Photo by h.koppdelaney
If you had your very own literary publication or zine and a companion newsletter, what would you fill it with --poetry, prose, author interviews, industry news, art...? To which zines and newsletters do you subscribe? The sky's the limit, so tell me what literary things of beauty would fill YOUR publication.
Gumbo Writer has inside scoopage! The Dream Quest One Poetry and Writing Contest deadline has been extended by a week from today until August 8. If you're looking for a nice weekend creative project, this just might be it. My thought on contests is even if you don't win, place or show, you have a chunk of fresh material to tinker with and find a home for that you didn't have before. That's a win/win in my book.
Friend and fellow writer Janna at Something She Wrote wants to increase her readership. Her posts are always interesting with good info. and perspectives to share. Go see her, become a follower, mention my name and we could both win a cool book!
Now, since it's Friday, I hope your weekend is magnificent. I'll be doing one of my very favorite things tonight -- cooking and serving supper at the men's shelter! I'll share the Italian Buffet menu with you Tuesday on recipe day.
Christian Fiction Online is the one I subscribe to. I like that it's diverse. Has a short story in each issue, industry news, writing help, etc. There's lots to feed through in each issue.
Good IDea, Angie - I need to link to this on my site.... :)
Hmm, I can't really answer because I don't read newsletters or magazines. The one magazine I do read is RWA's monthly one, and the articles I like have to do with writing craft and industry news. :-)
Eileen - thanks for your input!
Go for it, Katty Kat Kat Kathryn. :)
Jessica - appreciate your thoughts.
i will check it out!!! And you have a lovely weekend.....
My publication would be filled with stories of how women overcome incredible odds and find the faith to endure and share their stories to help other women.
Buffet! Yummy! I love variety and can't wait to read your recipes.
oooohhhhhh I am so entering!
And by the way, I linked back to your writers hazards post in my post today. It inspired me!
I'm already one of Janna's followers, but I would have mentioned your name if I wasn't! If I had my own ezine I'd have interviews with authors, news about contests and writers opportunities, and writing craft sorts of articles. I used to edit and design the newsletter for Music City Romance Writers and it was very fun and challenging.
VM, ditto and doubled.
Thanks, Donna. Will post all the recipes on Tuesday fer ya (and that husband of yours who has such highly developed tastebuds.) :)
Suzanne - 'Preciate the linky love, and sooo glad you were inspired. Guess I should get off my bahonkus and submit that "writerly article" around to some publications. LOL
Thanks for the feedback, Stephanie!
I don't subscribe to anything now, although I should! But they used to just pile up, and then there was this stack of shame, and you can only read so many short stories in one sitting to try to catch up...
If I could run my own 'zine, I'd try to bring back the novella.
Thanks, Angie!
Have a blessed night.
I love Janna's blog. She's the real deal. I'm doing the Brady Bunch think and looking above me (oh, hello Janna).
~ Wendy
Janna's blog is wonderful! I've been following her for awhile, and so glad I do. I haven't watched her giveaway yet, but she's in my list so I'm getting there. Thanks for these links. I think I'll enter that contest!
Bet the men at the shelter love you, Angie. Looking forward to seeing the Italian Menu. Next to Cajun, it's my favorite food. Have a fun weekend!
I read tons--tons!--of magazines!! I'd make my mag. an UsWeekly type about all my blogger friends. It wouldn't be sensational, though. Just quick, sweet tidbits about what's going on.
Great idea! And have a terrific weekend!
I too already follow Janna:) I like to read about the industry news so I feel like I have some sort of idea what's going on!
CKHB - "stack of shame," hunh? LOL! I love the novella too. Thank you for input.
You're welcome, and will do, Janna. :)
Wendy - are you Marsha or Cindy? hehe
Do, Lady Glamis. I'm gonna try to enteralso!
Marguerite - We're just alike.
Thank you, Jill. Good thoughts.
Me too, Terri. :)
The content for my publications would be what I know. Would not take too long to finish each edition. I don't know, Kids, Positive coaching and teaching, leadership skills, maybe outdoor cooking. Not a lot of smarts here.
Bless you, Angie, for volunteering with your cooking and service. :-)
Oren - You'd publish a fine magazine that could benefit many. :)
Aw, thanks Melissa. Just got the big aluminum pans in the oven. Can't wait to get downtown!
Gosh, that's a hard one, 'cause I like so much. Probably good fiction, action, mystery-Christian growth, and some poetry; rats, I can't decide. Now, I'm gonna leave here all confused. :0
Bless you for your ministry tonight.
When I was in 4th grade, I put out a "publication" to my classmates called Happy Whale Magazine. Subject matter was anything having to do with--surprise--whales. In 5th grade, I proudly published Unicorn Magazine--subject: all things unicorn-related (with the occasional Pegasus-themed piece thrown in for good measure).
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