Are you addicted to blogging? I think I might be in the beginning stages, so maybe it's time for a test. Since we all have better things to do (and posts to write and blogs to stalk), let's make it a Yes or No sorta quiz. Give yourself one point for each affirmative answer, and none for negatives.
~~Bloggers Quiz~~
- Do you think about blogging first thing in the morning...maybe even before you've had your first cup of coffee?
- If you miss a few days of posting to your blog and/or reading friends' messages, do you feel strange or like something's missing?
- Would you rather be writing/reading online than doing almost anything else?
- At random times during the day do things you see, hear or experience pop into your mind as being possible good blogging fodder? (Oh, I like the way that sounds!)
- Do you count bloggy folks as part of your circle of "real" friends?
- Are you taking this quiz?
Okay, add up your points. If you got less than 3, you're still a viable member of the living, breathing real world human race. Four and above points, you're doomed. Might as well hop on the addiction bandwagon and have a good time with the rest of us...
Hello, my name is _______, and I'm a blogaholic.
{Image from photobucket.com}
Buckle me up! Looks like I'm an addict too.
Strangely, I feel no guilt...
Laughing! Welcome to Blogland, Angie Teehee -- I have broken the spell a few times, when other things in "Real Life" got in the way...but even as I write "real life," I know this is an important part of my "real life."
And yes, I've made friends through BlogLand...like Patresa! When I first began online stuff, on forums and all, I was so careful-- I had a fake name, I didn't say where I lived, but, now, well, I'm all Out There! I still try to be careful about my personal daily life, however. THough sometimes, as when my beautiful old girl died, I let it loose.
By the way; I'm doomed *laugh!*
PS - I'm so crazy - I have an MSN blog, the YOG, R's & T's, a myspace(I never post though), a Facebook page, on a couple of writer's website thingees, etc etc etc -- egads! Help me help me!
Jessica, I really don't either. It's a harmless escape from life's poop, and a great way to form good community. :)
LOL, Kathryn. I'm not sure there is any help. Just relax and enjoy the rush.
Hello, my name is Michelle, and I'm a blogaholic. I blame Angie for making such wonderful blog posts that have me salivating to read more.
Yes, I am also going through denial... ;)
My hand's up. Since I'm a bit of a duty-bound person, I feel it's my job to make sure I don't disappoint. I post out of duty. I'm so sick. :))
Um, Michelle, I'm pretty sure you were already blogging before I blew into the Blogosphere in September. LOL
Lori, I sympathize totally. I've got the same "condition." :)
Well, I got 4, so...
Climb on in, Sul, there's plenty of room in the wagon! :)
I got 6, possibly a 7, hahaha! Have you ever been recognized in the real world by someone who reads your blog? I have, several times, and it is such a buzz for me when it happens! Like, when I was working at the Grand Canyon entrance station, and a lady says to me, "Excuse me, but are you FabGrandma?" So, yeah, "hello, my name is karen the FabGrandma, and I am a blogaholic."
Definitely addicted! But I think it's a good addiction - I've made great friends and gotten wonderful support through the blogging community.
OK, I'll admit it...I got a score of 6! I'm with Melissa, I think "it's a good addiction."
*raises hand* I love reading other's blogs and contributing to mine.
And I've made some good friends whom I talk to via phone as well!!
And I hope to visit your lakehouse one day and enjoy your foo--er company. :D
Eta; Angie, I'm having a hard time signing in here under my wordpress, thus the use of my blogger account.
Oh no, I've been in denial, but I can't deny it any longer. I scored a solid five, I'm a blogaholic. Sigh. Oh well, back to blogging. :)
Yes times six. I can deny it no more...
Considering I haven't missed one day in almost 365 days, I didn't even have to take the quiz to know. But I did do it, and of course, I am a blogoholic.
Solid five here, almost six. Let me just layer this addiction atop all my other writing passions and newly-acquired photography habit. I'll be needing my very own wagon. ~ Deb
Karen, that would be so surreal to meet someone from Bloggyland just by coincidence!
Melissa & Barbara, we'll commence BA meetings with the new year. I'll let ya know the details soon. LOL
Unbreakable/Kimmi, glad ya found a way to comment anyway. (That's the 7th question of the quiz, so yeah, you've got a bad case of Blogaholism.) :)
LOL, Kasie. Might as well go with it.
Janna, welcome aboard. We're a happy group and will serve coffee after meetings. hehe
Kudos for the string of unbroken posts, Colby!
LOL, Deb. I bet Corlis Bros. sells some big Radio Flyers!!
I scored 3 points. I'm right on the edge of Blog Addiction. I do have MySpace and facebook profiles to keep track of family and far away friends. I'm new to blogging so I'm sure I'll pass the point of no return in 2009. :>)
Hello, My name is Small Footprints ... and I'm a Blogaholic! Hook, line and sinker! :) My family is, at this moment, lining up an intervention for me ... of course, they say they'll postpone that if I would just stop growling at them when they interrupt my blogging. Ahh ... such is life! LOL!
Thank you so much for your kind comments on my site ... I have so enjoyed "meeting" you as well.
Here's wishing you all the best ... and some magical surprises ... in 2009!
Small Footprints
Yes (but there are a few creepy ones...)
Yes? Trick question?
The best part of blogging for me is the guilt of not posting every other day. It makes me think about writing something everyday. Without it, I could easily go a week without writing and that's not a good thing.
JyLnC, you're there, baybee, with the addition of extra social media thingies to keep track of. :)
LOL and hear ya, Small! Glad to have gotten to know you also.
Welcome to the blogaholics club, Eric. Glad you get to write daily and keep those ideas churning. Sorry about the not-so-good creepy bloggers who've found ya. :)
I scored the same as Eric. I love my blog and the blogs that I follow. And, it's fun finding new blogs along the way. Although, I've only been at this game for about three months, it feels like I've been doing it forever! (btw, angie: I got asked for a partial from Jessica Faust at Bookends!)
Took it twice. 3 the first time and 12 the second. I hate math stuff. Like it better when food is involved.
Uh oh.....6 out of 6....I'm addicted to blogging too! But ya know what....I'm okay with it....!
I stopped blogging for 9 months & I've only just got back into it again so I'm not that much of a blogaholic... yet.
Debra, I've had my own blog about as long as you, and agree, it IS fantastic fun. Major congrats on the partial! Loved your pitch when I read it and was happy it was chosen for a crit. *big smile* Please let us know how it's received!
LOL, Oren. I don't do maff either.
Welcome aboard, Carrie friend. Saved ya a seat right next to me. :)
Here, here, Linda! Me too.
t i m, we'll give ya some time to get re-addicted. Thanks for dropping by.
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