Tomorrow is March 15, the "Ides of March," so what the heck does that mean anyway? If you had to guess at the definition of "ides," which would you choose:
A.) A day of bad luck first associated with the original tax collection day, moved to April 15 in modern times.
B.) A term used on Roman calendars referring to the 15th of any month.
C.) "Ides don't know, and don't really care."
Here's the scoopage from Wikipedia ~~ The Ides of March (Latin: Idus Martias) is the name of the date 15 March in the Roman calendar. The term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July and October, and the 13th day of the other eight months. In Roman times, the Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held. In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date that Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC.
Here's hoping your 14th and Ides of March are both fantabulous days!
Yeah. The Wikipedia scoopage? That was my answer, word for word. :P
Happy weekend! Hope you have a good one. *hug*
A happy weekend to you! As for Julius Caesar, it wasn't so wonderful. If only he had "Ides" on the back of his head to see the dagger coming!
LOL, Janna, and hugs back.
Michelle, made me laugh into my coffee!
Poor Caesar. He should've listened to his wife. She had the dream predicting his death, remember? Take note, gentlemen! Listening to your wives could do more than just keep you from sleeping on the couch...it could save your life :-P
Surprisingly, I do not like March. I'd soon skip it every year. Bad family history associated with it.
(((angie))) have a great weekend!!!
Ides will be busy playing the part of Bob Vila both the 14th and the 15th.
I always thought it meant "middle" as in "beware the middle of March." I guess that's similar. I had an ex-boyfriend whose birthday was (is I imagine) March 15th. He looked like Rod Stewart. I'm sure there's a clever way to tie that all together, but I'm much too tired to think of it right now!!!
Don't tell me we have two bad luck days in one month and so close to each other. That can't be good.
Morgan Mandel
Et tu, Brute?
Poor Caesar. What's amazing is that we all know this day as the day he died.
LOL! My ides of march have been pretty good to me lately! LOL! enjoy! And thanks for the lesson! Jenni
Ides didn't know. Gotta love wikipedia! Have a great weekend.
Hope your's are good too! Thanks again for that heads up!
Ahh yes, the ides of March. Wasn't that in Julius Caesar?
Way too much to think about tonight. Walked the parade today for fundraiser. If there is a recession, people need to come to our parades. Appears to be no shortage of money here. Beads and "stuff" as far as the eye can see.
LC, good food for thought on that! :)
kimmi, I hate to hear that. :( Hope you have a fun weekend.
I know you'll do a bang-up job on your own personal episode of This Old House! Best of luck and hope it goes smoothly.
Debra, go catch some nappage, girl.
Hopefully, the two bad days cancel each other out, Morgan. :O)
So true, Deb.
Jenni, ya welcome.
Wiki and Google are always good to me, Ang. :)
Literary Nut, glad we finally connected.
I think so, Jessica.
You're right, Oren. I saw beads strewn up CityPlace Blvd! Did you see Patricia riding her St. Patty's Day float? Hope y'all made good on fundraiser in this yucky weather.
I love it! I always wondered and here the information is... provided for me so easily. I didn't even have to go looking. See, this is why I love ya Ang! :)
Angie you have added to my mind yet another piece of useless knowledge that I'm sure I'll remember above other things that I really should be remembering. Thanks. LOL
Glad you liked the little trvia today, Jenn!
Oh, I'm just full of it, Kasie. :)
Ah, now I know! Happy Ides to you, Angie!
You left out the "and Ides don't need no underwear" part.
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