
- Bad things happening with/to your kidlets
- Ill loved ones you are incapable of helping get well
- Writing rejections
- Foiled plans and goals
- Getting woken up from a nap
- Burning supper
- Things that disappoint or let ya down
Conversely, my life's held quite a bit of "poetry" lately. You know -- the things that bring you joy and fulfillment, a new and fresh perspective, unexpected gifts (material or otherwise), and prayers answered. Like these:
- Writing acceptances
- Hugs from kidlets and loved ones, or even a love letter
- Perfect weather
- A juicy book you can't put down
- Finding a blog that really peels your apple
- Connections made with friends
- A new pair of shoes that don't hurt your feet and cost less than $15
- A whole day off
- Nappage to the sound of rain on a tin roof provided by your noise machine
- Kidlet unhurt in an accident that totals his vehicle, insurance covers it without going up on premiums, and you find a good used vehicle to replace the heap
- A recipe that turns out just right
See what I mean? Into every life, a little poop and poetry must fall. Let's just hope when the negatives rain, you have a dayum sturdy umbrella and remember that the sun will shine again soon and dry up the piles.
My favorite poetic moment of late is having a poem, Net Worth accepted at The Found Poetry Project. (Yeah, go check it out and maybe make one for yourself or to submit. And leave a comment while you're there if you've got time to kill. C'mon...it's not like broccoli or liver. You'll like it!)
And the poopy aspect? Well, let's just say I'm covered...literally. Behold the advent of my family's new favorite pair of shoes -- fondly referred to as The Poop Shoes; de rigueur for taking the puppy outside and/or cleaning the laundry room where he spends time til he's fully potty trained~~~
Sooooo, what's the biggest P & P aspects of your life right now?
{Top two graphics from photobucket.com}