It's been a not-so-great week, with the loss of my sweet Darla girl dog, but I've given myself a few days to really grieve, then I'll look ahead to a better forecast for the week.
I'm optimistic about writing goals right now, as I've gotten several projects off my plate lately, and feel like anything is possible. An editing project *waving to my friend who knows who she is and how much I'm loving this work and what a good friend she is* is going really well also. More than progress made, I'm feeling like there's a "good cycle" coming up for me next. A period when I'll be productive and doors will open. Is it a hunch, unwarranted optimism or wishful thinking?
Whatever it is, I'll let you know when it pans out. In the meantime, take a second and fill out the writer's poll up in the top right corner. Maybe clarifying your goals combined with positive thinking and prayer power will net us some good results. I know I'll be remembering each of you and your WWWs (Wonderful Writing Wishes) over the coming days. Wouldn't it be awesome to hear good news all over BlogLand due to the increased efforts we put into caring, hoping and praying for each other's successes?
*clink* Raising my coffee cup to yours as we forge ahead.
Yes, I too am praying for some great writing news from one of us in Blog land this week! It was great to hear Janna's news and maybe it will be you next! Glad you have a plan of what to work on. I can't wait to get some more accomplished! See you in the week:)
Hoping same for you! ;)
"A period when I'll be productive and doors will open. Is it a hunch, unwarranted optimism or wishful thinking?"
I've had powerful instances like that and wondered the same thing. When I attribute it to a hunch and react with faith and confidence, it always turns out great!
Hugs to you during this grieving process, and I pray you, too, find something great waiting around the corner for you.
Setting goals is a skill I learned from our coach and use daily in work and with the boys. Mental imagery is a big part of our racers work and with the physical work they put in, it is scary how this works. Good things are heading your way. Mental work and me, sounds like a dangerous combination.
Ditto to you, Janna. A good week for us all! ;)
LOL, Oren. With that mind of yours, there's nothing you can't do.
Isn't that a concidence? I'm editing a novel from a gifted writer who is more talented than she knows and in reading her draft, I woke up thinking about MR and how is she doesn't go back to MR she is crazy? because it is HER HEART...
Funny, Kathryn, I was just thinking about that old draft recently. Sad there's not too big a market for allegorical redemptive fiction novellas these days. LOL
If you build it, THEY WILL COME!!! No charge for that, by the way. Did my eyes deceive me, or did you just call Oren,"Mental?" hahahaha Hope you are having a beautiful day. Hugs and prayers!!!
PW....you dippin' in the happy sauce on a Sunday? ;) Have a good one yaself.
I just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog, Angie, and to tell you that I'm enjoying reading through your previous posts....quite the wonderful sense of humor you've got going!! Very refreshing!!
PW - She knows I am. Like I said mental work and I make a dangerous combination.
I raise my mug to that!
Thanks, Linda. I'm going to cruise by your blog again shortly.
Carrie, hope your week is extra special!
Hi Angie!
Thank you for your comment on my blog.
I'm very sorry to read about your dog.
I've enjoyed reading through some of your posts, I'll have to catch up! Hope you don't mind if I add you to my Blogroll.
Best wishes.
Thanks, Janine. Since you're a writer, I hope you'll participate in my contest and post a plot. Enjoyed your blog. It's easy on the eyes and pretty.
It'd be great to have some good news. I've been feeling really down today. Just one of those days, I think. I'm praying for all us writers to have some sunshine coming our way ;-)
Colby, hope you're just feeling down because you're at the tail-end of that really nasty cold...and not because something worse is looming. Like you, I hope good news for all is right around the next corner...THERE!
I'm just now reading your blogs for this week. Of course, I know who you were waving at... Thanks for helping with the essay! You are truly a great friend. I really appreciate just knowing that I can stop by your house anytime, any day and you and Dennis make me feel at home! Sorry, about your Darla. I didn't know when I stopped by yesterday. I know she was blind and deaf, but a dear old companion. I love you dearly and hope we can make some time for more visits. The weather is getting so nice, so maybe a little outdoor walk or a visit at my house in my swing!!! XOXOXO
LOL, Tru. Was waving at another friend, but I'm waving at you too now! ;) Would love to come swing with ya......now, that didn't sound right, did it? hehe *smooch*
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