Had too much of the goosh and moosh of St. Valentine's Day love expressions -- flowers, candy, cards, a nice night out or lots of hugs and kisses? Conversely, did you overdo it celebrating S.A.D. (Singles Awareness Day) out with friends? Either way, maybe today will be a nice day for taking it slow, lying low, disappearing into a good book...all alone.
Seriously, I hope your day was everything you wanted it to be. Now, go get a *Cajun Bloody Mary and read your fat Sunday paper, and I'll "see" you again for the start of a new week tomorrow.
*Bloody Marys are supposedly a great hangover cure, or so local folklore says. If you need a great authentic recipe, check out this one---> YUMMY!
And if you've got a love hangover cure to share, please "trow it in da pot" for us all to enjoy.
hmm.. any excuse I can to curl up in bed and read... I'm gonna take it! LOL! Thanks! Hope you had a fab Valentine's Day! jenni
I don't know about a Bloody Mary, I'd like to be able to stop reading bloody blogs long enough to be able to go and make myself a cup of coffee - not to mention to write sense instead of gobbledegook when I try to leave a comment so much so that I have to delete and start all over again.I shall die of thirst if I don't stop soon...
I ate way too dang much chocolate after I'd told GMR not to buy any - so when he did, I knew what would happen, and it did *LAUGHING* I gots a tummmmy achhhhee mommyyyy angie *laugh*
Muwah - happy day to you my beautiful friend....
Me too, giddy/Jenni. Love to read in the tub too. Hope you and the six-pack of Red had a memorable day of lovliness. :)
Oh boy, hear ya, Jinksy. I pre-set my coffee pot when not at my parents'. If you can't get up and be greeted by coffee...what's the point of waking?
Take some Pepto, eat some ruffage (hehe) and call me in the morning, Katty! Happy day after to you!
I spent my Valentine evening with a good friend and two younger men. MUCH younger men by twenty-ish years. I tried so hard to get them drunk so I could take advantage of them but, alas, it's ME that woke up {alone} with the hangover today. They must have been onto me...
Don't get to relaxed and forget to show up at the farm tomorrow for the "really big day". I figure you should be there since you hand a hand in it :)
I got edible flowers made of fruit--I don't want to look at another chocolate strawberry or pineapple flower for awhile. :D Have a lovely Sunday, Angie.
Well, my Valentine was out of the country so ... no celebrating for me. But heck ... the Bloody Mary sounds fabulous!! :)
BTW ... I have to apologize ... awhile back you sent me an award which I was supposed to pass on. I'm so bad at these things ... and, as usually happens if I don't address it immediately, I forgot all about it. I am sorry!! :( Mia Culpa ... Mia Culpa!!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Small Footprints
We're going out this afternoon when it will be less crowded for our Valentine's celebration. We're hitting the Chinese restaurant.
I only wish it had a different name than Bloody Mary...I mean, that sounds gross. Rosy Mary, maybe?
Oooo, Mz. Angie, I hate the day after a big party. Too old for bad head. :) Hope you get a Bloody Mary with all the spices and trimmings, or otherwise get perked up. Sounds like a fun alternative Valentine's Day you had.
Why, Mrs. Parks, I haven't the faintest idea what you're referring to, but I'll sure as tootin' be there!
kimmi, sounds scrumpdiddlyuptious! I'm gonna try to get a nap shortly. Hugs to you.
Never fear, small. I break the rules lots of times, and my mind goes on vacation quite often. Lovely, isn't it? :)
Morgan, sounds like a good and yummy plan.
It's hard to come up with a different name that fits, Colby. I've thought about it too. If it was Rosy Mary, everyone would call it a Rosemary's baby. :) Personally, I'm campaigning for --- Cajun V9! (yep, smack head.)
Come on Colby. This is part of the fun of watching hung over people. Watching the early mornings is the best part. Yea, this is probably wrong, but it's not the first time.
Chocolate for everyone.
My over-indulgence is worse in February than December, but I'm choosing not to deal with it until March 1st.
Bleh! Anything with tomato juice is going to make things much worse. My best hangover cure so far has been children. Knowing they are not going to let me rest the next day is an effective reminder of my limit.
Now President's day, that is something I can celebrate. Glad V day is behind us.
My day was like all the others. LOL
LOL Oren. Such a bad boy! But thanks for the chocolates. :)
Carrie, perfectly understandable since it's Valentines AND your birthday!
Oh, Capt., we share the same "cure." Nothing (no.thing) worse than changing bad diapers while your head and stomach are still swimming from the night before...or putting up with the incessant chattering demands. *shudder* Thanks for visiting.
Bernthis, personally, I don't share a big whooptee doo about Valentine's Day either. :)
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