Yep, you guessed it. The Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) greeted me this morning, and though it's actually a white fuzzy blank screen resembling a really bad Etch-A-Sketch, it nevertheless is holding my normal computer functions hostage. Thankfully, I have my cheap-o Acer laptop to turn to.
I've also got a handy dandy external hard drive hooked up, so my data's safe. Hopefully, the BSoD means I need a new monitor and not "the works." *sigh* It would be a Monday when I'm trying valiantly to work on my manuscript!
Has this ever happened to you?
My monitor looks like what my brain feels like today, so let's all hope both of those items get fixed, overhauled, resuscitated very very soon~~~
Argh! Tough luck, Angie - but what a chance to go away and have another cup of coffee and a Danish Pastry...
I've never gotten that gray fog screen before. If I had to guess, I'd agree it's probably the monitor. Do you have another monitor you could hook it up to and see what happens?
I got an actual blue screen last night. Scared the (insert curse word here) out of me, considering I lost two hard drives last year. But this morning, my laptop was back up and running.
You and I back up. To anyone else reading this -- back up, back up, back up.
OMG, I can't even look at the picture without feeling alittle sick.
That happened to me once, the BSOD.
I still can't talk about it, it's just to painful.
Oh wow. Yeah, I would try hooking it up to another monitor and seeing if it works.
My laptop screen is on the fritz, too. I think I know the problem and just need to get the parts to fix it.
I have gotten the gray fog screen on my laptop. It usually has to do with the faulty video card, either complete malfunction or just a hiccup. It rebooted fine.
Not to rain on your parade, but one time the monitor with my PC went on the fritz. Took both it and the CPU tower to the repair shop and they said the monitor ended up frying the motherboard. Hope the same hasn't happened to yours.
Fingers crossed it's just the monitor, and thank God for external hard drives, just in case!
Hoping it's just your monitor, Angie. Yikes that would scrare me, I'm going to back up my .docs now.
Ugh--I guess I wouldn't know what to do but your incident reminded me I need to do a back up soon!! I hope it is a Cheap fix1
Our TV died last week and it was only 2 years old--NOT fixable so we had to go find a cheap replacement. Ugh again.
another subtle reminder that we should own an external hard drive and remember to use it. hoping it's just the monitor.
Eek! I hope it's a simpler problem, too. Good luck!
This reminds me to pull out my Flash Drive and save. Thanks!
I'm in bed with my back in a knot the size of a small state (RI? DE?). I just took a muscle relaxant, so my brain will be looking like that white fuzzy screen in 5...4...3...2...
I've never had to deal with that, thank God. Good luck!
I've been using my cheapo Acer laptop (the little wee tiny one - 8 1/2" screen) for months now, as I travel in the U.S. and Mexico. The first thing that broke was the connection for my flash drive. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed until I get home, which is awkward for typing, but what else can I do? I do sympathize, Angie - and I love the BSoD.
Did flames shoot out of the back? If not, I have a great story about flaming computers at Mossy Oak years ago.
I cannot believe you made us look upon the screen of death. I'm not a superstitious person, but if my computer dies after this, I will connect it with you directly, and then you will have to pay my counseling bills.
Thanks, bloggy friends, for all your well wishes and expressions of sympathy on my bad computer day...now...
Monday mornings really do blow.
Yes, I had the blue screen a few months ago. It aged me five years and I drank a lot.
Ack! The dreaded BSoD!! I need one of those external hard drives... I think it would help me sleep better at night.
I hope all of the fuzzy pictures heal for you and you will be working on your ms by lunchtime tomorrow. :D
NO, thank goodness.
Ugh.. I sure hope it's only the monitor. I had one go shocking pink on me once. I could still see everything but it was like looking through rose-coloured glasses.. but in the bad way. I'll keep fingers crossed. :)
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