If you're a Twit, how do you like it? Does it suck up all your free time, or can you only handle it in small doses? Do you love the chatting and connections? Fear learning yet another social networking device? If you are a citizen of the Twitterverse, what's your handle?
Has something wonderful or strange come your way through tweeting? Do tell!
NOpe. Don't tweet. :-)
I barely tweet. I only remember to do it whenever I get a new follower. I know that's bad, but...
Jessica - I resisted for a loooong time too. It's kinda cool with all the conversations going on at once. I like small spurts of it.
Hey Surly! Get on the stick with them tweets. :)
No tweeting for me, I can barely keep up the blog at this point! Besides I only like a two sided conversation!Short-term memory limits my ability to compute language!HA! :)
I don't tweet. I get sucked in enough. I do have Facebook. Now I only use it to send out my blog update. After getting hooked on FB game called Mafia Wars, which hit me like an illegal drug. I went cold turkey when I had to admit I was no longer as productive with my time. I have two blogs,write short stories,articles and a book. LOL, and with that a teenage son to raise. I am weak. It used to be so easy just to surf the net until my eyes blurred.
I will not give in to the time stealing drug called Twitter. :) For now anyway.
Carol, you're a southerner like me, so I know you'd love all the yappin! :)
Analisa - hear ya. Can't do FB at all. But so far, Twitter hasn't taken too much time. (Nice for small cracks of time available to me right now.)
I tweet - not much, compared to those I follow, but I do tweet. I prefer Twitter to Facebook because I find all Facebook's bells and whistles annoying (No, I don't want to play this game, be a fan of that thing, whatever. I just want to see what my friends are up to). My biggest problem with Twitter is that when I've been away from it for a few hours, I feel compelled to catch up. Not good. Talk about a thief of time! I am retraining myself now. What happens when I'm not in the room is no business of mine, and I shall not attempt to find out. So there.
Sandra - We tweet alike, I think. :) I don't read back when I sign on, but just pick up the convo that's right there on my screen. Otherwise, I'd go nuts (well, more nuts).
I've avoided both Facebook and Twitter so far. Time is so precious. Guess I'll join one or both when someone convinces me they will add quality to my life.
I have to do it in small doses; with blogging and tweeting and facebook - well, if I kept on them much, I'd never get my work done.
But! I have made connections with some really cool people now that I'm learning how to manipulate twitter better - I used to just go on there once a day and post something ...now I know how to reply to people and figured out the follow friday thingee and etc! made it much easier and more fun.....
my twitter handle is: katmagendie ... !
Not me. Too busy doing nothing.
I don't tweet yet. I'm curious to know what the real benefits are? My time is precious, especially the writing time! The blog work is good enough for me at the moment, but I'm always open to new ideas. :)
i'm a twit....i use it to keep up on breaking news stories and get discounts to my favorite places. i have it on my phone so i can check updates quickly while waiting in line. los angeles traffic updates are also posted on twitter so that's handy too.
I don't tweet. That's the last thing I need right now! Are you considering joining?
I can definitely see its appeal, but I’ve so far resisted the temptation to join as I could do with fewer addictions to occupy my time.
It particularly makes sense for people in the public eye or those looking to raise their profile to cut out the middle man & communicate with their audience and/or fan base directly.
I witnessed the power of twitter [see #welovethenhs] this week when it helped galvanise thousands of people to respond in defence of our national health service [which partially inspired my most recent blog post which you saw earlier].
You know, I resisted Twitter for a long, long time, but I recently joined in an effort to direct some traffic to my blog. Well, I was actually quite surprised. After networking for a bit, it's nearly tripled my traffic. Of course, my site hits were dismal to begin with so even a few hits above normal were a big deal to me, but Twitter has definitely been a real help in directing some traffic toward my blog.
It also has some pretty great news update twitters on there as well, so it's pretty useful in keeping up-to-date on stuff.
Between normal Twitter and then learning about Tweetdeck and Tweet later and then there's a new one, I forgot what it's called, something to connect to your blog, I'm still learning. I do prefer FB though. Easier and more "cosy".
Deb, you'll know when and if the time is right. (I resisted for the longest time, and now only dabble a bit.)
As usual, we're on the same train Kat. Woowoo. :)
lakeviewer I'm really jealous of that. LOL
Stacy, from the quality of your blog posts, I'd say you're doing great!
Jill - traffic updates are really nice! I follow my local news and governor's office, so I feel I have access to what's going on in my community.
Lady G - I've stuck a toe or two in the Twitter River, but I'm not swimming out too far. :)
Thanks for your thoughts t i m. Made a lot of sense.
Steph - I'm so glad your experiences have been good with Twitter. Congrats on more blog traffic too.
I don't know what any of those doodads are Gutsy. I'll just stick with tweeting from the Web for now. :)
No way am I going to tweet! Much too busy having fun! Leaving now, for Whiskey River!
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