Sorry, no Ledbetter Lunacy today. I ate up all my "free" time yesterday blog hopping and getting caught up at your places! But, next week, I promise a new episode.
Good news, y'all! Yesterday afternoon the bloginterviewer stats had me in a strong third and creeping up. Go team, go! Momma needs a new pair of shoes! (Oh, wait, I think that's what you say at poker games and the racetrack. LOL) And thank YOU for giving me the finger (thumbs up voting icon) *snicker* many times this week. You hit the icon and it will take you to the site where you click the thumb's up again.
I'm doing a guest gig over at Kathryn's place while she works on her book's galley proof, so if you can, hop on over and give me a shout while I blog sit for her. I think you'll like it.
Since it's Friday, and we're having the most gorgeous weather in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and everyone seems happy, I'll leave you with a funny below. [We love us some Boudreaux & Thibodaux jokes around these parts. Dat's Boo-droe & Tib-i-doe for you who don't speak da Cajun.] Now, you go and have yourself a grand little weekend, ya hear?
Boudreaux was at the bar every day drinking beer. Well, Thibodaux, him wanted to teach Boudreaux a lesson, so he tole da bartender to give him a glass of dat water an' a glass of dat beer. Den, Thibodaux, he went to da outside and found him two worms. He put one in da water glass an' it wiggled all 'round. He put da other in da beer where it curl up an' died.
Thibodaux axed Boudreaux, "Well, you learn anyting?"
And Boudreaux said, "If I keep drinkin' dat beer, me, I wont get da worms!"
I'm jealous of your warm weather! We're at a chilly 21 degrees this morning up here in the wilds of Michigan!
As I was reading your joke, I could almost hear my grandaddy's voice. He was cajun and his mamma was a Thibodeaux. Makes me miss the South! Thanks for the joke and the reminiscing that came with it.
Oh, I think it hasn't been 24 hours yet for me. I have to check again later and see if they let me vote again.
LOL Funny joke!
That was a cute joke. I could hear the Cajun voices!
Lol! Thanks Angie. Voted, heading over to Kat's and Happy First Day of Spring!!
My husband, who's from Mississippi, wants to know if you knew Justin Wilson who lived just down the road from you in Denham Springs. He told the best Cajun jokes and did the best Cajun cooking that he ever saw!
He wants to know if you use 5 minute or 20 minute grits???
This Yankee girl don't do grits!!!
I keep voting. I think we're going to take that first place slot!
*echoes* TGIF!
Dat's just h'about de same h'accent der, dat we h'English-speaking Quebecers gave h'our French Canadian joke characters der, eh? :)
Oh man... I love Boudreaux and Thibodaux! Thanks for the laugh.
happy Friday!!!! yeah spring!!!!!
Jody, I feel for ya. Don't know how you good folks live up in the Frozen Nawth (really)!
Glad the Boo & Thib joke took you back, Debra.
Thanks, Lori! (I think we're within less than 10 votes away from top two slots!)
Jessica & Helen, glad you like, sha! :)
Warm and wonderful days to you, kimmi. And thanks for the votes.
Mais yeah, Donna! Used to watch ol' "hoo-boy" Justin Wilson cook all the time. Did you ever notice his man ingredient for every dish was a big helping of cheap red wine? :) Tell hubby i use the 5-min. grits, but both are good. (And a friend who owns a nearby B&B told me she whips an egg into hers before cooking for extra light & fluffy grits.)
Ooo, hope so, Debbie. Thanks!
Janna, for reals.
Mais, yeah, mon ami Hilary! We got all dat from y'all. :)
You're so welcome, Donna.
Well, being one of those Nawtherners, I'm not familiar with the Boo and Thib jokes...but it was funny! And spring has arrived in the Dakotas....it's 28 degrees! That's tropical for here. The snow's melting, you can see the road, and I can see the bottom step of my porch now! Woohoo!
You're right - it's fun giving you the finger. Thanks for some spicy Cajun fun to start the weekend! I'm heading over to Kat's place...
Embee, you have my sympathy for the cold weather, but I guess it evens out when we're still sweltering in October, huh?
LOL, Schube. Figgered you'd like that.
Wow. Never heard of Thibodaux and Boudreaux before! I confess, even after visiting New Orleans, the most I know about Cajuns is from when I watched Belizaire the Cajun (with Armande Assante) years ago and from your blog! I love learning about this culture!
I don't speak cajun so I appreciated the pronunciation guide. And the joke was funny. Thanks for making me laugh.
Good story. Did you know that Justin was a safety engineer by trade? That is the reason he always wore red suspenders and a red belt. He said you could never be too careful.
Oh lady, I never get tired of coming to your page! Thank-you for a funny joke and for helping put a smile on my face today!
Melissa, we really are the most unique place and a true melting pot. Like a whole nother country here. And I remember that movie! More Boo & Thib to come. :)
Ditto you, Carrie.
You're welcome, Ms. Kasie.
Oren, I didn't know that about JW!
Aww, sweet words, Literary. Thanky.
I need to vote AGAIN!!!!
Completely unrelated to your post, but I wanted to let you know about this link to help stop the deluge of junk mail: http://www.fightidentitytheft.com/junkmail.html
(I saw your comment on L.J. Sellers' post about junk mail.)
Woohoo, I voted! Have a great Friday!
Thanks, Terri and blueviolet!
Great linkage & thanks for sharing and dropping by, Jennifer!
Midlife, after your week, glad Friday finally arrived. Hope your weekend lives up to its name. :)
too funny!
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