Weird title on today's post, huh? The submission part refers to a great review of the words submission, acceptance and rejection as they apply to writers and poets sending their words around in the hopes of getting published. I won't even try to paraphrase the wise words of an editor/poet on this subject, so go read for yourself Tim Green's post "You Must Submit" at his blog!
Now, the retreat part has to do with author and good friend Deborah LeBlanc's upcoming Pen-to-Press Retreat you MUST check out if you are currently wrangling with a manuscript of your own and want to pitch it to top notch agents on site. As a participant in the first annual retreat, I cannot tout it enough. And who couldn't use a few days away in New Orleans? [Ooo, and maybe we can even meet in 3D, as I'm hoping to go again myself for at least part of the time!]
Here's the latest newsletter update:
About the 2010 Pen to Press Writers' Retreat
Announcing a one of a kind writers' retreat that you simply can't pass up! Come excited and leave inspired, ready to improve your writing and get that manuscript published!
Announcing a one of a kind writers' retreat that you simply can't pass up! Come excited and leave inspired, ready to improve your writing and get that manuscript published!
Pen to Press Retreats are five intense, hands-on, inspiring days that teach participants how to shape and present a saleable manuscript. You'll learn in a variety of settings, from workshops to one-on-one mentoring sessions to seminars. To that end, you will write and revise, have your manuscript critiqued, and revise some more. This is a remarkable opportunity to transform your writing!
To top it off, throughout the last two days of each retreat, all of our participants are given exclusive, one-on-one time with agents and editors to whom they can pitch their work.
With this retreat under your belt, who can stop you?
Activities: Participants will be assigned to a class of 20 and a team instructor. (Our instructors are all successfully published authors, many New York Times and U.S.A. Today Best-sellers, award-winners, and all are excellent teachers.) With this group, you will spend five days working on specifics to improve your manuscript. During classes and panel discussions, you'll learn details about characterization, plot, dialogue, pacing, voice, marketing, pitching, contract negotiations, etc., all of it geared around your specific work.
Agents and editors will be on hand the last two days of the retreat, and they'll be there to spend one-on-one time with you, our participants . . . writers who now have a polished pitch for a promising work!
We've even established a payment plan to help participants who are accepted into the 2010 program stretch the cost of the retreat out over time.
Join Us: The dates for the 2010 Pen to Press Writers Retreat are May 25-29, 2010, and the location will be in beautiful downtown New Orleans, Louisiana.
Interested writers must submit a two page synopsis of a completed novel or novel in progress along with the first five pages of that novel. From those submissions, a maximum of 160 participants will be selected.
To find out more about the 2010 Pen to Press Writers' Retreat, visit our website at http://www.pentopressretreat.com/ There you'll find in-action videos and testimonials from past participants. So jump on over to the website and have a look. And we hope to see YOU at the 2010 PPW Retreat!
Thanks for the head's up - I'll definitely be checking into that retreat! Will you be feeding us down there?? (Per Kat's post today.)
I just wanted to say that I've really enjoyed your post this week. Very informative stuff. Thanks for sharing.
OH man, a retreat sounds like bliss!
Wow wow wow! The retreat sounds amazing! I'm bookmarking the info. Thanks.
Ooh! How fun! I can't wait until I'm in the states and can actually do these things! Eeeh! Great article too! Thanks! Jenni
That almost makes me wish I was a novelist - but not quite enough to convert me! x
Sounds like a neat retreat! And you're right - who wouldn't want to be in New Orleans for a few days? :-)
I need something like this in Chicago. :(
Thanks for the info. That retreat sounds awesome. I think it would be fun to all meet up one day at a retreat. All us virtual friends turned real life. Awesome.
I just came to say I am jealous of you and Kat getting together. And yes, I am in middle school:)
Glad you enjoyed today's post, gang. I've been a bizzy bee working on my manuscript, so haven't visited as I love to.
Debbie....next time! :)
Dounds like an awesome retreat Angie!! I too am jealous of you and Kat, lucky ladies.; )
Sounds like a great retreat!
Hi Friend.. Nice to visit your blog.. Good and interesting stuffs.. Keep up the good work.. Do find time to visit my blog and post your comments.. Take care mate.. Cheers!!!
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