Next, thank you for your patience since I'm a day late announcing the winner. And as a writer myself, I know how hard it is to submit anywhere, much less to a person you only know by virtue of having "met" in cyber space. It takes a certain amount of trust to turn yourself over to another's editorial eye...so I thank you for feeling I wouldn't do ya wrong.
One of the reasons I didn't finish on time as planned is that I wanted to give each and every entrant a mini edit/crit on their work, so that took a lot of extra time! I hope you enjoy the comments and find them useful. As I'm writing this in the wee hours of Thursday morning, I'll be emailing your entries back to you with comments, editing suggestions and the promised Crawfish Rating System included. [There was a possible 5 crawfish you could've gotten on your entry.]
I studied your work carefully, read it several times, and had an independent reader weigh in with a second opinion just to keep things legit. (Two heads better than one, right?) So...without further ado, here's the scoopage...
There are TWO winners. Yes, a tie!
And in a surprise random drawing from all entries, Sandra Leigh (Amazing Voyages of the Turtle) has also won a prize. (Please email me your address!)
I absolutely couldn't pick a single winner of the writing contest. Michelle and Barb, we'll talk in email about who wants which book, and I'll send both of you a coffee prize when I get your addresses. I'll need your permission to post your winning writings also. Editor Supreme, Nannette Croce, will be sending your entries back with comments shortly.
Did you enjoy the contest? I know I did.
Write on, dear writers!
Thank you for doing this! I know you are a busy woman:) ANd yes this was fun--even if we aren't all winners. It is great experience to submit and put it out there for another set of eyes. THanks!
How lovely - thank you very much. Not only am I chuffed to be a winner, but also to tie with the lovely Lady Glamis, who has a blog that I admire greatly.
This gives me more confidence about submitting my manuscript.
Congrats everyone! And thanks Angie for doing this!
Congrats to the winners! And Angie, thanks so much for giving your time for such a contest. It was great to be part of!
Thanks so much for doing this, Angie. I visited the winners' sites this morning, and I won, too, in finding some good blogs to follow! I appreciate your time and expertise!
Lots of fun. Now, Angie deserves a nap today. ~Annette
Congrats to Lady Glamis and Miss Barb! Way to go! I am so happy for you!!
Angie: you are the bomb for hosting this huge party/contest. Thank you oodles! Yes, it was fun. I can't wait to see the winning entries!
I agree; go take a nap, or walk in the garden.
Love, Jen
Thank you very much for giving us this opportunity. I'm interested to see your comments.....it'll be the first time for me that anyone has critiqued my work....besides Hubby!
Congrats to the winners! Thanks for hosting this contest (even though I chickened out at the last minute.) :) Bok! Bok!
Congrats to Lady Glamis and Barb! And a big standing O for Angie in offering this opportunity. We're all winners really because we get a mini-crit too. Yay!
CONGRATS! to the winners! :)
Congrats to Michelle and Barb, and thanks to you, Angie, for hosting such an exciting contest!
WOW! Thank you so much! I'm excited to see the comments on my piece. And I'm excited to have been chosen with Barb as one of the winners! This is so exciting, and a great honor. Thank you to and Nannette and ALL of those who entered. :)
Congratulations to Lady Glamis and Miss Barb, whose blogs I'll be checking out right away, and thank you to Angie for the opportunity to play.
*I'm scrabbling through emails, Word doc attachments and a general disorganized mess to get your entries with commentary back to ya this morning.* Thanks again for entering.
Have a happy Thursday!
Well done to the winners and thanks for the comp. I look forward to reading your comments. :)
Yay! Congrats Lady Glam and Barb! I'm looking forward to reading your stuff. :-)
And thank you Angie, for doing this! I can't wait to get your advice.
Congrats ladies!
Congrats to the winners! :D
I regret not submitting, although I didn't quite have anything ready, and only found your blog the day it was all due. Next time. If Nannette throws a party in the fall, I'm in. Receiving comments and an edit could be very valuable, regardless of whether or not you win.
Congratulations to the winners!
Thanks Angie. Hope mine was not to screwball to read. I write like I talk, for better or worse. The kids are the reason I do what I do. See ya soon.
Angie, I've given you a blog award. You can view it here on my blog. Just scroll down to the end of the post to the "Proximity" award for directions and more information about the award.
Thanks for a great blog!
What an awesome and generous contribution, Angie. Can't wait to read them.
Thanks so much for doing this Angie! It was fun. :D
I can't wait to see who you chose! How sweet of you to do this, Angie.
Thanks to all of you for the comments, and again, to the contestants.
Now...I'm going to bed! Night night. :)
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