue,
then it fell apart...
I'm excited about my stepdaughter and family coming to visit today! They're an Army family and have been stationed all over the place, so it's great to have them back in good ol' Louisiana again. Nana's gonna squeeze five sets of cheeks while they're here for the boys to attend an LSU football camp. Can you imagine how exciting that must be for young 'uns?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Photo Caption Contest

Good morning, ladies and germs. Today's contest uses two of my favorite elements -- photography and writing -- and you don't have to be a writer or photographer to play along!
As usual, the rules are simple:
- Choose a photograph from my getaway last weekend and write a corresponding caption or story opener. (Please include the photo number you're targeting.)
- Leave your entry in a comment.
- I and an unbiased third party [most likely King Rufus my DH (Deer Hunter) or one of our teenagers] will select a winner based on originality and "wow" factor, which by its very nature is unexplainable.
- No more than 20 words, please.
- Contest runs today through Friday, June 12th. The winner will be announced sometime next week when my company clears out and my head gets screwed back on straight. :()
- Winner will receive a "Writer's Package" consisting of some tools of the trade. Now y'all know that means some coffee too, plus other goodies. (Be sure I can get in touch with you through your blog or leave an email address if you don't have a blog.)
- Pass the word around and let's get started.
Since I'm feeling creative, I'm going to try to compile parts of pieces of your entries to form a "found poem" afterwards. You'll be welcome to do the same.
Good luck!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Shrimp Pasta for 40

Shrimp Pasta for 40
Boil pasta according to directions. When half done, add shrimp to the pot and continue boiling until pasta is fully cooked. Drain and rinse.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Which Key are You?

Sunday, June 7, 2009
For Better and For Worse

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Have a Loverly Weekend

Friday, June 5, 2009
Take it from Twain

Sage writing advice from a master:
1. A tale shall accomplish something and arrive somewhere.
2. The episodes of a tale shall be necessary parts of the tale, and shall help develop it.
3. The personages in a tale shall be alive, except in the case of corpses, and that always the reader shall be able to tell the corpses from the others...both dead and alive, shall exhibit a sufficient excuse for being there.
4. When the personages of a tale deal in conversation, the talk shall sound like human talk, and be talk such as human beings would be likely to talk in the given circumstances, and have a discoverable meaning, also a discoverable purpose, and a show of relevancy, and remain in the neighborhood of the subject in hand, and be interesting to the reader, and help out the tale, and stop when the people cannot think of anything more to say.
5. When a personage talks like an illustrated, gilt-edged, tree-calf, hand-tooled, seven-dollar Friendship's Offering in the beginning of a paragraph, he shall not talk like a minstrel at the end of it.
6. Crass stupidities shall not be played upon the reader by either the author or the people in the tale.
7. The personages of a tale shall confine themselves to possibilities and let miracles alone; or, if they venture a miracle, the author must so plausibly set it forth as to make it look possible and reasonable.
8. The author shall make the reader feel a deep interest in the personages of his tale and their fate; and that he shall make the reader love the good people in the tale and hate the bad ones.
9. The characters in tale be so clearly defined that the reader can tell beforehand what each will do in a given emergency.
The author should:
Say what he is proposing to say, not merely come near it.
Use the right word, not its second cousin.
Eschew surplusage [excess of words].
Not omit necessary details.
Avoid slovenliness of form.
Use good grammar.
Employ a simple, straightforward style.
Picture: Joseph F. Keppler, artist.'"Mark Twain," America's best humorist.' Keppler & Schwarzmann, 1885. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Surprising Health Boosters

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
O is for Organization

With all that said, my home office still looks more like this, but it's on my To Do list to remedy soon:

Thank you for voting in the Whose Right poll. I am now officially entitled to a fine meal and an admission from my friend that she is wrong about the humanity of agents! :)
What's your best organizing tip?
Capote's Cornbread

Truman Capote's Cornbread
1 tablespoon butter or bacon drippings
2 eggs
2 cups buttermilk
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups stone-ground white cornmeal
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place butter or drippings in a 10-inch cast iron skillet and place in oven.
2. Combine eggs and buttermilk in small bowl or measuring cup; whisk together with a fork.
3. In medium bowl combine sugar, salt, baking soda and cornmeal, stirring well to combine.
4. Stir egg mixture into dry ingredients, beating just until the dry ingredients are moistened, no more.
5. Pull the skillet from the oven. It should be good and hot, with the fat sizzling. Swirl the pan to coat it. Quickly transfer the batter to the hot skillet and return skill to the oven. Bake until browned and pulling away from the skillet, 20 to 25 minutes. Serve hot, cut into wedges from the pan.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Weekend Pictorial

Remember all those nice thoughts and wishes y'all gave me for a great weekend? Well, I had one, so thank you! No senior or junior sons' activities to attend, no college or honors frat events for "Queenie," no school band function, no baseball games, no nothing "kidcentric" at all.
In other words, I had a whole two days of nothing scheduled, so we spent most of that time working in the yard -- a long overdue event -- but the weather was gorgeous and now the flowerbeds look wonderful. (Maybe the Christmas tree and decorations will actually get put away next!)
I hope your days off work were nice too. Check in and let me know what you did.
Here are some pics from the weekend, a photo montage if you will, so you can glimpse a shiny few day in the life of Gumbo Writer. *smile*
* Note the recurring 4F theme [Family, friends, food, fun] in these shots, for which I am grateful:
Dad helps me prepare a gigantor shrimp and pasta salad for the men's shelter. I wonder if other people have cooking implements that make meals for 40? [Recipe tomorrow!]
Taking a break to enjoy the outdoors, I found a little dove nesting behind my parents' house.
Closeup of flowers some of my folks' friends brought to Mom. I can't believe they're still this fresh after a week!
Front yard after weeding and preparing for new flowers.
Aren't these flats gorgeous? Alabama Coleus and vinca.
Finished for the day. It was great sinking fingers and toes into fresh earth!
After. Ahh!
On the last trip to Lowe's or Home Depot for "one last thing," two hot air balloons passed overhead.
A friend's parents' 65th anniversary party.
Daddy made a huge spaghetti supper for about 25 of the family clan. This is my mom and one of her four great-grands. Aren't they beautiful?
And rays from heaven.
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- Daryl Holmes (1)
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- Deb Schucka (1)
- Deb Shucka (1)
- Delfeayo Marsalis (1)
- Diane Buccheri (1)
- Diesel's Hamburger Spice Blend (1)
- Diesel's Seasoning (1)
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- Drunken Chicken (1)
- Duotrope's Digest (1)
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- EightDaysToAmish (1)
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- Emeril Lagasse (1)
- Eula Mae's Deep Bayou Punch (1)
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- GRITS. (1)
- Garfield (1)
- Geaux Tigers (1)
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- Gio's Mezza Luna (1)
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- Gulf shrimp (1)
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- Housewives of Atlanta (1)
- Hunter's Specialties (1)
- Hurricane Bonnie (1)
- Hurricane Gustav (1)
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- Hurricane Isaac (1)
- Ides of March (1)
- Insurance (1)
- Italian Cheesy Bread (1)
- Italian Cream Cake (1)
- Jambalaya Jubilee Writers Conference (1)
- Jambalaya recipe (1)
- Jamie Ford (1)
- Jamie Mason (1)
- Janeology (1)
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- LSU tailgating (1)
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- Loaded Mashed Potatoes (1)
- Louisiana Book Festival (1)
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- Louisiana products (1)
- Louisiana snow 09 (1)
- M.M. Bennetts (1)
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- Mardi Gras recipe (1)
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- Mary Jane Ryals (1)
- Mayhem (1)
- Meatless Lasagna recipe (1)
- Mexican Lasagna (1)
- Mexican casserole (1)
- Michelle Davidson Argyle (1)
- Michelle Hickman (1)
- Mike the Tiger snow (1)
- Monday Madness (1)
- Muss-Go Soup (1)
- Natasha Trethewey (1)
- Nephele Tempest (1)
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- New Orleans Saints (1)
- New Years Day menu (1)
- Nikon (1)
- Noah Lukeman (1)
- Noblesse Oblige (1)
- Of Honest Fame (1)
- Okra and Tomatoes (1)
- Pamela Thibodeaux (1)
- Passion Flowers (1)
- Pee Willie Wick (1)
- Poem Flow (1)
- Pooh and Piglet (1)
- Pork Chops and Gravy (1)
- Post of the Week (1)
- Progressive Flo (1)
- Purina Dog Chow (1)
- Purina dog chow joke (1)
- RATTLE (1)
- RWA (1)
- Rick Arnett (1)
- Roses and Thorns (1)
- Rotel (1)
- Sad Cake recipe (1)
- Saints vs. Vikings (1)
- Secret Graces (1)
- Seeds of Faith (1)
- Self (1)
- Sensation Salad (1)
- Sensation Salad Dressing (1)
- Seven Degrees of Coonass (1)
- Sopapilla Cheesecake (1)
- Sour Cream Cheesy Cornbread (1)
- St. Francisville White Linen Night (1)
- St. Valentine (1)
- Stephen King (1)
- Strawberry Lemonade (1)
- Strawberry and Arugula Salad with Prosciutto (1)
- String Bridge (1)
- Suldog (1)
- Sunday Roast (1)
- Susan Kramer (1)
- Suzanne Finnamore (1)
- Sweetie (1)
- Tabitha Bird (1)
- Tanya Savko (1)
- Tender Secrets (1)
- Tere Kirkland (1)
- Thanksgiving menu (1)
- The Smitten Image (1)
- Thermos Bottle (1)
- Through My Eyes (1)
- Through the Viewfinder (1)
- Thy brother's keeper (1)
- Tiger Stadium (1)
- Toni McGee Causey (1)
- Trappey's (1)
- Turning Leaf Festival (1)
- Twitter faux pas (1)
- UFO (1)
- Valentine haiku (1)
- Veggie Beef Soup (1)
- Venison Burgers (1)
- Venison Roll Ups (1)
- VizPo (1)
- Vodka Mom (1)
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- Water Witch (1)
- White Trash recipe (1)
- Who Dat (1)
- Why I Write contest (1)
- William Haskins (1)
- Wizard of Oz (1)
- Wolfie (1)
- Word of the Day (1)
- Writing Group Wizardry (1)
- Writing the Breakout Novel (1)
- Written Expressions (1)
- Yu-Han Chao (1)
- Zucchini Soup (1)
- agent pitch (1)
- altered art (1)
- aluminum foil (1)
- apple pie (1)
- art (1)
- (1)
- back in the saddle (1)
- bacon explosion (1)
- bad tattoo (1)
- bail out (1)
- baked sweet potatoes (1)
- banana pudding (1)
- best apple pie ever (1)
- best baked ham ever (1)
- best chicken recipe ever (1)
- best chicken salad (1)
- best ever mac and cheese (1)
- best squash recipe (1)
- best writing project ever (1)
- black bean soup (1)
- black eyed peas (1)
- blackberry cobbler (1)
- blah (1)
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- bletiquette (1)
- blog (1)
- blog addiction quiz (1)
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- blonde corn maze (1)
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- book taste quiz (1)
- bored at work (1)
- bread pudding with bourbon sauce (1)
- breakfast ideas (1)
- broccoli and cheese (1)
- brownie balls (1)
- brussels sprouts (1)
- butternut squash recipe (1)
- cafe au lait (1)
- caffeine (1)
- cajun punch (1)
- cajun quiche (1)
- cajun scrambled eggs (1)
- cake balls (1)
- calendar (1)
- candidates (1)
- carrots and potatoes (1)
- casino (1)
- cemetary (1)
- cereal (1)
- champaign (1)
- change (1)
- chicken and dumplings (1)
- chicken breasts (1)
- chicken lime soup (1)
- chicken noodle soup (1)
- collaborative projects (1)
- computer (1)
- cook's pledge (1)
- cooking (1)
- corn macque choux (1)
- cornbread (1)
- coush coush (1)
- cracklins (1)
- crawfish (1)
- crawfish omlette (1)
- crawfish recipe (1)
- crazy (1)
- crazy hair (1)
- creativity quiz (1)
- crock pot roast (1)
- croissant roll ups (1)
- crowding (1)
- dance in movies video (1)
- dead flies (1)
- death (1)
- decorated dog (1)
- dental trauma (1)
- dessert (1)
- detist (1)
- dialog (1)
- ditto Christmas lights (1)
- e-readers (1)
- easy breakfast casserole (1)
- easy chinese meal (1)
- easy crawfish boil (1)
- easy dessert (1)
- easy jambalaya (1)
- easy spaghetti recipe (1)
- eating habits (1)
- ebay (1)
- editing tips (1)
- election day (1)
- elephant in the room (1)
- eye candy (1)
- family bonding (1)
- family meals (1)
- fast food (1)
- footbal (1)
- football (1)
- fried cabbage (1)
- frog advice (1)
- full moon (1)
- funeral (1)
- funny (1)
- funny DUI video (1)
- funny newspaper headlines (1)
- funny photos (1)
- funny turkey (1)
- garlic shrimp and grits (1)
- gluten free (1)
- goober (1)
- graduation (1)
- green bean recipe (1)
- green tea ice cream (1)
- grief (1)
- grits (1)
- grits and greens (1)
- grits recipe (1)
- groundhog (1)
- growth (1)
- happy life (1)
- health (1)
- healthy pancakes (1)
- healthy recipes (1)
- how pumpkin pie is made (1)
- how to boil crawfish (1)
- how to crawfish (1)
- ice cream (1)
- information overload (1)
- intuition quiz (1)
- jiggity jog (1)
- keyword analytics (1)
- kids (1)
- knots (1)
- lasagna recipe (1)
- lawyer joke (1)
- lawyer jokes (1)
- learned in kindergarten (1)
- learning styles (1)
- leftovers (1)
- little frogs (1)
- love poem (1)
- macaroons (1)
- maque choux (1)
- marinated vegetables (1)
- mason jar (1)
- meatloaf (1)
- meteorologist (1)
- microwave chocolate dessert recipe (1)
- middle aged crazy (1)
- missing (1)
- networking (1)
- obsession (1)
- ocean poem (1)
- old people and technology (1)
- onion soup recipe (1)
- organization (1)
- oven BBQ (1)
- oven fried chicken (1)
- pancakes (1)
- pasta casserole (1)
- patriotic (1)
- pay it forward (1)
- peach cobbler (1)
- peanut butter cookies (1)
- pearly gates (1)
- peeling crawfish (1)
- pet costumes (1)
- pets (1)
- photographs (1)
- pineapple upside down cake (1)
- pizza (1)
- politically incorrect slippers (1)
- popular posts (1)
- pork chop casserole (1)
- posts (1)
- potato soup (1)
- presidential election (1)
- proofreading (1)
- proofreading marks (1)
- proud Mom (1)
- pulled pork (1)
- pumpkin seeds (1)
- puppy love (1)
- query letter (1)
- quiche (1)
- quirks (1)
- random acts of kindness (1)
- reading nekkid (1)
- rearranging furniture (1)
- recipe for a happy life (1)
- recipe for happiness (1)
- recycle gardening (1)
- recycling (1)
- redneck hanging basket (1)
- redneck santa (1)
- redneck wedding cakes (1)
- right brain left brain (1)
- roasted garlic (1)
- roses (1)
- shoe quiz (1)
- shoes (1)
- shrimp and grits (1)
- shrimp pasta (1)
- simple green salad (1)
- simple meal menu (1)
- site meter (1)
- skepticism (1)
- sleep (1)
- sliders (1)
- small world (1)
- smothered cabbage (1)
- smothered squash (1)
- snarky editor (1)
- sneaux (1)
- social networking (1)
- southern fried chicken recipe (1)
- space invaders (1)
- spaghetti (1)
- spaghetti with eggs and meatballs (1)
- spam control (1)
- sparrow video (1)
- spider solitaire (1)
- sports enthusiast (1)
- steamed vegetables (1)
- storm (1)
- story plot (1)
- story starter (1)
- stroganoff recipe (1)
- stuffed French toast (1)
- submissions (1)
- suitcase (1)
- summer (1)
- sunburn (1)
- superhero (1)
- swamped (1)
- sweet potato casserole (1)
- swine flu (1)
- tailgate (1)
- tailgating (1)
- technology (1)
- teens (1)
- time (1)
- traffic camera joke (1)
- traffic cameras (1)
- turducken (1)
- turkey and the blonde (1)
- turkey stroganoff (1)
- twins (1)
- vegetable medley (1)
- veggie trio (1)
- vintage cowboy boots (1)
- virtual gumbo (1)
- vote (1)
- wahh (1)
- water (1)
- weekend (1)
- what's this? (1)
- white beans (1)
- white beans and ham (1)
- white chocolate bread pudding (1)
- why we write (1)
- wicked witch (1)
- word count (1)
- worst Christmas gift ever (1)
- writer's block (1)
- writers block (1)
- writing game (1)
- writing inspiration (1)
- writing tips (1)
- writing winners (1)
- yam casserole (1)
- zucchini cakes (1)