(We'll be doing another one soon.)
Thanks to the entrants who've sent in their work so far. We're half full and looking for 10 more entries in the writing contest.
A few more details:
- Time to unveil the super secret superlative editor who has graciously agreed to edit the winning entry in full along with myself. Thank you, Nannette Croce, Editor Extraordinaire. Nannette has many years' experience in both the private sector and as an editor for several highly respected literary zines. Nannette's Zine Writer blog always has good tips and suggestions covering topics of interest to writers. She is also the proud owner of CrossXChecking, a critiquing and editing service.
- To keep things fair and aboveboard, I'll pass along the top three contenders minus identifying information to Nannette before deciding on the winning entry.
- After the contest is all said, done and prizes mailed, I'd love to link to your post if you decide to showcase your entry over at your blog, so don't forget to let me know in case my sometimes lax blog hopping causes me to miss that post.
- If you missed the original contest post yesterday, you can read it right *here*.
Okay, that's it for now. Go have a great Thursday!
This is so awesome! I'm glad Blogger is letting me on today! You rock, Angie! I'm off to read the contest details now! Jenni
Wheee, i got mine in!!!
Does it count that my best friend in Kindergarten was a Nanette? Since our names rhymed, we thought it only fitting to become best friends.
Thanks for doing this. What fun!
Ah! i knew about it and been so busy. I'll try to get something whipped up right quick. Thanks for hosting this awesome contest!
Angie - This is a great contest you have going here. I wish I knew about it earlier. If you don't mind I would like too mention this contest on the New Author (http://the-new-author.blogspot.com).
I just got butterflies reading this. Throwing my hat in the ring always makes me nervous! But as long as I've got a pulse, I plan on playing the game. Thanks to you and Ms. Croce for doing this. It's priceless.
Ang - I will submit something so add me to the list please. Thanks!
Add me to the list - I'm writing something for the comp this afternoon.
Jenni, hope ya get in a submission. :)
Got yours, Jeanette! Thanks for kind words.
Michelle/Surly Writer, you're so welcome.
Brian, you're most welcome to. :) Thanks for stopping by.
Aww, Schube, get out your butterfly net and get some java. You'll do fine!
Joy & Rebecca, get them fingers flying. :)
Morning, Angie. Can't stop to talk - got a story to write - I hope!
Hi again. Finished! It's more than 2 pages though so I want to check the rules. I think, from the first post, that you're saying it's ok to submit part of a short story but I just want to make sure that's right as there's a natural break at the two page point. Otherwise I'll edit it down. Also, do you want double or single spaced?
Not entering, Angie, but just wanted to let you know how much I truly enjoy the fact that you give so much of yourself here. You're one of the good ones.
Yikes, if I don't hurry I won't make it, huh? LOL I better stop procrastinating.
Your judge of character is in the ten-ring. She is one of a kind.
LOL, Sandra, run fast & type good. :)
Rebecca, part of a short story is perfectly fine! Since I didn't say up front, double or single spacing is fine. Just have mercy on my old eyeballs and use a 12-pt. font, please.
Well, Suldawg, thank you, sir. I do believe I might be blushing...or either getting a case of rosacea. :)
Git on the stick, Jessica. *grin*
Oren, you are too sweet! Like I told Suldawg -- takes one to know one. :)
On its way!
It's a great contest! Thanks for the opportunity.
I just sent mine in. Gulp.
Rebecca, got it, and thanks.
Lady G, you're too kind. Glad you're playin'. :)
Got yours too, Sandra.
Your unveiled editor is a little late in getting over here. Lots to catch up with after the past several weeks as you know. Anyways, I am really looking forward to this. I'm not sure which I enjoy more––editing or writing. Yes, I do. I like editing better, cuz I don't have to start with nothing.
Glad for the opportunity to work with you again, Angie. Just like the old days.
Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Good for you for hosting it.
Sorry I missed this. I'm really looking forward to reading the winners here. You do such cool stuff!
Nannette, family first is always the rule, so no worries. Thanks again for agreeing to get out the red grease pencil for some editing. I know the entries will be good! (Love the deciding factor between writing and editing preference. It's so true.) And, yeah, the good ol' days back again!
Thanks, Hilary. Can't wait to see how it turns out myself. :)
Aww, Deb, thanks.
Wish I had seen this sooner! How sweet you are, Angie!
What a great idea, I'm so glad I saw you over at BJ's! I missed the contest but, I'm following you now so I can keep up with the interesting and fun things you share here. I love your blog.
TTWC, I'll be doing it again soon!
Thanks so much for coming by and for all the kind words, dellgirl. So nice of you to follow. Glad you came by!
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