...bump on a log? (Or is that a regional saying? LOL)
I don't know if it's because I had a great few days away at the beach, and coming back into my routine is making me feel sluggish, if I'm just dragging lately, or just plain old.
Whatever the cause, I just want to sit around and do nothing.
Whatever the cause, I just want to sit around and do nothing.
What do you do when you feel blah? Give in and wallow in it? Get a change of scenery if possible? What?
When I feel blah, I hate it! Not much I do during those times, besides drag around. I hope you get some energy! :-)
I usually do nothing and let it pass but today we are headed to the beach and do nothing there!
I feel your pain, Angie! I'm having a hard time adjusting too. My solution is to manage tasks in small chunks. Yes, it means the pace is slower, but it prevents me from feeling overwhelmed. (Sometimes taking a nap works too!)
Sooner or later I just get bored enough to start moving again. . .
Thanks Jessica. Maybe I'm just old. LOL
Terri- Hope your day trip is wonderful and relaxing!
Stacy - you must be sick of cabin fever by now. How's your leg mending? Nappage is good. Anytime. :)
LOL AMoS. Love that.
Watch TV.
Sometimes I pretend to be a bump on a log.
Me too Lori. Love the mindless Bravo reality series and competitions.
Janna - L.O.L.
Sometimes it feels good to be a bump on a log; sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, I try to get up, maybe go outside, and move a bit. But when it feels good, I just try to enjoy the peace.
Straight From Hel
I get up and dance Angie! Put on some music I love and just get jiggy with it! That's how I get out of my funkiness (or I take a hot shower if I'm stinky ;-) We all get stuck in the mundane so shake things up a bit - literally! And if you're not the dancing type, well then do something outrageous to make you feel alive again! Some suggestions - (1) run around the neighborhood like a mad woman, (2) moon someone or have your kids moon someone in the car next to you, or (3) just start talking to a random stranger about the meaning of life.
I think the point is to just DO something! Or call me up, and I'll cheer you up! :-)
That's a tough one. I think as long as this blah feeling doesn't continue too long, you can just go with it. Your body(or mind) may be telling you it needs a rest. However, if you continue to feel this way beyond two weeks, you should probably go to the doc to make sure everything's okay.
Lynnette Labelle
Personally, I take to my bed. High drama ;)
I get up when I am ready. It doesn't take long.
I go there with a pitcher of iced tea (or pot of hot in the winter) a few new books, a notebook and a computer. TV remote too.
Ahhh I am getting misty eyed just thinking about it. Being a bump on a log is a vacation from our brains. Your brain will catch up. XO
If it's only for one day, I'll wallow. More than that and I know I have to get up and do something. Sometimes doing housework can get me out of my funk.
Aw, poor thing- I think it's the vacation blues...;) I find I always need a vacation from my vacation!
If I'm feeling sluggish, I'll just cozy up in my favorite chair with a favorite book of poetry, maybe take a nap afterward, and then I feel better and start off doing a little something that makes me feel normal... maybe bake something or do some wash... something easy...
I totally give in and "slob out" as I call it. I sit around watching Sex and The City DVDs and eat popcorn with garlic and parmesan (Exact details are being given because I've got this down to a science). After a few hours, I feel soooo pitiful and disgusting that it leads to a full on cleaning/organizing spree that transforms into some period of creativity/motivation.
I'm sure its just the sleepy after-glow of vacation. You'll find your way out of it soon enough
Hel - Change of scenery is always good mind gel for me when possible.
I do all that and more, Mandy. (Just ask my mortified kidlets.) LOL. Thanks for reminders!
Thanks Lynette. Already better. I think it was mostly post-vacation funk. :)
Suzanne - We're a lot alike. (I just emailed you.)
Ditto Melissa. How's the ms coming along?
Red Bird - some of my favorite "therapies." Do you ever play with Visual Poetry/Treated Text?
I give in to it, since usually I am juggling and multitasking myself to death. Favorite bump on a log sport is netflixing whole seasons of cable TV shows. This summer my bump days were spent watching True Blood, Californication, Weeds, and Dexter...
Coming back from a great vacation is always hard. Especially at the beach. The way I get back into the swing of things is to dive into the scene and go dancing. Always works!
You are NOT old! :)
Pseudo - Ah, the healing properties of mindless boob tube viewing! :)
Marguerite, I love you. hehe
I've been that bump all summer. I'm hoping when my boys and wife go back to school and I have thursday and friday to write I'll get back in the groove.
I think that sometimes it's good to just take a day off ... to give into it to the extent that one is just easy with themselves. In a weird way, it's nice not to have to think positive or do much of anything.
That being said, I think we have to be careful that it doesn't linger or last much longer than a day. For me, after a brief "down" time, I try to get myself out of it by changing the scenery (going for a walk or something) or by crafting or reading ... anything that switches my perceptions for awhile.
If it's any consolation ... I'm hearing the same sentiments a lot lately. Maybe it's a cosmic message saying ... slow down!
Take Care!
Small Footprints
When I have a blah day, I curl up in bed and watch movies and ignore housework. It makes me feel all rebellious!
That's me this week. I went to a farm yesterday and listened to ducks clucking for an hour. It mellowed me out. Hope your doldrums don't last!
Travis, then you'll only have to wrangle with the moody muse and the evil inner editor. :)
Thanks Small. All better now.
Sharla - that sounds like a sure cure!
That really must've been a nice change of pace Jill. Glad you got to commune with the quackers. :)
We say bump on a log over here, too.
I'd give IN to it, personally.
I think it's just your body's way of saying it needs a day off. I give into it.
Carrie - ya made me smile. :)
I think you're right, Stephanie. Nice to just be a blob sometimes.
I'm about to find out as I just got back from a week at the cottage myself. It sounds like you've had a wonderful few days.. so glad to hear that. :) I've read each post and it sounds and looks just dreamy. Your daughter is just the greatest for kidnapping you. :)
I was like that when I returned from Texas and Vegas - just blah blah bleah blah'd around!
Hilary - the whole trip was great. Love my Queenie girl and couldn't ask for a beter daughter. Glad you got away for a bit too.
I guess we all get blah sometimes, hunh Kat? Glad it's gone now! :)
Lol, I wallow. For as long as I possibly can.
There is something about reentry that does that to me, too. I go for a long walk, then curl up with a book and don't come up for air until the book is finished. That usually does the trick. Hope you've got your groove back soon.
I go shopping, makes me happy and peppy til I get the credit card bill!
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