It's a slow news day here at Gumbo Writer's place, so I did a bit of cruising for some interesting oddity to share. I didn't have to look long, as there was a story from Belgium about a young maiden who went to get a few stars tattooed near her left eye, and according to her, things went horribly wrong...

Rouslan Toumaniantz, the tattoo artist, said Kimberley Vlaminck (18) 'absolutely' agreed she wanted 56 stars tattooed on the left side of her face. Vlaminck says she only wanted three, but fell asleep while the tattooist was at work, and woke horrified at the starrific new permanent facial renderings. Perhaps she didn't notice the artist's adherence to the "more is better" rule?

Umm, and how does one fall asleep through 53 extra stars' worth of piercing needles, pain and pressure? I have a few small tats myself, and let me just say, there's no way one snoozes during the process.
Toumaniantz maintains there was no language barrier as conjectured, and that his client was peachy keen happy when she saw the finished work...until she got home. Seems as how Dad and boyfriend both went ballistic, and that's when the lawsuit and troubles began. Read the whole story here.
Now, you know I have to ask: Do you have a tattoo? If so, what is it? And if you had to get one, what would it be of? 'Fess up!
She was asleep under the stars...hahahaha! I'm not buying it either! No tats here, but if I "had" to get one...it would be the word Tattoo with one of those big red cirlces and a line through it...haha! My son has enough for all 138 of your "goobers." tee hee
Noooo, I don't have one, Angie. I have this aversion to pain of any kind, and the permanency of the things freaks me out.
But if I was forced to have one, it would be a Scripture such as, "God is love." Then my pain would not be for naught.
Fun post!
I've always wanted a tattoo! I want a colorful butterfly on my butt! But hubby keeps reminding me that there are lots of health risks, why waste the money when no one will see it, etc. I haven't given up on the idea yet and maybe for my 65th birthday I'll celebrate by getting one!
I have a purple flower on my back. I intend to get more, haven't nailed down what, though, most likely another flower. ISBN # of first book--HA!?
I think the girl's facial stars look pretty awesome, actually. The tattoo artist is a little too creepy, though. Can't imagine falling asleep with that staring at you!
I do not have any tattoos, but I'd like one. Not sure what it would be, though. Maybe just a couple of stars....
Yeah, I'm not buying a bit of it. She wanted those and then changed her mind. Isn't that what we caution our kids about with tats anyway?
Oh, WOW. I totally agree, no way you could sleep through that.
If I were to get a tattoo, it would either be the logo for the camp I go to (which has a really deep meaning for me) or a quill pen, probably on my back. My friend has it in her head that we need to get the tattoos that Conner and Murphy have in The Boondock Saints, but I told her that if she actually wants to get a decent job, that's out.
Great post! :)
LOL, Preacher!
Jeanette, that would be a nice one.
It's perfectly safe and sanitary if you go to a reputable parlor, Donna. I've had mine for over 20 years with no ill effects. (Much cleaner than the dentist's, probably.) :) Go for it!
Rebecca, an ISBN # would be awesome...or should I say, "Awsome?"
Reach for the stars, Embee. My writing group talked about getting little quill & ink tats once, but we haven't yet. Maybe one day.
So right, Debbie. (That and the expense of laser removal.) :)
Jenna, now I'm gonna have to go scratch up that movie and watch it.
I don't have one, but sometimes I think about it -- remember when I said on my 50th I'd do it and wanted y'all with me, but we didn't do it.....
maybe a wolf howling at the moon, something small....or a book....or ??? I don't know
I have none but the first time I sell a novel I'm going to get one as a reward.
No tatoos for me! My ex had three of them - one on each shoulder and one on his chest. He loved them. I've never been interested in getting one. Don't want to see what they'll look like when I get older!
I have a tat on my leg. A dragon.
Sorry, I'm not buying Star girl's "I fell asleep when she did it." It hurts like a son-of-a-gun. No way she fell asleep, not unless she was taking something or drinking something beforehand and she blacked out.
LOL! Ewww.... I'm a huge anti-tatoo girl. I've even told my kids if they get one I'm cutting it off with a knife. Yeah, ok so I'm mean. LOL! Every person I've ever known to get a tat (and I've known a lot--we're in the military!) has lived to regret it. Funny post though! Jenni
No ink. Came close when I was in one of my bands, back in the 70's. I had designed our logo - a cross - and we were all going to get it tattooed on our calves (we had heard that The Allman Brothers all had a magic mushroom tattoo there, so...) We didn't go through with it, though, and the band broke up about a year later, so I guess we all got off lucky.
lol--that guy freaks me out! No tattoos hare. After working in a nursing home, I can only imagine how one would look all wrinkled and sagged up later in life:)) too permanent!
Oh my goodness- what a story...
I've always wanted a literary tattoo but no, not anything as yet...
Holy laugh fest! Yeah, how does one fall asleep during that? And on the face too--one of the most sensitive places. Yeah, not buying it. But awesome pictures!
Kathryn, a little wolf would be cool. Or your book cover. Or just "VK." Lots of good choices. If you ever want one, we'll plan it so I can go with you and hold your hand. :)
Isn't your book title, "Plundered Booty," Travis? Maybe that would look good on your.......arm?!
Melissa, we won't care what they look like when we get older. Plus, I'd have to go find reading glasses to even see by then. LOL
Very "awsome," Michelle. Bet it looks great.
Oh, Jenni/Giddy, I don't regret mine a bit and I've never been in the military. :) You could get a cute little Jane Austen graphic, or Mo6 logo (Mom of 6). LOL
Suldawg, a cross is always nice. How's about a blazing baseball? :)
Smiling atcha, Terri.
Red Bird, a wee Cardinal sitting on a pen for a perch would be nice. *wink*
Hey, Elana J. Thanks for dropping in!
I've actually got one on my right shoulder and it's a little heart with a G clef and some music notes in it. I got it for my 25th birthday, as a present from my best friend. I do intend to get at least one more tattoo, that will be of the irish gaelic word for sister. My best friend and I wanted matching tattoos and she's already got her's, so it wouldn't be right for me to not get mine too. Plus I want it. But yeah...I don't buy the whole I slept through the thing....mine might not have been as painful as some, but I still felt it!
Yeah, those stars are going to be mighty attractive when she's 60 and they're like points peeping out of the crowsfeet and hanging down her neck. Too bad, she's a very pretty girl.
A hint for why the tattoo removal business has become very financially attractive.
Anita, that Gaelic symbol will be suh-weet!
LOL, Char. I bet the laser removal biz is hopping these days. :)
Not exactly the sleeping under the stars that I do. She is lying through her teeth. No tats here. Nor will there be.
No tats for me. I considered it for a while, but skin doesn't stay put.
Oh my goodness ... how in the world could that happen? As for me ... nope, nada! I'm afraid that I would decide, about a year later, that I didn't really like the tattoo I chose ... better not to try it. :)
Haven't seen you over at Reduce Footprints for a long while ... miss seeing you there!
Take Care!
Small Footprints
Ummm ... Yikes! I am not a tattoo fan, and these are just ridiculous. The first is my personal favorite ... a permanent misspelling ... the fact that the word is "awsome" is ironic.
My mother and I got tattoos on the same day--I joke that she dragged me with her into her midlife crisis. I really can't imagine falling asleep mid-inking, but I also can't imagine wanting to get a tat on my face.
No tattoos for me. My partner does have 2. She has an Irish claddagh on the back of her calf and a Fighting Irishman on her chest. I don't think I want to know the story behind the Fighting Irishman tat.
Oren, not even the team mascot or Boy Scout insignia? *wink*
LOL, Deb. Sadly true. Hopefully the skin on my ankle isn't gonna sag too badly.
Small, maybe a rub-on tattoo of a little green planet? :) I've been running crazy lately, but will be by your place tonight. Thanks for coming to remind me of my bad manners! *hangs head in shame*
Bayou Belle, welcome, sha! I liked the "awsome" backscape too.
Pretty cool going to the tat parlor with your mom, Amie. A bond you two will always share.
Lola, is she a Notre Dame fan? :)
I don't have one, Angie, but I know of a few men that have their newborn's copy of footprint on back. Nice.
No Tattoo's here, however I alwasy feel left out when the hubs and I vacation in a tripical place or if we go on a cruise, seems we are the only ones with no tattoo's. If i was ever going to get on it would be some kind of religious symbol, a cross maybe or a fish or maybe a scripture reference???? placement would have to be discrete???
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