First: Before getting down to Wednesday Writing bidness, thanks for continuing to vote for Gumbo Writer in the blog of the month contest. I know you're tired of clicking on that thumb link every day, but I sure do appreciate it. We're in first place by a small margin, and only a week left til the end of the month...so keep voting in the final stretch! Gumbo Writer loves you and wishes she could cook up something real good for each of you. :)
Friend Update: Thank you also, kind Blogorama friends, for your prayers and concern for my friend's husband. As of last night when I was at the hospital with her and a host of school friends, the news was dire. There seems to be no brain activity and he remains on life support. She and her teen son are beyond devastation, as you can imagine. Keep the Armand family in your thoughts, please.
New Enterprise: Friend and past fellow staffer at The Rose and Thorn, Nannette Croce says, "I wanted to let you all in on my newest venture––a critiquing and editing service. I have been reviewing and editing for online publications for nearly 10 years now, so I thought I might start a small sideline business specializing in short fiction, essays, and articles. The services should be of particular interest to writers just starting to submit as one level of service is a critique of writing strengths and weaknesses. I will also be offering line edits."

Tip o' the Day: Check out Nannette's blog home for all the particulars of her editing service over at CROSSxCHECKING.
Why? Nannette Croce has over 10 years experience editing and reviewing for online publications including five years as Co-Managing Editor for The Rose & Thorn Literary E-zine where, in addition to reviewing and editing submissions, she assigned and conducted book reviews and author interviews. She has taught workshops on writing for online publications and her blog zine writer covers issues dealing with online publishing and writing in general. She currently reviews fiction and nonfiction submissions for Sotto Voce. Nannette's own writing has appeared in various online and print publications. Samples can be found here.
So sorry to hear that bad news about your friend's husband. Healing thoughts are still flowing.
I clicked the up thumb once again. I'm noticing that you and others have fewer points than there were vote.. which means that some people are voting negatively. Now that's tacky.
Prayers, prayers and more prayers.
My continued prayers.
Keep plugging away. These resources sound great. Prayers for your friend and her family. Her husband is in good hands.
still praying....
Thanks for the update. I'm sure this is a tough time for you too.
Oh ... I'm so sorry about your friend's husband. I can't even imagine the pain they are going through. I'm hoping for a miracle!
Small Footprints
Just voted again! Will keep on every day until you win!
So sorry about your friend's husband. Will continue to lift the family in prayer.
Thanks for heads up about editing service. Just been thinking about contacting one recently and will check her out.
oh, the poor family (hug to them)...
and, on the lighter side - I can vouch for Nannette! I will be putting up a link on my website!
And I vote ev'ry day!
Thanks for the pitch, Angie. So sorry about your friend's husband. I went through that ten years ago with my sister when her husband suffered a stroke at a young age, and I remember the shock at hearing those words even as we knew they were coming.
Oh, and you already got my vote.
Prayers and love.
I am so very sorry to hear about your friend's husband. What terrible news.
And, I'm not tired of clicking on that vote site. I just wish I had set a daily alarm at the beginning of the month. I cannot for the life of me remember the time of day I get to vote! So, I just go over a few times a day to see if I am up yet:)
sad time for your friend....hold her close and my prayers are with her and the family
my vote is in again
Aww. Your friend is in our prayers! And I hope Natalie gets a lot of great articles.. now on to your button. Jenni
Thank you for the update, I've been wondering about your friend's status. I'll continue praying, Angie.
Good luck to Nannette!
Prayers! Prayers, and Prayers!
Angie, I'm voting EVERY day!!!
I voted again and I'm also sending prayers for your friend and her family.
Voted again. thanks for all these tips and information and I am praying now for the family!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your voting and your prayers/thoughts.
I've missed visiting your blogs on my daily tour, but have been at the hospital and also helping take care of Mom.
I'll be by again ASAP! Love ya
Sorry to hear about your friend's husband. Prayers/thoughts are with you and your friend's family.
The eyeballs are kind of freaky, but cool.
Lynnette Labelle
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