A trucker comes into a truck stop cafe and places his order. "I want three flat tires, a pair of headlights and a pair of running boards."
The brand new blonde waitress, not wanting to appear stupid, went to the kitchen and said to the cook, "This guy out there just ordered three flat tires, a pair of headlights and a pair of running Boards. What does he think this place is, an auto parts store?"
"No," the cook says. "Three flat tires mean three pancakes, a pair of headlights is two eggs sunny side up, and running boards are 2 slices of crisp bacon."
"Oh! Okay," she says, and thinks about it for a moment. The blonde then spoons up a bowl of beans and gives it to the customer.
"What are the beans for, Blondie?" the trucker asks.
"I thought while you were waiting for the flat tires, headlights and running boards, you might as well gas up!"
The OCEAN cover wasn't too clear yesterday, so Diane (the magazine's "momma") kindly sent a new one. Don't forget to check it out!
HAR! Actually, that blond was kinda clever!
Mornin' angie! :)
oh and hahahhah i'm the first one to comment nya nya nya nya! ...teeheehee
LOL Very funny.
sometimes blondes aren't so dumb. =D
Morning, Kat. :) (I left you a message over at Surly Writer Michelle's place...you with you're I'M FIRST-ing.) LOL!!!!!!
Hey, Jessica. How you?
LOL! I thought the blond was clever in this one too.
Oren, make sure you stop by my blog for an award.
Hahah cute!
Haha. That joke is great!
Angie, The most perfect post as I head out to the salon to get blonde highlights!
Jill, you're right. Funny how these legends get started and catch fire.
Kinda makes ya wanna work at a truckstop cafe for a day or two, huh Michelle? :)
Bella & Melissa, glad you likey.
Yay, DLS! You posting a pic of the new do??
Cute blonde joke. Nice to see one where the blonde is the smart one!
Helen Ginger
Good intelligent blonde joke!
Oh my gawd. I groaned. Literally, I groaned! LOL
Here's one:
How do you make a venetian blind?
Poke him in the eyes.
Nyuck nyuck!
That's a good one. My daddy would love it!
Way to go blonde ladies. I know some very sharp blondes. Right PW and Colby
Yeah, Helen, I like to shake things up. :) PS Your blog has great writer information!
Suldawg, scary, huh? (Enjoyed your interview today.)
LOL, Lori. Double groaner!
Thanks, Debbie & Oren.
Hey, let's be kind to the blondes. We have such a bad rap. LOL I'm just kidding, I'm laughing.
HEHEHEHE! It's awesome! finally a blonde who can hold her own! LOL!
And yes, Angie... Mr. Donkey is super cute on my blog, so thanks for him!
Loved the blonde joke--now maybe I better let my hair go dark:)
I never know what I'm going to find here, but I'm always entertained, enlightened, and often made really really hungry. BTW, I tried the grilled PBJ, with chips (not enough fat in just the sandwich), and OMHOG, what a taste sensation.
I really really like the Ocean site. Thanks, Angie.
Hey, Kasie. Smiling's good for you. :)
Giddy/Jenni, so happy 'bout dat! Mr. Arse found him a good home. Yay!
You'd look cute with any color locks, Terri.
Deb, thanks so much for the kind words. Your blog writing is some of my fav. Sooo glad you tried the grilled PBJ. Didn't lie, did I? :)
Haha, never underestimate the blondies :-)
Thanks Angie, for posting OCEAN Magazine's cover again! I don't know why it's so cloudy looking. But whoever checks out www.OceanMag.org they can see it brighter. This also happened on another blog . . . hmmm . . .
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