It's that time again, y'all. So crank up the volume on that dusty John Philip Sousa record and alert the band. Marching onto the field is another episode of family insanity, aka...
Sidebar: In typical Castle Wench fashion, the camera is out of juice, so I had to borrow Rufus', which has the date stamp, and which I have no idea how to disable!
*Fresh Prince is saying (and the #$!#%% date stamp obliterates), "Incoming! Spitballs!" as he shoots napkin wads through a straw.
ROFL!!! HAhahah! I LOVE THE HATS! And I'd have reached over smacked the teenage spitballer on the back of the head, but it's too funny that it was just a bit ago! LOL! That's my favorite part--this just happened! LOL! Aww man, I'm so in trouble when my kids hit their teens! What was I thinkin? LOL!
El Cheapo Cantina. Ahahaha. Good one, Angie!
Sounds like a typical family outing to me...
SOunds like a ton of fun!!! Enjoy it all while you can!!
giddy, the spitballs were probably the "best" thing Fresh Prince did. He unscrewed the salt & pepper shaker lids, threw chips around (some landing on an innocent fellow diner), and knocked over a glass of water. Court Jester pretended like it was his birthday so he could wear the big sombrero and eat free dessert, proke a knife in half, and poured salt into a glass. Yeah, what was I thinking??? :)
Thanks, Bella!
Yes, Jinksy, and we were on dry land. LOL
Oh, Terri, the "fun" never ends. :)
I'm sorry, Angie. Was there something wrong with the actions of the kids in your story? That looked like a typical night out to me.;-)
You are right. It is a good thing new restaurants are opening all the time! Great story.
Good luck at the next place!
haha, sounds like I need to send hubby your way--he actually taught the daughter how to do spitballs in a diner! lol
tell me about it - BR has a restaurant on every corner - hell, it has restaurants inside its restaurants!
Another stirring episode! I had to chuckle at such recent antics. But, with all the fine recipes you present, I'm amazed that they wouldn't prefer home cookin' all the time. /Deb
Oh, I miss the days when i took my three heathens out to eat. Spitballs, food fights, and ketchup bottles in weird places were a common sight. Oh, how I hope their children know how to embarass them!
LOL, Debbie S.! I only highlighted the most socially acceptable incidents of our last dining out experience. :)
Debbie, it's one of the very best things about living in the culinary epicenter of the planet.
Thanks, Suldawg. Maybe we should stick to drive thrus.
Send him on down, kimmi. We'll teach him some fine new dinner entertainment skills!
LOL, Kat. Fer sure. (Got one place with a shrimp poboy with your name on it!)
Thank you, Deb/Garden Author. I feel vindicated.
Karen, anytime you feel like a rip roarin' trip down memory lane, puh-lease feel free to borrow mine! But don't worry too much about me...I get my parental revenge often by wearing strange costumes in public with them, etc. :)
Hey that could be a fun family project- see how long it takes to get thrown out!
Oh my! You and your family certainly don't have a boring night out!
Great story. Next time I see you, ask about JL and the first time his young ladyfriend heard me talk to him.
It was priceless.
This stuff happens when my extended family gets together. Haha.
:>) Restaurants need to be flexible to accommodate family fun.
I love the cowering under the table. LOL That's where I'd be too.
Ha Ha! Obviously your family knows how to enjoy a night out at the restaurant!
And, gee, I wouldn't have known the artist wasn't a talented professional if you hadn't told me! :)
I found the art work inspiring.
Colby, if you ever get down this way, we'll take ya along for a little sweet outing. :)
No ma'am, Michelle. Never.
Oh, Oren, cannot wait for new story about my innocent little Fresh Prince. (eeek) :)
Melissa, don't you always feel like the poor wait person drew the short straw?
Kasie, in reality, I admit I'm right in the thick of the nonsense. (I know that's surprising.) *snort*
LOL, Barry. Remind me to thump you in the head when I come by your blog.
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