Happy Father's Day to all you men who fill the dad role, whether it be your own biological children or others whom you mentor. We love and thank you, and send up prayers and good thoughts for those of you who are separated from family while serving in the military. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!
One day Boudreaux was paddling his pirough down da bayou when he came up on his bon ami, Thibodaux ("Thib/Tib" for short) fishin' and drinkin' a few beers.
Boo "axed" (asked) Thib, "Mais, why you all bruised up, yeah?"
Thib kinda hung his head a little bit before saying he'd been ridin'a bull when his foot got stuck, and da bull pulled him all around since he couldn't get loose.
"Aw, Thib, I hate to hear dat! Where was you ridin' bulls? It's nowhere near rodeo time."
Thiboaux, he hang his head a little bit lower and say in a quiet voice, "Aww, man, dat bull down at da store dragged me 'round and 'round da parking lot til dat Wal-Mart manager finally come and unplug it."
*Image from Photobucket.com
Aw lawd *laughing and shaking my head!*
oh and I'm first - haw! Morning Angie!
Yep, those Wal Mart bulls are a dangerous thing!
On behalf of the fathers out there, thanks for your thoughts today.
Hee hee that's a good one...I'll have to remember to tell my hubby that one!
Mornin', Kat! I've been following you around Blogland this morning. :)
Barry, thanks for dropping by! Hope your day is wonderful.
Hope hubby gets a chuckle, Anita.
See there's not much difference between the southern U.S. and southern Ontario. Except our Walmarts have horses and the stranded riders are blonds. ;)
LOL, Hilary, that's because us Cajuns came from Canada after y'all kicked us out. (And we got plenty blondes here too.) :)
I agree, let's thank all those that fill the role, regardless of their biology! Amen to that!
Thanks Angie. Tell DH hello and if need be, we will put that bull on the pit and nuff said.
Also, thanks for and to the people protecting our country here and overseas. They unselfishly take the front so it is only right and proper that we watch their back here.
Love to all,
Love it, Angie! lol Think I'll tell this joke at the dinner table today. I joined NAWW through Sheri McConnell. I don't know Deb, but I'd like to.
Amen, Sistuh Carrie!
Oren, I couldn't agree more. (And King Rufus put the bull on the pit last night for friends from Scotland. Left 'em full & happy. Try the marinated rib eyes from Tramonte's!) Happy Father's Day to you -- one of the good 'uns!
Hey, Marguerite! Just doin' my part to promote the Cajun culture. LOL. (Look up Deb on google. You'll be impressed with her accolades and books for reals!)
LOL! I'm making a list of all the Must See places in Louisiana. Who'd have guessed that the WalMart parking lot would make the list?
Lucky for Thib, it wasn't rodeo time. . .
LOL, Sandra!
Liz, you're so right. He coulda got hurt much worser. :)
evidently i've not been blog hopping much for some time so I'm unfamiliar with the adventures of Thib, but he sounds like a riot :)
Welcome back, t i m. Please DO catch up on the Boo & Thib jokes when time allows. :)
*giggle* good one, Angie!
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