If you're looking for a beautiful little magazine to read, subscribe or submit to, be sure to "surf" (hehe) over to OCEAN Magazine. Publisher Diane Buccheri's mission for the publication is to celebrate and protect our oceanic environments. Lovely photography, poetry, prose and essays fill the pages between covers. The website says, "OCEAN is an eclectic blend of the informative and educational, personal, spiritual and sensual. OCEAN draws its inspiration from love, with beauty." There's a blog, a storefront, photos and lots of
good stuff to browse. You can also view the pub online for a nominal fee.
For those of you working on manuscripts, check out this blog post full of Word doc tips at The Blood-Red Pencil.
For those of you working on manuscripts, check out this blog post full of Word doc tips at The Blood-Red Pencil.
And for the poets amongst us, you'll enjoy some fine reading on the same topic at RATTLE.
A few more Donald Maass quotes from Writing the Breakout Novel, Chapter 3, "Stakes":
- "If there is one single principle that is central to making any store more powerful, it is simply this: Raise the stakes."
- "Can you point to the exact pages in which the stakes escalate, locking your protagonist into his course of action with less hope of success than before?"
- "To put a principled person at risk is to raise the stakes in your story to a high degree. Better still is to test that individual's principles to the utmost."
- "...a combination of high public stakes and deep personal stakes is the most powerful engine a breakout novel can have."
- "Plot problems and the yearnings of your characters do not come from nowhere; they come from you."
What are you currently reading, and how is it?
ooh cool! Thanks for the links! You literally are the fountain of knowledge! And I so heart Donald Mass! He's a genius, really!
A fountain of something, for sure. Hey, feel free to toss in some coins and make a wish! LOL
LOL! I always say, "No autographs please.. just throw money!" LOL! ok, just added your donkey! He's soo cute! LOL! He's got a link to head back to yours anytime someone feels like checkin you out! LOL!
OCEAN is a WONDERFUL publication! I have a subscription and i've bought some of her greeting cards.
I'm reading Run Rabbit Run because I've never read the Rabbit series of John Updike - never read his stuff at all and now that he's gone, I am curious - we have four or five of his books.
Angie, Thanks for the links today - very helpful! I'm not reading (again). I'm writing (again). I'd like to be reading, but there are just so many hours in the day (I know, that's a news flash - you're welcome). I've got "Good in Bed" with me right now. The little I've read so far is beyond amazing. Jennifer Weiner makes me feel like I can't even spell the word "kat".
Currently reading: Alistair Cooke's The American Homefront: 1941-1942. Just started it, so I can't say how much about it yet.
I just posted a review of what I'm reading today.
I am reading twilight again... it's a sickness, really :(
I like that blood-red pencil thing. Thanks for the link!
I just finished Kiss by Ted Dekker. Fast pace, but I think it could have been a deeper story.
I'm reading Janet Evanovich's "How I Write" and I love it. I'm a HUGE fan of her Plum series, and she and Jennifer Weiner are the authors that inspired me to start writing in the first place (LOVE Good In Bed, Debra!) .
Janet's book is written in her typical fun and snarky style, and she just makes you want to have her life!
LOL giddy/Jenni. So glad you gave the laughing jack-arse a good bloggy home. :)
It really is a nifty little magazine, Kat. :) I think Updike is one fof those authors you either love or hate.
Glad you liked the links, Debra L. And LOL on the kat-spelling. Happens to me sometimes.
Melissa - historical right up ya alley, huh?
Will be over to check it out, Bella, after kidlet bowling tourney tonight.
Jamie, you're welcome.
No likey shallow story lines either, Jessica. :)
Not reading right now, just writing.
I absolutely love the cover of the magazine. Did I hear or did you say you recently had something published in it?
And yes I have checked out the Red Pencil! Wonderful information there:)))
Thanks for the Blood Red Pencil link!
I'm embarrassed to admit... I'm currently reading “Twilight” and love it. It's a fast and easy read with an intriguing story line that has rekindled many memories of adolescent passion from long, long ago.
On a more mature note, I’ve just ordered “Behind the Bedroom Door” and can’t wait to delve into that read. I hear it’s great.
And I hear they only include the best writers:)
I'm currently reading today's paper & I'm on page 17 which has an article about a newborn from Carli with 12 toes & 12 fingers.
i love the fabulous places i get sent to online when i come here, angie.
currently, i'm reading oprah magazine. because i'm trying to find (a) a book that will make me forget who and where i am, and (b) time to sit down with a book that makes me forget who and where i am.
i'm going to go back through your comment section and see if i can find some recommendations. :-)
kimmi, sadly and contrary to my monthly writing goals, I haven't done either thing once this week, except work on a poem and post to the blog. :( Better days for us both soon, hopefully.
Yeah, Terri, I've got a poem coming up in a future OCEAN. wheee!
Stacy, you're most welcome. Hope your new read is juicy.
LOL, Debbie. And you too, t i m!
Well, thanks much, Amy. I bet somebody around here can give you some hints.
I truly wish I were reading something right now. I seem to have more to do than there is time and even my blog commenting has suffered lately. You sure do have a plethora of resources for writing...makes me want to try it out. I have a short list of books I would like to get to, maybe this weekend I'll start one!!
That magazine sounds divine! I am reading THE BOOK THIEF, and OMG, it's amazing!
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