Monday, November 2, 2009

Book Title Contest!

The last book naming contest was so much fun, let's do it again!

The rules are simple:

  • Pick your favorite photo from some I recently shot.
  • Create a corresponding book title.
  • Leave your entry [Photo number, title and genre] in a comment, and make sure I have some way to get in touch with you in case you're the winner. 
  • One per customer, please.
  • Contest ends Sunday, November 8, midnight Central time.
  • Winner gets a Cajun Goody package!
Your entry should look like this~~>
#3 Just Below the Surface - Horror/Fantasy ( [Add address only if you don't have one attached to your profile!]

Feel free to spread the word on Twitter, in the Blogosphere, at your FaceBook, or wherever. The more the merrier!







Vodka Mom said...

#3 "He Loves Me Not." Murder/Mystery

that was fun.

Rebecca Nazar said...

#1 When Paige Takes Flight--a writer's memoir (

Okay, it's a stretch. ;-)

Terri Tiffany said...

#3 Broken Petals - romance-

Michelle H. said...

#2 The Accidental Violinist -romantic/suspense (

Wendy Paine Miller said...

#1 White Birch Euphoria - historical romance (

I enjoy these contests.
~ Wendy

Angie Ledbetter said...

VM - You're the first entry, and a good one at that. :)

Rebecca - Nice one. Thanks.

Terri - Thanks for entering, friend.

Michelle - I likey!

Wendy - 'Preciate it. I love 'em too. :D

Hilary said...

#2 "The Effective Lullaby - Sure Cures for Insomnia." Medical/Self-help.

Suldog said...

Well, I had one ready for #3, but I got to the comments here and liked Vodka Mom's better than mine :-)

Angie Ledbetter said...

Hilary - Nice entry!

Suldog - LOL. You really are a bad dawg. :D

Anonymous said...

#4 Sunset Boulevard Murder/Mystery


Tamika: said...

"Scattered Memories"- Women's Fiction.

Picture #3.

This was so much fun!

Karen said...

#4-Now Where Did I Leave My Sunglasses?-Adult Mystery/Murder

Kathryn Magendie said...

I suck at titles - which I always say - because I do -- but sure am enjoying these! :)

The Unbreakable Child said...

Great titles. hugs Angie.

Amie said...

Dang it! @Vodka Mom beat me to the punch . . . but my "He Loves Me Not" was going to be self-help book for surviving a tough breakup.

Ami said...

Oh, this is fun!

#4 - Snow on the Beach and Other Stories of Travel Misfortune (humorous memoir/travel)

Angie Ledbetter said...


Anonymous said...

#3 The Last Rose - A Tragic Love Story

Unknown said...

#4 Beyond the Sunset - Self-Help for Grief (

Oh these were hard ... but fun!

Sandra Leigh said...

#1 - You Are Right Where You Belong - Genre: self-help (Author: Wayne Dyer?)

Sandra Leigh said...

or - #2

Help! My D*!?*!d Trumpet's Stuck! My Misadventures in the World of Chamber Music. (Autobiography)

KD said...

#4 A Cold Kind of Place (Fantasy/sci fi) (

Cate's Folly said...

#1 Every Day a Disappointment: How to Turn Sunshine into Sadness
A Self-Help Book for the Congenitally Cheerful


Can't Make Me Play With You - musical romance (


That was photo #2 Can't Make Me Play With You - musical romance. Trying to follow directions is difficult today! (

Sugar Creek Beads said...

#3 Innocence Gone - Mystery/Romance (
All the title's are great, what a hard pick. Jeanne

Vodka Mom said...

How about "If I don't win I'll kick your ass?"

is that a good one?


Vodka Mom said...

nuts. I just jinxed myself, didn't I?

Ellie Belen Ambrose said...

#1 - Up a Tree Without A Mate - Self Help Dealing with Divorce

Maria said...

#1. Spring Sunshine. Romantic.

Jeanette Levellie said...

#1 "Ain't Po' No Mo'"

Non-fiction humor/inspirational--trusting God to help us through financial horrors.


imbeingheldhostage said...

#1 The Hidden Sparrow

Newark Chimes calls it "A chilling Murder Mystery that will have you hanging out on a limb until the very last page!"

How fun is this? Thanks to Hilary for sending me over!

Angie Ledbetter said...


Unknown said...

The Gravity of Damage


Anonymous said...

#2 When Three's a Crowd. Memoir of a failed viola player.

Anonymous said...

#2 When Three's a Crowd. Memoir of a failed viola player.

introspection said...

# 3 : Bloomed but Gloomed
(Genre: Tragedy)

Margo said...

Roots Oblige
A Tale of Southern Gothic

(I've had too much coffee this morning, and am avoiding NaNoWriMo)

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