I'm running near empty and way behind on everything right now due to some family issues and working all weekend. Hope to get the contest results up later today, and am enjoying the entries I've read so far!
I think I can, I think I can...
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Have a great whatever-today-is. LOL
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Have a great whatever-today-is. LOL
Take care of yourself Angie. I am afraid you are pushing too hard. I think everyone on here can be patient!
Hang in there. :-)
We'll be here whenever you get back. Don't rush, Ang.
Whoa.. relax. The blog world will wait... don't overdo. Have some of yesterday's lemonade. It sounds delicious. :)
Thanks, Debbie. I hope so. I just HATE being late or not delivering on promises...but I AM working on a little surprise, so more on that later. :)
Becca, Janna, Hilary - y'all represent the really good about the blogging world. Thank you. *No time for lemonade today. Coffee pot on full alert* LOL
Hey hun, like everyone else has said, please try to take it easy! Would hate for you to become too over-taxed! Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you do have a good day!
Relax, Angie, and take your time! We're not in any hurry. :D
I'm a happy camper. Take your time. :)
You take care, Angie. You work hard all the time. You deserve some relaxation! :D
Angie, Take your time - don't worry about anything but taking care of yourself. That's all that matters. Everything else will come in time. Love and healing thoughts from my heart to yours.;-)
I'm excited to read the winning entry
Hang in there, Angie! One day at a time.
Anita, BJ, Rebecca, Jenn, Schube, Cashew (hey, thanks for stopping in!), and Melissa, THANK YOU. I'm steadily making progress...
More later!
Hey whenever you've got the time, I've left an award for you over on my blog! Have a great one!
Refill that tank, Angie. We'll wait.
Lots of cyber hugs coming your way, Angie. Get some rest, please, and don't worry about us.(((((Angie)))))
No hurry or rush! You do what you need to. Priorities are priorities!
Family comes first, always. Refuel, recharge, and we will see you on the other side.
: ) : ) : )
Take your time! You know we will be back around:))
hugs and prayers, Angie.
Hi, Angie:
I saw that your novel is about to make the rounds of agents huh? I sincerely wish you good luck with it. My wife, Leah, is writing and has completed a couple of Fantasy novels she hopes to publish some day. I know how much work is involved watching my wife and being a writer myself, of short stories. No, i am not published yet. But maybe, God willing, some day.
Thanks for visiting my blog sand for your nice comments on my first grandson. He has a "little" brother now. LOL They plan to have lots of children.
I'll be praying your novel gets sccepted.
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