Since I've been on vacation, I don't have any new food items or photos to share. BUT, before your taste buds shrivel up in disappointment, I'd like to direct you to fellow blogging Louisianian Marguerite over at Cajun Delights!
Just put "recipe" in the blog search box and you'll find a cornucopia of Cajun deliciousness. And if you have a request for certain types of dishes or recipes, let me know so I can work on that for future posts.
Now, what's your absolute favorite thing to cook and eat? (No, cereal does not count.) :)
Salad. I could chop up salad ingredients forever. When I'm not all that hungry, that is.
Well, I don't like to cook, so nothing! LOL But I like to bake. Yum. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite.
I hope you enjoyed your off time. :-)
Will send my Southern/Cajun lovin' foodaholic over to check out the recipes.
I love to bake my veggie lasagna and non-dairy desserts.
Lori - I'm a salad lover too. There's just no end to the things you can add. Plus, chopping's good therapy. LOL
Jessica - The time away literally flew! And we had chocolate chip cookies with us. :)
Donna - He will LOVE Marguerite's fun blog. Look up her Drunken Chicken recipe to begin with. *slurp*
Oh, I will be over there today. We had jambalaya last night my Hub made. YUM. Except we havent seen good Crawfish in ages. Thanks for the link rec.
JennyMac, I wish I could send y'all some crawfish quiche if nothing else. :)
Dairy is good. And sugar. That about covers my major food groups:)
I love to bake! And of course eat it afterward. Probably cookies--healthy one;
Brownies, we have a love hate relationship. Love the taste, hate the hip results, but we're in it for the long haul. ;-)
Mashed Potates. I love, love, LOVE mashed potatoes. Give me a huge bowl, a spoon, and I'm one happy eater. I love me some regular mashed potatoes, but every now and then I like to jazz things up by adding . . . cream cheese, cheddar cheese, parmesan cheese, oh, and I've even added some crispy bacon crumbles.
Okay, I love to make salads also.
Fried chicken.
Pasta, Pasta, and more Pasta!
Great, now I'm hungry. Way to go, Angie!! ; )
Nachos. And there's an routine to it. Lay down the chips, meat, chow-chow, cheese, repeat. When all layers are done, nuke it. Add tomatoes and lettuce and sour cream and mix it all up. My absolute favorite comfort food.
Debbie don't forget cheesy/crunchy/salty/fried!
Terri - I guess baking would be my least favorite b/c it takes so much time and it heats up the kitchen a lot. But cookies sound good. :)
Becca - Love your devotion and faithfulness. LOL
We could definitely share a table, Scott. I'll have to post a twice baked potatoes recipe soon. TDF!
Sharla - that sounds killer!
Mmmmmmm. Thanks for sharing that site. I'm always looking for new recipes.
Anything involving CHOCOLATE!!!!!
My favorite thing to cook and eat? That would have to be shrimp, being the shrimpoholic that I am! Thanks for sending everyone over to my place, Angie. Hope that your sunburn is better.
Quick pasta. White. I make it almost three times a week.
Home from work put the pot of water on to boil. While waiting for it to boil, chop up whatever you have in the fridge (by way of vegetables)
Toss in frying pan with olive oil and salt. Onion and garlic and chick peas a must!
Put past in the pot and then put chicken stock in your frying pan. When the pasta is ready add it to your frying pan with your yummyness cooking up. Done, fast, yummy. We eat it all the time. My kids are getting a tad tired of zucchini right about now!
GASP! No more recipes, Angie?! Ok, I'll go visit this other site. Hmmm. I like to make and eat homemade lasagna. Something about it is so warm and gooey and comforting. My all time favorite to make and eat.
I love comfort food: lasagna, mashed potatoes, chili, you name it!
I love homemade mac n cheese and meatloaf. Yum.
Oh, and a short cut to Marguerite's blog, how nifty!
Oh Angie, I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy! I hope you're enjoying the vacation. And thanks so much. How sweet to award my little blog.
Oh no, erase alert, erase alert. It was Marguerite that bestowed the award on me. (See I'm new at this blogging thing, and I've messed up) I am leaving now, redfaced as can be!
A traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
I scrolled down to catch up - DANG - sunburn - Noxema takes the burn out - just rub it on and say "ahhhh' - a lifeguard told me about it and it does help! My mom used to use vinegar on burns.
I love love love tacos, and also, as you know - I love comfort food of tomato soup and a grilled cheese!
Pasta with olive oil (w garlic fried in it), tossed; red sauce to include garlic, crushed red pepper, and shrimp)
Chicken with Worcestershire sauce, tomato basil seasoning, and lemon juice with various sides. Or chicken shish-ka-bobs. Love those, with bella mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, white onions, pineapple, and green bell peppers.
Cajun-style cooking forever!
Okay, y'all have made me hungry -- as if THAT'S a new state of being! ha.
George----I want that Thai recipe you hinted at in Twitter!
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