Boudreaux, him walkin' down da road one day when his friend Thibodaux approaches from da udder direction carryin' him a long long bamboo fishin' pole and a yardstick.
Da two friends, dey stop and talk awhile. Thib, he stands dat pole straight up in da air, and den he tries to reach up to da very tippy top wit da yardstick. Seeing it just ain't gonna work, ol' Boo yanks da pole from Thib's hands, lays it down on da sidewalk and measures it.
"Dere you go! It's 12 foots long," says Boudreaux. Thib, him upset and irritated, yeah. He grabs dat yardstick and yells at Boo, "You fool! I don't wanna know how long dat pole is! I wanna know how high it is!"
Ang.....I used to love to hear Justin Wilson tell stories, now I have Angie Ledbetter!
Life is soooooo good!!! :D
LOL, I'll take dat as a high compliment, Carol!
Mornin', Jessica.
I love it! Mornin' to you Ang:)
Lol, these are so awesome!
Haw! That Boudreaux and THibodeaux! And I even know how to pronounce it! laughing!
I can hardly wait to visit Louisiana. Will I need an interpreter?
We always seem to have a problem with measurements.
Mornin' right back, Anita!
B.J. glad you like-y. :)
You shore do, little displaced Cajun gal Kat.
Sandra, you won't have a problem, I promise. We're a great melting pot here and everyone understands everyone. Can'tfind friendlier, more helpful folks either.
Oren...and THAT is the truth. LOL
A good one, Angie. lol You always make me laugh so hard with these great Boo-Tib jokes! I put a Cajun glossary on my blog, for those who want to explore the Cajun French language.
This had gotten to be like reading the Sunday Comics.
It's all about perspective!
Sounds like third grade!
Hahahahah!!! I love it! You're blog is just so awesome! thanks for the laughs. Jenni
Marguerite, the glossary is a great idea!
I'm so glad, Nannette. :)
LOL, David. So true. Thanks for dropping by!
Umm, pretty much, Deb. LOL
Well, thank you, Jenni James. And welcome back to terra firma! :)
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