Happy Saturday! I hope you get the opportunity to pursue the things that enrich, recharge and make you happy this weekend. And thanks again for your thoughts & prayers for my friend's husband who remains in CCU on life support, and for your votes for my blog. 'Preciate you!
One of the things I like to do is take photos of things that strike my fancy. That might be goofy family moments, inspiring things in nature, oddities (go figure) and sometimes closeups of normal everyday things that can look like abstract art if viewed from a different perspective.
And since my trusty digital camera is always with me, I thought I'd add a new weekly feature here at Gumbo Writer ~~ Saturday Snapshots. Today's photo was taken at my parents' house a few days ago. They have an outside reading room my Dad and friends added on several years ago for my mom to house her garage sale treasures and huge collection of books, so it's like a mini-library addition.
A beautiful morning dove got trapped in there and kept flapping its wings against the window in futile attempts to escape back into the great outdoors. I got a broom and scooted him out before he hurt himself...but not before grabbing my camera for a shot while he sat on the window ledge. One of these days I'm going to learn to use the editing features in Photoshop. I know I could crop and make this shot look a lot better. I really like the way he is perched on the collection of brass goldfish. Such a nice juxtaposition, don't you think? Unlikely water and sky critters out of their elements, looking out on the human world.
I wonder what he's thinking?
Sometimes a bird will get trapped in my screen porch. My cats go crazy.
Obviously, he's thinking 'I feel like a fish out of water in the present company!'
Hi Ang! Such a nice contrast between the dove and the gold metallic fish. The Dove caught you in his lens. Have a great weekend!
I love when we catch these unexpected moments. It must be dove nesting time because I've been seeing and hearing them quite a bit too.
Eeeeek, Debbie! I know how your birds feel...with my "affection" for cats and all.
LOL, jinksy. Good one on you!
Hey, Joy, and you have a good weekend yourself.
blue, it is! Spring has sprung!!
Done voted again! In my blog world, you're a winner!
Love candid pics, especially humorous and unusual. I enjoy using my new macro (very up close) lens on my camera and then have people try to guess what it is. Hmmm. I may make that a contest on my blog!
Continued prayers for your friend's husband and family.
Joys and blessings to you and yours this weekend.
"Get me the hell out of here?" That's all I got.
Prayers to friend's husband and I'm off to vote now.
Who's that broad with the camera? That's what he's thinking. ;)
Awesome feature!
Thanks, Donna. The macro photo contest sounds great! Happy weekend to you too.
LOL, Wendy. Thank you.
Janna, I like your Friday Fotos too!
Cool pic! BTW: Did you see the pic of my kitties looking out at the birds in my "spring" post? I put that there just for you knowing your great affection toward our feline friends.;-) Oh, and I'm tired of voting for you. When does this thing end???
More prayers and healing thoughts are being sent to your friend and her husband.
He's probably thinking. . . well if I just sit here a look like a goldfish, maybe everything will be alright. . .
He would look better with a nice crispy breading surrounded by white gravy and biscuits. Yea, it always goes back to food.
Learn to crop--it's fun:)) Enjoyed the picture as I love to look at pics! Happy Weekend--I'm being lazy this weekend and just working on edits for friends. I need a brain break.
Ooh! Love the picture! but the room sounds just like my room here in england. It's an add-on conservatory.. so it doesn't have a proper roof. It's great, I can come in here and read or type away on my latest MS and listen to the rain hit the roof... sigh... it's the best sound in the world. Jenni
Schube, made me smile! I missed your feline foto (eww), so will have to go look it up. Blog voting through the end of the month...so suck it up and go hit the thumbs up a few more days. LOL And thanks for the prayer power.
I bet he was scared out of his wits, Liz!
Oren, would you believe the man of the house has indeed eaten them?? (Bluejay jambalaya, dove, etc.) eww!
I really do want to learn those skills, Terri! Hope your weekend stretches out and you get a rest.
Jenni, I shall henceforth call it the Conservatory! Agree about rain on a tin roof being ond of THE best sounds.
You get me some doves and I will make you forget chicken. Marinated and grilled for smoke flavor. You will look at them a little differently.
Trust me.
I thought at first that he was giving you an old-fashioned look, but now that I look again, he just looks worried. I'm glad you managed to scoot him safely out.
Hmmph. My comment must hold the world's record for use of the word 'look'. Sorry about that.
"One of these days I'm going to learn to use the editing features in Photoshop"
Yes, I have to add to my list as well. Also, to figure out how to move my pictures around in a post! Have a great weekend and continued thoughts as to you and your friend's hospital vigil.
Great shot, Angie. If you have Photoshop, the crop feature is easy to manage and I'll be happy to walk you through it via email if you like.
Thanks, y'all. I love your feedback and comments.
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