As Cat'lics, we take these 40 days of Lent to take stock of our spiritual journeys, asking such questions as:
- Am I on the right path?
- Have I detoured and gotten off course?
- Do I need to look at a map or ask directions?
- Am I helping other travelers along the way?
- Do I need to make a complete U-turn?
These Lenten journey questions brought to mind a long ago chapter of the Ledbetter family chronicles. It is one I hope you will enjoy. So, without further ado, I give you~~
Having been raised Catholic, I can relate to your adorable art work and hilarious story! You should be doing stand up comedy! I just love your stories and art work. They always bring giggles to my day!
some days I wish I were a priest.
Is it Lent already? Oh boy.
Thanks for sharing your family memory! I love Lent! Is such a great time for reflection!
Very cute story!
LOL!!! No wonder he laughed! You have precious sweet kids!
Very cute. Kids are a universal source of entertaining material to write about!
You gotta love it when a good confession gets helped along like that! Now I have to admit, I've wanted to go in and tell my kids' sins to the priest a time or two:)
But it's not tattling if you're confessing it FOR him, right? LOL
Great story! In fact, it's right up there with your own personal tantrum one! I told that one around to a few women. My sister applauded and swore she was doing it next time her kids started up!
Hahaha! I LOVED the last line!
Thank you, Donna, and happy Lent...if there is such a thing. :)
LOL, Vodka. I just bet you do. Thanks for dropping by. Your blog is breaking the glass cyber ceiling!
Jessica, hehe, yeah. The 40 days preceding Easter.
I agree, Jody. It's one of my favorite liturgical seasons.
Thanks, Linda & Terri. Glad you liked. (Kids are reeeeeeeally something else!)
For sure, Embee. For sure.
L.O.L., Debbie. I so hear ya!
Exactly, Lori! I'm sure that was exactly his thinking. I'm so very glad my questionable parenting methods are helping other moms. The personal tantrum at the mall was a golden moment. Natch, all the women applauded and the men slunk away. LOL If your sissy tries it, PLEASE report back on the results!
Thanks, Melissa. Always makes me smile to think of that day.
From a "nice, Jewish girl's" perspective, this is freaking hilarious! I don't practice religion these days (though I'm a very spiritual gal), but when I was a kid if I had to sit in a closed box and tell my rabbi my sins, I'd probably still be there today!!!!
That completely made me smile! Totally entertaining!
Busted by little brother. Nothing changes huh. See ya soon.
Schube - You couldn't have gotten in that much trouble if you'd stayed in the "penalty box" that long. LOL. PS...We're modern now...face to face reconciliation in a nice counseling atmosphere. :)
blue, so glad you enjoyed! I keep thinking about your little queenie's latest date and wondering how it turned out.
YAY! LEDBETTER LUNACY! My friday is complete! LOL! Great story too! Hehehe! I wonder what all he said! jenni
Oren, yeah, it's funny how certain things in their personalities "stick" through the years. :)
People can't make stuff up this good. You have great stories!
That sounds like something my sister would do--you know because she is so perfect she would have to tell all MY sins.
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