Good morning, friends. Hope you "passed" a great weekend as we say here in Cajun-land. I made this oh-so-yummy casserole Sunday, and it's always a big hit with my family. Enjoy!
Cheap & Easy Pork Chop Casserole Recipe
First, brown your chops in about half a cup of canola oil. (I buy the family-sized pack and use the number of chops needed for the recipe.) Season to taste. Lots of garlic powder is always great in pork and chicken dishes...or that could just be the Italian in me. :)
While your chops are sizzling away, prepare a large casserole dish by coating with non-stick spray. Add a box and a half of uncooked instant brown rice (or white, if you like, but it'll take longer in the oven to cook the white) to the casserole, and 3 cups of water. Stir in (and swish around thoroughly) 1/2 cup of Kitchen Bouquet and spices to taste. This makes your rice rich, dark and flavorful.
Let rice sit for 5 minutes, then stir gently again, evenly distributing ingredients in casserole. Now, here's a technical chef's term for ya, "blop" contents of one can of cream of mushroom soup on top of rice. (I used what was on hand -- one can of store brand soup plus one can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom with Roasted Garlic. *drool*) About now, check and see if you need to turn your browning chops over.

Drain chops on paper towel when nice and brown, then add to casserole dish. Chop and saute one large yellow onion in the same pan. Spread onions onto chops, then the other can of soup.
Cover tightly with foil and bake at 350 for about an hour and a half, or more if your pork chops are really thick. Watch the smiles as forks move to mouths. (Serves 8 "regular" folks, or 5 hungry Ledbetters)
Below you'll see the rest of my menu -- baked sweet potatoes, frozen butter peas and Jiffy cornbread muffins.
This is the love that will come from your oven:
Note: You can make this casserole using chicken or roast hunks. No matter the meat type, it's all good. Maybe my sweet veggy-tarians and flexi-tarians (Kat) could substitute TVP or tofu?
Budget Sidebar:
Pork chops $3.00
2 cans soup $1.50
Jiffy (2 boxes) .66
Sweet potatoes (free from local grower)
Rice $2.00
Misc. ingredients $1.00
Frozen veggies $1.50
Total = < $10.00 for the whole meal!
WAHOOO! You're amazing! And this looks simply marvelous daw-ling! You're totally making me hungry you have no idea! It's awesome!
Psssssst! Guess who's coming to dinner, I mean, coming to comment on your dinner....me! Yummmmmmers! Now dat's what I'm talkin' bout! This is one of my all time fave recipes...quick and easy! Not to mention you can do so many other things with it....like sprinkle cheddar cheese all over it when it's almost done...OR replace the milk for white wine in the soup can. OR throw in some marsh-mellers and you got dessert covered, as well. No, not really on the marsh-mellers. Anyhoo, just wanted to give you a shout out now that I am back in town and looking forward to blogging again. Love ya!!!! Missed ya, 2!
Homina homina homina... That looks awesome!!
Ang - Barbara at The Serenity Gate was the one who talked "vision boards". I'm going to do one. Great idea and the push I needed to collect all those webbed ideas and goals hanging out there in my mind's stratosphere. Revolving, revolving. Gotta pin them down.
And YUM, thanks for the recipe. Gonna chop chop some of those porks!
Ang - I'm totally off today . . . talking about vision boards was Kathryn's blog. I must really need those pork chops!
Thank you, my giddy friend! :)
Well, I'll be durned...PW has returned! Hope you land long enough to crank up ya blog again! Missed ya too. So glad I got to see you in person. Was that Nov? Dec? Next time, not a frantic drive-by, please.
Oh, Joy, your board will be awesome with those creative talents of yours. (Could do them on a small scale too as post cards, or personalized for others!) And LOL on being "off." Welcome to the club.
Joy! *laughing* - I've done this same thing, posted a comment somewhere when i meant to post it somewhere else...haw!
HI Angie - Of course, I'm pretending I don't see all those little Petal Puss's up there *sob*
LOL, Kat. I think our carnivore/flexitarian natures is our only difference from one another. :) Just pretend it's tofu slabs!
Hah, can always count on gaining a few pounds on drive-by Tuesdays. Looks as usual, yummy and must try!! Thanks!
What is Kitchen Bouquet? I never heard of it before?
I found a couple of things mighty interesting here.
First, I always thought (mistakenly, I see) that Jiffy Corn Muffin mix was a regional brand. We use it often, and the muffins are pretty damned good for out of a box.
Second, do you really think you need that much Canola Oil to fry the chops? I find that I can fry chops, and most other meats, with just a small spray of canola or olive oil. Of course, if you're going for the taste and substance of the oil itself, as well as the non-stickiness, then just ignore me!
Angie, you're an angel! Easy and cheap; what more can a girl ask for? Thanks for the delicious-looking recipe... Although I admit I have no idea what Kitchen Bouquet is. Is it a regional thing? Still, I can't wait to try it!
I will try this in cast iron.
PW - Welcome back. Missed ya. Which town?
Michelle - Kitchen Bouquet is a liquid that darkens soups and gumbos. Worchestershire works good too.
laughing - well, once day when we're two old ladies shuffling around the little log house - our hubbies done gone to the great beyond, we won't fight over the last pork chop HAW!
Kimmi, you don't have to worry bout weight, so dig in!
I'll come leave a link in comments at your blog, Michelle. :)
Suldawg, I thought Jiffy was a southern item. Go figger. And you're absolutely right about the Canola oil. Very little needed. Guess I just "glopped" it in. LOL. Hmmm, a smart, humorous, hansome lad who can cook! Tell THE WIFE she better lock ya up. hehe
L.C., I'll leave the Kitchen Bouquet link at your blog too. And thanks!
Oh, yeah, Oren...bet it would be good in a hot Dutch oven!
There ya go, Kat. We'll fight over the funny papers and whose turn it is to put a log on the fire, but I won't have no competition for the MEAT! LOL
I got to agree with the other commenter-- I use Olive oil now for everything--and just a bit. How do your pork chops come out not tough? I only cook mine in a crock pot now.
Holy moley, a picture has never made me more hungry than that pic just did. Yum. I must make that. (but it would be so much easier to just write about making it) LOL
Sounds and looks yummy!
Holy crap, dude! $10!!!?!?! I am in!
Terri, the chops are oh-so-soft after they've cooked in the oven with all that steamy rice and stuff.
Writing it would be easier...but not tastier, Kasie. :)
Hilary, it really is.
Go for it, Colby!
This is a good way to use Campbells. I made a similar recipe years ago using both pork chops or chicken but I didn't add the seasoning or the onions. I'm going to have to make this again. It was a great casserole. I'll try your variations, too.
Is Kitchen Bouquet gluten free? I am going to have to look next time I go to the store. And I'll have to use a gluten free mushroom soup as well. But the casserole does look good.
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