Good morning, writerly friends! Before we get started with our author interview with Michelle Davidson Argyle, please take a second to check out an unfolding literary mystery. I'm copying the email exactly as I received it yesterday, and you can decide whether to participate or not. If you're the inquisitive type like me, you just can't stand not to be in on the ground floor of such an interesting endeavor...
From: Enna Scott
Sent: Tue, Oct 5, 2010 10:06 am
Subject: I'm a writer friend, this is my pen name
You know me. I'm part of a circle you run.
I sent this e-mail to lots of people, but I hid the addresses because you are all smart. I don't want you to know who I am yet.
Check out my new blog. See what you think... ...I need your help spreading the word where/when/how you see fit. Maybe you could even follow me. (hint)
If you figure out who I really am, don't make it known...
"Enna Scott"
Interview with Michelle Davidson Argyle
**Read Michelle's story, This, at Rose and Thorn.
1.) In your experience, how important is social networking to the writer? To the author?
I think social networking is important for a writer who wishes to immerse themselves in the world of marketing their work. Some authors are more shy than others, and I wouldn't blame them in the slightest if they didn't feel comfortable networking themselves all over the place. I know I'm more likely to attach myself to an author's work if they feel more accessible to me, but it's certainly not a requirement. It is the writing that matters, and no amount of social networking is going to make a book inherently better or worse at the end of the day.
2.) Which is essential -- writer's blog or personal website?
I honestly don't think it matters as long as the writer has a place where fans can go to get information. A blog is certainly more interactive, but I don't think it's essential or necessary.
**Michele's The Innocent Flower blog.
**Author site.
3.) What has your journey from start to publication been like so far?
Interesting! It has been a lot of fun, mostly, and since deciding to self-publish my novella I've learned more about publishing and writing than I ever would have otherwise. I'm not an advocate for just self-publishing or just traditional publishing. I think both avenues are excellent options for different people, and my journey so far has taught me the valuable lesson of seeing the politics and emotions of publishing from different angles.
4.) If you could've known one thing before now about the world of writing, what would it have been?
To not write what others want me to write.
5.) Give us a peek at your typical day.
This is frightening.
Feed my daughter breakfast, network online, get my daughter to preschool, write or read, pick up my daughter from preschool, feed my daughter lunch, do more networking online, play with my daughter here and there, clean here and there, more networking/reading/writing, feed my daughter dinner...consequently wish my husband was home more often...clean some more, put my daughter to bed, do more networking/reading/writing, and go to bed.
That is so not exciting.
6.) Any/everything about Cinders we need to know?
Hmm, I could talk a long time about my book, but here are some things that have come up a few times that I'll clear up.
Basic things you should know:
Cinders is NOT a fairy tale nor a continuation of the Disney version of the tale.
Cinders is not a happily-ever-after story. I intended to end Cinders on a positive note although many readers don't seem to see it that way (it has been a lot of fun and very interesting to see what readers think about the end!).
I wrote Cinders to specifically self-publish the story - it has never been queried.
Cinders is the story of Cinderella after she gets married, not a retelling of the Cinderella tale, and although it takes place in a fantastical setting, I see it more as literary fiction that just happens to take place in that setting rather than pure fantasy.

7.) What are you working on now?
I am currently working on another fairy tale themed novella titled Thirds. It's based on the Grimm's fairy tale One-Eye, Two-Eyes, Three-Eyes and is not a continuation like Cinders, but an actual retelling. Thirds also includes a character from Cinders, which may be very exciting for some readers!
8.) Your best advice to fellow writers concerning publication.
Don't be in a hurry. Don't be in a hurry. Don't. Be. In. A. Hurry. And I mean that with every ounce of seriousness I can possibly put forth.
9.) What is the Literary Lab?
The Literary Lab is a blog co-authored by myself, Scott G.F. Bailey, and Davin Malasarn. We're an interesting bunch that adores literary fiction - writing and reading and talking about it. We blog every weekday about writing and publishing and I think any writer of any genre might find something of value in what we talk about if they stop by regularly. We celebrate all types of writing!
10.) Tell us a secret or something funny/embarrassing about yourself.
I love Metallica. I even play it enough that my four year old daughter headbangs in the backseat of the car when it comes on. I even think she knows the words.... :)
**Check out the Literary Lab.
Okay, you writers, you! What'cha workin' on?!
Thanks for doing the interview, Michelle.
And Enna Scott -- best of luck with your project!
Great interview and best of luck with the novella! It sounds quite intriguing.
Thanks, Angie! And thanks to everyone who stops by!
Awesome interview, ladies! And what's up with Enna Scott? Interesting...
I got that same email from Enna. I do love a mystery and she's got a good story brewing.
This was a wonderful interview. Interesting, informative, and has made me really want to read Cinders. Also helping me shift my thinking about self-publishing. Thanks to both Angie and Michelle.
I got that same email from Enna. I do love a mystery and she's got a good story brewing.
This was a wonderful interview. Interesting, informative, and has made me really want to read Cinders. Also helping me shift my thinking about self-publishing. Thanks to both Angie and Michelle.
Great interview, Angie. I'm already a follower of The Literary Lab too. Neat to see the paths cross!
P.S. Enna Scott's not me. I promise!
Thanks for your thoughts, ladies!
Very interesting interview, I enjoyed it. 'Don't be in a hurry'. That's very good advice for me and I will try my best to take it. Thanks.
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