What to do when your son's baseball game gets rained out and you find yourself with extra time on your hands? Six hours on a Saturday appeared yesterday, so I acted quickly before they got sucked up by something else.
First, I made a mad dash through the house to do mandatory cleaning chores -- 2 loads of laundry, dishes and cleaning out the pup's room (he'd chewed a hole in his little bed pillow and there was two pounds of stuffing wads to sweep up).
Throwing on scrubs and flip flops, I got errands out of the way next -- the UPS Store to mail coffee to DH (Rufus) working out of state, and a box of grits to a sweet bloggy friend in Canada *Hey, Hilary*. On to the bank, then picked up a few non-perishables from the grocery and got gas.
Oh boy...now it was time to do some Speed Pampering! ~~~
Yes, those are my huge-arse feet/legs and the tattoo you can't see too well. My feet were practically singing after a salon pedicure and two coats of my favorite color - OPI Cajun Shrimp. Ahh! [Men, do NOT scoff. There were just as many of "you" as "us" in the Lucky Nails today!] A good pedicure is a gift we can all use once in a while!

Oh, yes! A leisurely stroll through the Barnes & Noble for some good reading, courtesy of my squirreled away Christmas gift cards. How ya like my nutritious lunch? :) Even though it was a gray rainy day, there's always something nice to look at, and I had old Rock & Roll tunes screaming from my Jeep's speakers. Can you see the spring buds coming up on this huge oak? So glad Hurricanes Katrina and Gustav didn't kill it.

And then these nifty boots my sister found for me at a thrift store for dirt cheap were ready to be picked up from the shoe repair shop. [Some of the snakeskin was starting to come unglued.] What a fine and comfy pair of vintage cowboy boots I'll be wearing now, and for less than $10!
Hard to believe, but after all this restorative and fun ME time, I even got an hour and a half nap. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
So, blog bangers, if you had three "free" hours, how would you spend them? I hope you find some time to pamper yourself and recharge your batteries soon.
PS to the writers -- Travis had a nifty heads up at his blog today, so I'm passing along to you the link to the St. Patty's Day Novel Pitch opportunity. And before I sign off, don't forget to vote for my blog! We're trying to win blog o' the month and $50 so I can purchase some giveaway prizes. Now, carry on.
Wow! The gift of time - what's better than that? You didn't choose to take down the Christmas tree, thought? : )
Sounds like a good day. When spare time shows up here, a nap is usually the outcome. If those boots are as comfortable as they look, she should be locked up for stealing them. Not really.
See ya,
Carrie, agreed, nothing too much better. And about my tree -- Noooooooo ma'am. Wasn't even a blip on my radar. Needed some ME time! :)
Mornin', Oren. The nap was one of the best parts. I'm definitely OLD. Don't be hating on my boots. You're welcome to borrow 'em! :)
I loved this post, Angie. Like being there, but not, y'know?
Free hours? I would also do the pedi and the bookstore. I think a Hershey Bar would be involved as well.
A pedicure and a browse in a bookstore sounds like the perfect way to spend some extra time! I will have sme free time today since I got a lot done yesterday. No pedi time for me though as we woke up to SNOW this morning!!! YUCKY YUCK!
Love the toes and the fitting color you chose as a Gumbo Writer. The boots-Fabulous! The cookie, coffee, Starbucks and a pile of books-You are my kinda girl!
Oh, If I can pamper myself, I spend hours in my nearby Borders, a spree of garage selling is always a nice morning passed for me, and there is nothing like a pile of decorating magazines piled on the bathtub's side for me to dream from (in said place) at the end of my day.
What a wonderful day of pampering! I'm envious!
My day of pampering would begin with a one hour massage from the best massage therapist I've got! Followed by a jacuzzi soak with lavender and chammomile. Followed by a snuggle in bed with hubby, popcorn (crumbs get swept out later!) and a romantic movie.
Love the boots!
Man, I don't know what I'd do with free time. I'd probably just keep working. I'm so bland.
Oh! I had one yesterday too!!
I love days like that.
After being a licensed "nail Lady" for almost twenty years, I can tell you that your in good company with your O.P.I color of choice :)
I love the post! Brought a definite smile to my face. Let's see, if I had three hours to do exactly just what I wanted, I would definitely have to scope out the bookstore and grab some coffee, I would love to get a manicure(ugh my nails look terrible), and let's see...probably just take myself off to some cozy little nook around the bay and enjoy some peace and quiet. Oh and btw, I LOVE those boots!!!
Love those mani and pedis! Just got me some of that good stuff on Friday. And facials. How did women survive without them in the good 'old days? (oxymoron w/o facials)
Never had a pedicure - I think it would freak me out to have someone touching my feet! But the bookstore, that's another story entirely! I could spend the entire free time there!
This week is spring break from school...a little bit of free time...and I get to spend it writing a research paper about graffiti art. How fun for me!!
Thanks for the link to the "Pitch Party" it looks kinda fun! And I voted again for your blog. Good luck!!!
Who are these men visiting the nail salon? Tell them my mother is throwing out some old dresses if they'd like to try them on.
Amy, sistuh, you saw the size of that gargantuan Reese's cookie? :) Hope you get some extra time soon to indulge.
Eww on the snow, Linda. I'm rushing in spring with my pedi, but at least it's warm here.
The Things - we could be roommates!
Donna, that sounds absolutely luxurious. Hope it comes through for you very soon.
You BETTER be getting some free fun time in Miami, Helen! :)
Kudos, Ms. Parks, and glad I'm choosing correctly with my Cajun Shrimp. yay!
Thanks, Literary! Peace and quiet on the bay to you.
Good on you, Schube! I don't know if I've ever had a facial. (Poor ladies of old didn't live much past 40, so facials wouldn't have helped.) :)
Thanks, Embee, and hope your paper goes well and that you get some good time during spring break. And good LUCK with the pitch party.
BBSD, the man getting a pedicure right next to me was a construction worker, Harley rider with crackly feet from those heavy boots. His GIRLFRIEND treated him to the foot pampering. :)
Mmmm. Nothing better than the gift of surprise time. When I get, or make, those hours it's the farmers' market (which starts here next weekend) or an antique store or a book store. I was just thinking this morning that it's getting time for a pedicure, but not before I can expose my feet without fear of frostbite. Soon, hopefully.
How in the world did you manage to squeeze all of that in? Whoa.
Deb, that sounds like a wonderful use of the time gift. I'd love to tag along on a day like that. Warm weather thoughts coming your way.
blueviolet - Once I saw the calendar clear, I busted a gut getting the chores done, and the errands were all very near my house. The, ahhh, the rest of the time was mine all mine! :)
Hey Angie! lol. Thanks for the shout out. It sound like a perfect way to spend some free time. I suspect I'll be putting a bit of time to learning how to prepare grits sometime soon. Thanks again. :)
YES! Angie, I'm so glad you got this time, and did these things! It was good you did those things at home first, otherwise you'd have probably thought of them all day. But wow, what fun you had all by yourself!
I think I'd most like to spend 3 hrs of free time in a B&N, like you did. I so rarely get to peruse bookstores (who does?), and it's been high on my list lately. Plus, then there's the requisite run by Starbucks...
oh, def I'd go get a piggys paint!! Your's look great and much deserved, Angie!
I am SO glad you got in some "me" time! I think you desperately needed it. :-)
You used them so wisely! I would probably have just blogged.
I would find the nearest bookstore and treat myself to several uninterrupted hours of book browsing. If it is a nice day, I might be tempted to go to the beach and walk the shores. Me time is so important for us moms!
Great post! Reminds me of myself at one time. Now that I am am also a grandma and great grandma, life is only a little different. You are living it, I am remembering it! Take care, Friend.
WooHoo! Sounds like an awesome day to me. :-)
Hilary, I hope they suit your tastebuds! :)
There's a Starbuck's inside our B&N, Janna, so I got a twofer there. LOL
Hope you get/make a window of personal time on your own schedule. Required for busy mom/writer people.
kimmi, thanks! Go get them little piggys all painted up. Ahh.
You're so right, Melissa. Hoping same for you s.o.o.n.
Debbie, it's great to get out into the wider world now and then, girl. LOL
Beach would be a treat too, Catherine. (I had my book list with me, so I saved time going straight to the authors on the shelves I wanted.) Thanks for visiting!
Polly, hope you still get some special ME time now. And thank you for stopping by.
T'was, Jessica!
It was relaxing just reading your post. If I had extra time, I would take off for a day road trip with my dh, camera in hand, find a great little road side cafe for lunch, and then look for photo ops. :>)
So, I decided to take a much needed break from studyin' to make sure you're not telling the world vicious lies about your favorite child and up your blog votes to first place. As I'm trying to ignore the super sonic boom-like sounds blaring from peppy's tv, I stumble across a picture of your feet.....ooooook can I just say GROSS! I mean really you know I have that phobia mom! But I love you anyway!
PS: thanks so much for passing the crazy genes down to me.
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