I call this Italian Perfume. You know the drill by now -- yeah, I love this recipe because it's what? Easy, quick and cheap.
Another great thing about roasted garlic is its versatility. You simply remove the pods from their sleeves by squeezing at the bottom after they are grilled/roasted/baked. Mash and mix with soft butter and you've got garlic butter for corn on the cob, garlic bread, veggies or whatever. Raosted garlic is divine eaten as is. Do you have other favorite foods that garlic goes well in or with?
Cajun-Italian Factoid ~~ When we get together for a crawfish boil, a good time is guaranteed. Into the pot (aka the boiling rig) go the seafood, plenty spices, lemons, oranges, onions, new potatoes, corn on the cob and lots of whole garlic. The more Cajun among us go for the spicy crawfish first; the Italians fight over the garlic. ;o)
Roasted Garlic
(This is so easy, I'm almost ashamed to call it a recipe.) Slice off the top half inch of the whole garlic pod. Put topless garlic on a square of heavy duty aluminum foil. Drizzle olive oil over the garlic and a hefty sprinkling of Tony's. (If you don't have Tony's, use sea salt, black pepper and a bit of cayenne pepper.) Wrap foil tightly around pod and twist at the top, sorta like a big Hershey's Kiss.
Throw that sucker on your BBQ pit for the last 45 minutes or so of cooking time with whatever you're barbecuing, or put the wrapped garlic in the oven on 375 for about 40 minutes or until tender. Mmmm mmmm good, sha!

Another favorite recipe of my husbands! Who can cook without Tony's????
I bet your kitchen is the FAVORITE place in your home for those who live there!!! ♥ I could hang out there all day and night!
I often wonder that Donna. Lemme know if you don't have local access & I'll send y'all some.
Boomer, sadly, the three teens are usually out and around town or work, etc. King Rufus does like my cooking when he's there. The men's shelter LOVES when I cook for them, like I'll be doing Friday again! Thanks. :)
Yum!!! And we're having a cookout this weekend, too (if it doesn't RAIN!). I'll have to try this!
My hubby loves garlic all the time! We put in almost anything that goes in a saucepan. LOL
I love all about roasted garlic!
Roasted garlic besides tasting sooooo good makes your house smell sooooo delicious.
Wow, that does sound good. I bet they'd be great mashed in potatoes too. Must try it!
Manna, if you ask me, right up there with chocolate.
Holy smackeral, I'm comin' to dinner!
That looks great! I love garlic! Thanks.
Lynnette Labelle
I don't think we have Tony's over here... But I do love roasted garlic. We like to mashit up with blue cheese and spread it on warm bread.
Fantastic, Angie! Thanks for sharing. :)
I haven't done roasted garlic in years... thanks for the reminder!
Roasted garlic with Tony's? What could be better, on everything! I've discovered that many of my friends around the country are able to buy Tony's at their local Wal Mart. If not, I have a link on my sidebar where they can order it. :) Have a great day, Angie!
I heart garlic, but not as much as Andy.
LLII, hope you don't get rain, and that your garlic turns out yummy!
Yes indeedy, Jessica & Lori. :)
The Peach Tart - So true. A realtor once told me it helps to sell a house when you're showing it to saute garlic & onions right before potential buyers come for a looksee.
It IS great in mashed taters, Eileen!
Amen, Rebecca. I wonder what chocolate covered garlic would taste like? Fondue anyone?
Janna girl, come on down! (Said in a Bob Barker-ish voice.)
Lynette, my pleasure.
Hey, Kat! I know you love garlic. :)
PHST - that sounds good (minus the blue cheese, add feta). LOL. Send me your address and I'll mail ya some Tony's!
Most welcome, Stacy & CKHB.
Marguerite - thanks, and you have a great day yaself!
LOL Carrie! I'll go with garlic since Andy's not available. :)
Yanno, I almost didn't get to the roasted garlic recipe because I was slathering too much over the ingredients for the crawfish boil.
I never ate roasted garlic before, but I'm always willing to try something once. Thanks!
Love this!
Michelle - Do yourself a favor and just come on down here. Me, Oren and others will fix ya up!!
MamaBelle - Isn't it just the best addition to any meal? :)
Pass the crusty bread and that Chianti bottle and we're down to a good start.
Ah... my childhood wrapped in tinfoil! You lovely woman.
And the good news is, people will stay out of your space after you're finished eating because you'll smell like garlic!
Yum! Yum!
Ok so you love torturing me. Garlic. Ahem. I will need to pass again:)
A big hershey's kiss??? I'm trying it!
MOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM what the heck? holdin out on me? Not cool. PS: how bout some onion/cheese casserole and maybe greenbean casserole? I'll be waiting at home for it ;) k thanks. love you!!
Just last night I made a lemon cream sauce with roasted garlic and served it over pasta, alongside a salad of baby greens. Yummy, yummy!
lakeviewer - add cheese and some grapes, and I'm there. :)
LOL, Suzanne. There really is nothing like the smell of roasted garlic (or the divine taste).
Stephanie - Bonus! :o)
Attagirl, Jill.
Terri my friend, that makes me sad. What DO y'all eat??
lizspin - that's the best way I can think of to describe it other than, "Crunch up the tinfoil up around the garlic." LOL
Hellloooooo, Queenie. Mommy loves you. PS Stay home more than 5 minutes and I'll cook for you. PSS I need that pile of dirty clothes out of your bathroom so I can wash! *wink*
Elizabeth - WHAT? I really really want that recipe for that sauce! Pleeeeeeeease. :)
Usually, I use fresh garlic in my red sauce. I've also made roasted chicken & garlic, but I haven't really experimented with roasted garlic as you've described it. Hmm, Angie, looks like you've given me a few ideas. :-)
Now you up and done it. Let the secret out about garlic in boiling pot. Guess we could not keep it to ourselves for long. Hey Michelle, if you come visit in early spring you will call to have your stuff shipped here and never leave.
We need to include Cajun Delights in on the planning of any event we have.
That site is money.
I think I can cook that on my engine while working the rush hour shift !!Thanks !!
Tim - let me know if you come up with some fab new variation. :)
You're right, Oren. Michelle and Marguerite would be excellent additions to the Cajun Cookout-arama!
King of NY Hacks - thanks for stopping by! And yes, I bet you COULD cook up some garlic on your cab's motor. Maybe the aroma will attract lots more riders too. :)
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