Roni Griffin talks about the pros and cons of pre-published authors constructing a website vs. blogging, and other matters of social networking.
"You don't have to be insane like me and have a website, blog, twitter, facebook, and goodreads. A website can be static, so once you have that up, it's not any work. And then if you like to blog--blog. If not, then just do twitter or facebook (I'd recommend Twitter over Facebook if you're only going to do one--it's more effective IMHO). But do whatever works for you."

Need a splash of vivid color in your life? Visit Steph Jordan's Living in Color blog, watch her shows, get some new recipes, browse the beautiful original items in her Etsy shop. You won't be sorry. I've already done some Christmas shopping, and hooo-boyyyy, there are some great items ON SALE right now. (One of a kind, artsy, lovely things.) **Look for an interview with Steph coming soon right here! Steph says, "Art is created with Passion and Hope. When I create my originals it's with the desire that anyone that receives will feel the love and inspiration and enjoy it the same! Lots of unique items for sale on my Etsy show." And this for you frugal shoppers: "One of a kind Original Art by Steph Jordan. Jewelry, Mixed Media Art, paintings and more. All purchases come with a free goodie!"
Follow her blog, and click on the "About" tab for more on Steph.
Our beloved Rose & Thorn Journal's newsletter creator, Susan G. Kramer, has finally joined the Blogosphere with her brand spankin' new Coffee Girl blawg! Please help welcome her, and follow her coffee-licious blog. Another cool place to buy gifts for your writerly friends. She creates the nicest cards from recycled materials, greenie that she is. Here's some that I'm proud to have:
For you local home girls in and around Baton Rouge, don't miss author Ronlyn Domingue's seminar in connection with Women's Council of Greater Baton Rouge annual Women's Week. Another "don't miss" at the event is Poet Extraordinaire Ava Leavell Haymon.
Date: Sunday, October 3 Time: 4 - 6 p.m. Baton Rouge Gallery at 1442 City Park Ave. Her talk is entitled: Life Terms, No Insurance: Women Writers on Resisting, Relenting or Embracing What the Universe Delivers. More info here.

If you missed my popular interview with the author lady, it's HERE, and she gives plenty good scoop to writers about the process and other how-to tips.
Date: Sunday, October 3 Time: 4 - 6 p.m. Baton Rouge Gallery at 1442 City Park Ave. Her talk is entitled: Life Terms, No Insurance: Women Writers on Resisting, Relenting or Embracing What the Universe Delivers. More info here.

If you missed my popular interview with the author lady, it's HERE, and she gives plenty good scoop to writers about the process and other how-to tips.
Just so y'all don't think I'm only touting the ladies, don't miss Chuck Sambuchino's (Guide to Literary Agents) upcoming post wherein expert Jane Friedman explains how to increase your blog following and building your author platform. Mark your calendars for Sept. 16.
I know y'all are following Lynn Price's Behler blog, right? FULL of great info. on publishing and all things writerly. Oh, and you'll lurve her bartending beagle sidekick!
Lynn's posts are witty, sassy, and savvy; her thoughts on book promo will get your juices flowing. Don't miss the editorial director of Behler Publications post: Promo is like Costco. Here's a snippet --
I know many authors are shy and would rather hunker down and write and never have to meet a single fan or do a lick of promotion. Good luck with that.
And look for our friend Kim Richardson's soon-to-be-on-shelves The Unbreakable Child. Behler is the publisher!
[NOTE TO SELF: Get Lynn's book pronto!]
So...whatcha working on? Do tell...
GREAT site suggestions!
LOVE this blog.
The Unbreakable Child; wow.
Talk about great cover art.
Wow! Lots of great links and info!! Thanks!
Thanks so much for the linky love and I'll have to check some of these others out! :)
Patti - Thanks. It's a GREAT book. Will rip your heart out, then leave your soul soaring!
Thanks, Mara. :)
My pleasure, Roni.
Thanks so much, Angie for the nice words here. Your support means more than I can say.
I'm so excited for Kim's book - it's such a powerful and well-told story, and she deserves every bit of recognition she gets.
Off to check out the other sites, looking forward to making some new friends.
Love to you.
Wow, THANKS, Angie! And I'm super impressed you got the pictures on there, too! WOW!
Great suggestions/links.
What am I working on? 1. Finished the Memoir-blog form- will polish and see what's next with that. 2. Working on a novella that has haunted me for years.
Unlike many young writers, I consider myself a newbie, still wading in this business. Any help is appreciated.
I linked your site to mine this morning 'cause I knew you'd have great links, and you do!
I'm working on Book 4 - this one is being persnickity while the other three flew out of me like I vomited - ewww but that's how it was ! Laugh--- this one keeps getting caught in my throat *gaack gaack gaack*
I'm working on the edits for my epic fantasy, looking specifically for 'ly' and 'ing' words. This is hand-in-hand with my editor. I jot down notes on the sequels to this book and I am also creating a fantasy series that I hope everyone will enjoy.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Oooh, I feel like a kid in a candy store! Thx for the links!
Great links- thanks. I'm working on revisions and blogfests :)
Deb - love and many success back!
It was easy, Carrie. Just googled images of you, uploaded one to my photos, then hit the Add Photo widget in Blogger when I was creating the post. If I can do it, anybody can. :D
You're one busy lady, lakeviewer. Write on!
Kat - Maybe you just got a hair ball and need to cough it up! LOL
Take a break -- you've earned it and deserve it! Maybe try some longhand?
NRW - Best of luck twacking down those waskawy wabbits! hehe
Jennifer - Thanks, and enjoy! (All calorie free, I might add.)
Bon chance with the blogfest & WiP work, Summer.
I'm writing a column :) (sent email with info yesterday) and I'm doing a bit of research for book 3. I'm a bit knotted up with marketing stuff. I want to unpick myself from it, sit in a room with no web connection, and write!
Who doesn't love a ton of linkage!!! Thanks for all the awesome!! Don't forget the trifecta continues tomorrow! PS I have a fab giveaway at my blog, as long as you're into gossiping!!!
I love these linky ones, thanks Angie!
Thank you kindly, my dear friend, (((angie))) for the lovely shout out. I'd like to also let your readers know I'll have a great lil' writerly contest with my awesome agent over at my blog and for the release of The Unbreakable Child, soon.
Thank you kindly, my dear friend, (((angie))) for the lovely shout out. I'd like to also let your readers know I'll have a great lil' writerly contest with my awesome agent over at my blog and for the release of The Unbreakable Child, soon.
Awesome links. Thanks Angie! I'm working on deep revisions for my wip. I hope to be done w/in the month. Maybe two. *sigh*
Angie, great list. I'm going to check them out! Thanks for all the tips!
lots of great stuff here! Gonna check out that coffee blog. And what am I working on??? WIP #3 of course, dahlin~ :D <3
Good links, Ang! :-)
I'm working on the WW2 novel...and even though I'm trying to fit in more writing time during the "down time" at work, it's not going so well. Too many distractions at the office!
Hi! Wanted to drop in and say "hello" and ... of course ... check out all the goings on in your neighborhood. Wow ... this post is filled with great info. Thanks for sharing with us!
Rebecca - Hear dat! (I got your email/attachment today. Thanks. Look for it next week.)
Jen - Thanks. I'll visit over at your giveaway/doings later tonight after the fam is fed! :)
You're welcome, Titus. (My, you're a cutie!)
Kimmi - I wanna play! Send me details, and I'll join the contest fun from my blog. Huggage
Carolyn V. - I'm right there (write there?) in the same boat with ya! Where's our trolling motor? My arms are tired of paddling. LOL
You're welcome, Karen!
Go get 'em, LT!!! Woot!
Melissa - Hoping you get some uninterrupted quiet for some "zone time" real soon. :)
Hey, Small! Glad you likey. I wanna get with you about a pre-holiday online artisan post real soon. LOVE your jewelry and Art's art. hehe
*LAUGHING!* *cough cough*
....hey, so glad your man is okay
Looks like good links to me!
I'm working on revisions. You?
Damn girl, you just linked your fingers off! Well done. :)
This blog is such a happy place to visit. And, it makes me hungry!
Thanks for all of the great links! P.S. I have Lynn's book on my Kindle...it's jam-packed full of excellent info.
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