When Boudreaux was a little boy he was called by dat nickname "Tee-Boudreaux" or T-Boo for even shorter. T-Boo lived wit his family in dat house wit no indoor plumbing. Instead dey had dem a outhouse out in the back of da house.
His daddy, Papa Boudreaux, he want da best he could get for da Boudreaux family, so dey got dem one of dose "two holer" outhouses so two peoples could go do dey bidness at da same time.
One day T-Boo and Papa Boudreaux were bote in dat outhouse when T-Boo saw his Papa accidentally drop a quarter down in da hole. Den T-Boo saw dat his Papa was tinking bout someting a while, den reach in his pocket, pull out a dollar bill and drop it in da hole.
T-Boo axed his Papa, "Mais, Papa, why you drop dat dollar bill in dat hole for?!"
Papa Boudreaux said, "May T-Boo, I didn't have de heart to send you down dere for just a quarter!"
Oh My Goodness....a person would think that after doing something for the 15th time, i'd learn...BUT no !! i keep trying to drink coffee while reading blogs and once again i spewed it across my desk and it hit my monitor. I just gotta stop doing that....thanks for my morning laugh
Good Gawd *laughing* -- oh, i read this and miss my shrimp poboy and salty fries and pralines and most especially, I miss my good friend....
Dad's are the greatest. Mine was at least. Miss him lots. He would have loved this story. His favorite pasttime was watching people laugh and grow up. We miss him.
Love ya,
What a funny story! Loved it!
Still voting!
Hey, Jinksy, and good morning over there!
LOL, Becca.
Oh, Seeker, so glad to start your Sunday off with a monitor spew! :)
Kathryn, I so wish you wuz here. I'd fill ya up wit dat good stuff AND I got a indoor 2-holer fer ya. LOL (hugs)
I know he was a fine man, from the way his second son turned out, Oren. Love ya back.
THANKS so much, kimmi. Got the days counted down till the BOOK comes out??! I'm so excited.
HAHAHAHAHA! Gotta love that Sunday morning humor.
What a stinker (G)
Morgan Mandel
Yee Ha, da quarter can stay der fer all I care! Da Buck stops der! *giggle*
That is great. Thanks for the laugh.
Snort! Thanks for providing the laugh. You make insomnia so much better! :)
Too, too, funny!!!!
Great joke! Thanks for the laugh to start my day!
Midlife, humor's one of my top favorite things in life. :)
LOL, Morgan and Joy.
Debbie, Hilary & liz, you're so welcome.
Suldog, my pleasure.
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