Hello, Blogville friends! Today is Gumbo Writer's FOURTH birthday, so I thought I'd check in and see how you're all doing. [If you need a little coloring therapy, feel free to print out the image above and get busy.] :)
A few confessions ~~~ It's been so long since I posted, I got locked out of and had to obtain a new password. The nerve, hunh? LOL And to add insult to injury, there were 76 pieces of spam (much of it foreign), that needed deleting. Ugg. So glad I've got comments older than two days old set on moderation mode!

As per usual, I've got about a million creative projects going on simultaneously: editing a few book manuscripts, keeping up with the functions and duties of Rose & Thorn Journal, enjoying Facebook and several groups I've started there, and {insert excited voice} I'm showing some artwork and photography at several local galleries! I'm engaging in a serious romance with photography of late, have gotten some poetry and anthology acceptances, am still hosting a monthly poetry workshop through our Arts Council, and yada yada yada. So, you can see all the creative goodies that are vying for my time, and some of the reasons I've not been as active as I should here.
Those are the high points in my What I've Been Doing journal. Sooooooooooo, what are YOU up to? Please share!
Will be back tomorrow with a new Tasty Tuesday recipe or two.
Huggage and all good things to YOU!
YOU are one busy, cute girl!! Amazingly talented!!! Can't wait to meet you, Angie! jink
Birdies of a feather, Jink, & ditto! ;)
Congratulations on the anniversary and all the latest good news, Angie! I'm so happy for you and not at all surprised that your artwork and photography is getting more exposure. It is wonderful!
One of the best things that happened to me this summer was the altered book swap we did together. I am so glad we met and hope, one day, to meet you in person. In the meantime, I continue to be inspired by your posts, photos, doodles, and recipes!
Happy bloggy birthday!!!!
Glad you survived Isaac!
Thanks & thanks, Jennifer! :)
SO proud of you, bestie! :-D Love that you are doing what you love and makes you happy and excited!
Me too! Photography is a hobby, but I'd love to take it more seriously. And the new novel, as you know, is coming along :-D
Happy birthday/anniversary!
Welcome back! I feel the same way here--been busy moving and settling in but have missed blogging and hope to see more of your posts too!
Glad to see you back here at the old stand doing business again. Happy fourth anniversary!
Between blogging, writing, editing, FBing, tweeting ... I know what you mean!
I am so happy to see about your artwork up for all to see. How cool is that?
As a flood survivor, I know what a little bit of rain can do to plans. It puts a wallop on life, for sure.
Aww, Kat, thanky! <3
Terri -- glad Dorothy found her ruby slippers. *smile*
Thank you, good ol' Suldawg!
We're in the same "boat," Karen. Lots of good stuff going on. (And I'm remembering you daily in prayer still.) xo
Nice to see you back in the blogging world. Happy four years of it!
LOL! Angie, you crack me up! Locked out and then 70-something pieces of spam... *snort*
Ahh, you know what I've been doing. Besides cheering for those Tigers! Publishing my book. O.M.G. Talk about the project that ate my life!
So glad you guys made it through Isaac w/no problems. <3
As with everyone else, I thought I'd wish you a happy bloggy birthday. Glad to hear, too, that you survived Isaac. Luckily, my new French Quarter apartment survived as well. Phew.
Oh, and I wanted to say that now I finally understand your recent comment on my blog. The Smokies-area bestie of whom you speak is, of course, Kathryn - right!
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