Apologies for my scanty visits of late. Time hasn't been my own, and I miss my daily blog hopping. Thank you again for your good thoughts & prayers for my friend's husband who passed last Saturday, and for voting for my blog at bloginterviewer. Y'alls is some kinda nice peoples!
Whether it's poetry, articles, short stories or an entire manuscript, you have to get it down before you rake, weed, fertilize, prune or otherwise beautify it. So for today at least~~~
Just write!
If you're in or near the agent querying stage, literary agent Nathan Bransford has an interesting experiment of a contest going on at his blog called Agent for a Day. You can read lots of queries, some from already published authors, and corresponding accept/reject notes from pseudo reader-agents. Pretty interesting stuff, and I'm assuming, a way to see what it's like to be an agent bombarded daily with slush pile material. I'm playing along under an assumed name: BelleAgent. :)
Lack of time has been my constant writing companion lately. What's your writing hold-up?
ACK! Everyone is talking about Nathan Brandford's experiment! I have to get over there and see what all the fuss is about! I've been gone too, so it's good to see you're here. Sending love and prayers to your friend's family. Jenni
I have so many hold-ups, that I cannot even count. Something comes up every day, every single minute. But today I will just write. Thanks.
Sometimes the obstacles we face are huge and really slow us down. For me, this is one of those times of fairly clear plodding along! The WIP is making steady progress!
That would be interesting to peek in on.
Sorry to hear about your friend's husband. I will keep her in my prayers.
Funny that you have an alias going on. That's what my post is about today:)
Darn work gets in my way and i can't blog from there. Such a waste of good solid blog time. Going to have to quit if this keeps up (just joking)
Angie, I've missed you! Hope you find some time.
And I'm sorry to hear about your friend's husband. Prayers as his family and friends come to terms.
Mornin', Angie. Life does tend to set its own priorities, doesn't it? Today, I'll put my foot down and claim some writing time - after I check out Nathan Brandford.
Bransford. Bransford. Sheesh.
Also, check out Miss Snark's First Victim. 50 anonymous entries to peruse (first 250 words of your ms) in the genres of YA, Middle Grade, and Women's Fiction. You just might find mine there...
The only thing that ever stops me is laziness. If I don't have anything in particular to write about, I find that I can bulls**t with relative ease. But, if I just want to watch TV or something, that's my problem.
My heartfelt condolences to you and your friend.
Just write! Yes :-)
Hmmm, my writing hold-up is.... laziness! Procrastination! LOL
Okay, I'm almost done on the blogs and then I'm going to follow your stellar advice.
I find it is Fear today! ain't that funny? I am holding my published novel in lap and I am scaired to work on Book 2 -- what if it doesn't measure up -- what if what if what if! *laughing*.....
but for this moment right here, I have a novel -my novel...oh!
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.
Normalcy will return in due time. . .but for now, give yourself time to grieve too!
Angie, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your family friend! Time is never our own, is it?
Sending you a big hug! I will be praying for the family and friends of the man you have mentioned here in the past weeks.
Take care, and we will be here when you can visit again.
P.S.I saw the contest and began to try it, but did not have the time myself. Wasn't it kind of him to take the time to do this for his readers!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I know you have been a constant support to the family and they are blessed to have you. You have a lot of your plate with family and commitments. You do awesome here for the time you have!
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!
Could anyone ask for better blogging friends?
I thought not! THANK YOU ALL
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend's husband. Yet another reminder that we should do what we love and spend time with those we care about every single day.
My "real" job seems to be my writing hold up lately. Any time I'm not there I'm too mentally exhausted to do any writing. Now I know why writers usually work at coffee shops and other non-writing/editing jobs.
I miss blogging and reading blogs and writing things I love. I think I'll spend some time with those things today.
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