Beginning on a sad note, my friend's husband you all prayed for and sent good thoughts to passed last night. Thank you for your kindnesses.
Did the Easter Bunny fill your basket? Have you eaten chocolate ears and tails? Are you spending a nice relaxing day filled with family and traditions? Did you attend a nurturing church service?
I hope you answered YES! to the activities that appealed to you. A blessed and HAPPY KEESTER to you and yours, as the above photo says!
Since my kidlets are too old for the normal Easter revelry, we spent time yesterday watching my neice's two-year-old have a ball dying and hunting eggs. The weather was gorgeous and it was great to be outdoors. And it sure was nice today not to have to rush about cooking and cleaning. We'll be visiting friends in the hospital after Mass, maybe taking a nap, and just in general lolling around. I'll worry about laundry and cleaning the house on Monday.
Doesn't this picture say it all about enjoying a hobby, activity or pursuit with passion and zeal?
Happy Easter, Ang!
Happy Easter! That top picture is just adorable.
Happy Easter back atcha.
Give all a hug. See ya soon.
I'm so sorry for your friend. How horrible. :-(
On the other hand, that little boy looks like he wants to crush that egg with his fists. LOL
We're about to have our egg hunt and I'm SO excited.
Happy Easter to you too, Michelle & Astaryth!
Oren, give all your bunnies a hug for me.
Thanks, Jessica. And yeah, the little guy dug a hole in his egg soon after that picture. LOL. Have a ball on your hunt!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend's husband. It is so difficult to say goodbye to someone you care about.
I'm glad you are having a good Easter. Ours will be quiet. We went out to eat on Saturday night to avoid the Easter crowds. I'm using my crock pot today to make a pot roast for dinner. Low key but with jelly beans!
Sorry about your friend, may he be at peace. *hugs*
I'm so happy to hear you are having a fun Easter. Hope it goes exactly as planned :D
Have a lovely Easter. So sorry to hear of your friend's husband.
Awwww, cute photos! :)
I wish I had a deviled egg! I didn't make any this year - Dang...
(So sorry about your friend's husband...how difficult that is, an understatement.)
Happy Easter Angie,
Sorry about your friend's husband. I mentioned before my family has been there and it's tough with a younger person.
saying a prayer for God's hand in his passage....
Love the kids' behinds. LOVE IT.
I loved this post. How adorable are those little Easter buns and is your neice's daughter.
Our Easter was lovely and was started with a really moving church service. I was so glad I was there.
Hugs, hugs hugs and more hugs ((((((Angie)))). Been thinking and sending prayers, sweetie. Happy Happy Easter. Glad you got some much needed rest and ADORABLE picture.
Voting still!
I will continue to pray for your friend who is now beginning the even harder stage of the process.
Happy Easter and I'm glad you've been enjoying your family. I've been enjoying mine too.
My condolences to your friend, Angie.
I had an Easter with toddlers, too. It was perfect.
Sorry about your friend....
Cute babies!
Sorry about your friend, Angie. This living ain't for sissies.
Love that Keester picture!
Thanks so much for your comments and encouragement, Angie! Means a lot.
Chris R.
y'alls all the best!
Angie, I just saw this. I'm so sorry about your friend's husband. Hugs.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I didn't see it before when you first made the post.
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