What's today's title mean? It's a subject I've been pondering lately -- the difference between what our ears pick up vs. what we let flow from our brains through our fingertips to the keyboard or paper. Participating in several poetry readings and also listening to other poets read recently, I've tried to be aware of the subtleties and small differences between words/lines/sentences and meanings when I write them myself or listen to them.

*Submissions that get read and noticed are the "high concept" ones in which the author describes clearly in just a few sentences what his/her book is about. Ex. Jane Austen meets James Bond.
*A short one-page synopsis is best.
*Personalize your queries to agents you've researched and targeted. Same applies to work going to journals, poetry zines, magazines, etc.
*Social networking really is important for author platform/branding. Be accessible online.
*Remove snippets of your manuscripts from the Web so you're not stepping on agents/publishers efforts to sell your book, and to keep your work safe.
More "gooder" stuff next week!
Angie, thank you so much for linking to Harvey Stanbrough's site. Reading his post, I was reminded of when I first picked up "Tender Graces". I started to read, but before I knew it, I was reading aloud -- because the prose was so beautiful, so melodic, that it demanded to be heard, not just seen. For me, that is the ultimate reading experience. I'll bet Kathryn reads her work aloud! (Ha! Speaking of going off on tangents!)
"Jane Austen meets James Bond" - that sounds right up my alley!
Glad to see you back, Ang. I'm making headway on my current novel and loving it!
Glad to have you back Angie :)! As for myself, I'm working on a series of short stories exercises that a friend and I have started doing together. Tres Fun!
Love the Jane meets James one. To the point for sure. :O)
I enjoyed reading your post but the true highlight was Sandra's loving words about Tender Graces! What a great community we find ourselves immersed in.
Sound tips. One and all.
Nice tips, thanks!
I love finding out what kind of learners people are! Fascinating stuff.
Thanks for the advice. I can use all I can get. Blessings**
Thanks for the excellent tips, sha! I liked the one, "Remove snippets of your manuscripts from the web"... :) And that Italian Cheesy Bread looks sinfully good! Thanks for the great recipe, I will try it!
Oy, I've been out of the loop lately too - so busy! I totally agree that one should take the time to read their work outloud. makes such a difference when you hear it!
Great tips, as always. I've really missed your Wednesday "class" and your voice.
Sandra - You're welcome. I feel the exact.same.way about Kathryn's books! She's got that mysterious "something" you love to find in an author! :)
What great news Melissa! Can't wait to hear more about the current ms.
Anita - That really does sound like a fun project. Hope it takes you to intersting places.
I agree Diane. :D
Amen Debbie! This is THE best community, isn't it?
Glad you enjoyed, Travis. How's the writing world serving ya?
Meeee tooooo, Jessica. That kind of stuff really makes my brain buzz.
Backatcha Karen.
Marguerite my friend, you're very welcome. ;)
TPChick - Sure does. Glad you're back in the blogger world too.
Aww, Deb, thanks. And ditto.
*blushing* thank y'all!
Love this post, ANgie - so glad to see you back at it with all your helpful tips and recipes and everything!yyyaaayyyy!
(secret: shhhh - I always forget or don't have time b/c of a deadline to read my stuff aloud - I always MEAN to and then . . . well . . .lawd)
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