You know you've been absent from Blogland way too long when you've got to delete 145 spam comments! (Which reminds me, if you set your thingamajig to moderate all comments over two days old, it REALLY helps cut down the junk comments.)
Life, artistic pursuits (got a new big girl camera for Christmas), and Facebook have dominated my time lately, but I haven't forgotten about YOU (yeah, you!) faithfully posting away. I'm gonna be a better friend and check on you more frequently. Promise.
Okay, I've said a little about what's been occupying my, WHAT ABOUT YOU?!
Hope your cups are overflowing with good stuff! xxo

Missed you too, lovely lady and funny girl!
I got a Nook for Christmas, and my first MP3 player. And did you know about my writing contract? Two Scoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top releases in April! Woot, woot!
Ooo, Jeanette, Santa was good to you! Yes, saw your good news on FB!(hehe...first wrote "god news") Let me know the release details and I'll do up a post. xo
Missed you! Hope you're back for a while!!! :O)
Ditto, Diane, and thanks! Yes, I'm gettin' back in the ol' Blog saddle. :)
Heyya Angie! You were missed. We love ya, girlfriend. I got a new camera too. It's a beaut. I love, love, love it! I can't wait to learn how to take a good pic. Practice makes perfect? (((hugs)))
life is good...staying busy...writing, living...did go to the DC spy museum with my kids this weekend...performing in richmond pretty regularly...all is well...
Happy you're back and look forward to your blog! I'm working on my blog as well...slowly but surely, even if I feel as if I'm talking to myself a lot. ;)
Robyn -- Missed ya too! You enjoy that new camera, but warning warning's addictive! xo
Brian -- Sounds like life is great. Yay!
Glad you're back - I'm just now blogging again too. Had to take a little hiatus.
I was wondering why comments from two months ago were popping up into my inbox! LOL Glad you're back :o)
Andrea -- Yeah, it can feel like working in a vacuum sometimes for sure.
I know whatcha mean, Jane. Sometimes ya just gotta pull back and regroup. ;)
LOL Jess.
Angie, thanks for dropping by the blog. I've had my own issues with spam and blogging, so I've cut way back in the last few months. Cheers to you! Always a pleasure to hear from you!
Welcome back! I needed some more Cajun spice! :)
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