Do you have any idea how creative you are? If you wanna find out with a fun 10-question quiz that takes less than five minutes to complete, go to the above link and have a ball.
According to my own test results, I am:
"Incredibly creative! You're so creative that other people can't even explain how inspiring you are! Which means there is just one question to ask: why didn't you think of making this quiz?" Welcome news on a Monday morning when I feel old and bedraggled, for sure. :)
According to my own test results, I am:
"Incredibly creative! You're so creative that other people can't even explain how inspiring you are! Which means there is just one question to ask: why didn't you think of making this quiz?" Welcome news on a Monday morning when I feel old and bedraggled, for sure. :)
Before I return to the hospital to be with my friend, thank you again for your prayers. They are doing brain activity testing today. I haven't had time to visit your blogs regularly in the last week since I've been splitting time between CCU and my parents' house, but you are in my thoughts daily. And could one of you fellow creatives maybe design a hospital waiting area that's actually comfortable? Thanks. *grin*
The best blog voting will be done tomorrow, and it looks like it's going to be a photo finish between myself and the #1 contender who's bumped me to second place. Argh! So please click on THIS LINK and vote for Gumbo Writer today and tomorrow. I sooo 'preciate you and your kind dedication to hitting the thumbs up for my blog. (And whichever ones of y'all are lysdexic and are hitting the thumbs down, I love you too.) hehe
I got the same score you did! :D
Still thinking about you and friends, and keeping finger at-the-ready for voting.
Prayers all around.
I voted for you again and got the same results on the creativity quiz you did. I see Janna did, too. Do you think all the results are the same or is it just that we writerly types are more brilliant? Hmmm.... (BTW: I just created the word "writerly." That's because I'm "superly" creative. (hee-hee!)
Thanks, Janna girl! You da bomb. (My kidlets lurve when I say dat!) :)
'Preciate it, Carrie. Heading back to CCU now.
Schube, I think it's us writerly types! (And I use that word all the time, so FMTA...if there's "wifely" duties, makes sense that "writerly" is a word too, dontcha think?) :)
I voted again. And after taking the quiz, I'm apparently "pretty dang creative."
Thanks, Embee. As a writer woman, of course you're the most creative! (How many ways could ya spell CAT?) :)
I wouldn't ever need to know your test results to come to the conclusion that you're creative!! Your blog is living proof!
Hope you have a great week!
On Guiding Light, the hospital is painted lime green. I always think, "I've never seen a hspital like that before!"
Gave you your vote, girl. Hope you win!
Ha! I'm not surprised at all to hear about your creativity. LOL
I scored the same as you guys, too. Just to prove a point, I went back and took it again trying to be as uncreative as I could be. Well, I was rated with an average creative ability. Maybe there is something to this test. ;)
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your friends.
Lynnette Labelle
I did worry that I would hit the thumbs down one day, but I don't think I have!
I put a little something for your voting at the bottom of my post. Hope it helps.
Voted! Sending prayers, (((Angie))).
hugs, hugs and hugs
I'm on my way to vote! Blessings to you and your friends and family.
I continue clicking.. and sending best thoughts.
You are a great friend for your friends! I voted again--er--every day cause girl you gotta win!
Thanks for the kind words, Jody. Enjoying your blog too.
Colby, wouldn't that be an uplifting change of scenery in the drab waiting areas?
'Preciate you, Suldawg!!
Aww, Jessica, thanks, sha. :)
Lynette, good thinking to test the test. LOL. Thanks for your prayers.
I'd love ya even if ya did hit the wrong thumb, Debbie.
kimmi, thanks thanks thanks.
Cheffie & Hilary, y'all are too kind! :)
Terri, you're a good friend too. Hope all's well with you.
I got a 69. Not saying anymore. Let the chips fall where they may. Prayers to all concerned. Can never have too many. I bet Colby could liven up a waiting room. Would pay to see that.
voted for you and praying.
I smell a RAT! From the time I went to sleep at 12:45am until I got up at 5:00am, the competition has increased by aproximately 70 votes. Something is not right!! Could it be............................a free slider with each vote???
Oren, you're creative in unconventional ways. :)
TTWC, thanks!
Laura, hey! The voting scores are wanky to me also. People email me and tell me what the voting tabulations are showing for them, and it's always different. Last time I checked, I was about 30 behind! Free sliders is a great idea! :)
Sending prayers, love and warm thoughts - as creatively as possible.
I had the same thing you did on the test :)
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