I got laundry caught up yesterday, and in general just got stuff done that had been on the back burner too long. Aren't ya proud of me?
Now, as promised, here's the recipe I used last Friday when it was my turn to cook and serve supper at the men's shelter. It truly is one of my favorite things to do because I enjoy eating and talking with people from all over the US. They couldn't be more appreciative either. Some came back for thirds and fourths!
Besides the sheer deliciousness of this recipe, the total cost of Pasta-for-40 is only $27.00. Yay...it meets my credo for cooking (and life in general)~~~good, cheap and easy!
Pasta Casserole
6 lbs. lean ground chuck
5 26-oz. cans Hunt's spaghetti sauce (I use 4-cheese and garlic-herb)
3 16-oz. bags of small pasta shells
3 bags Italian shredded cheese
3 T. sugar or 3 packets sweetener
1 can Parmesan cheese
2 large aluminum pans
Spread one can of sauce in bottom of pans. Brown beef, drain off fat, then layer into pans.
Brown rest of the beef, seasoning with sea salt, pepper and garlic powder. Let simmer, stirring well to mix.
Cover pans tightly with their lids or aluminum foil. Cook on 350 for an hour. Remove covers and heat for 10 minutes on 400.
Let sit for 30 minutes or so, then cut, serve and enjoy!
I'm proud of you! Now you won't have to do it again for at least... hmmm... two more days. LOL
Wow! That's amazing that you cooked for 40! Sounds like a great recipe for a large gathering!
Jessica, I'm lucky if I can skip a day with three teens in the house and their daily work uniforms in need of washing! :)
It really is, Jody.
Simple, economical and yummy! I'm sure there were lots of satisfied tummies out there!
That is the size dish I need to make for my brood:)
Yes ma'am Donna, there sure were. :)
Debbie - LOL hear ya. Cut it down to half and ya may have some good leftovers!
Looks delicious but I'm trying to think when I'd ever serve 40. Maybe I could cut the recipe in 1/4?
Stephanie - Yes, easy to divide. (Or half it and when done, cut into sisngle servings to freeze & nuke later.) :)
Hey Melissa. It really is comfort food.
Double yum!!! Great job, Angie!!
YUM! I can almost smell it from here.
What a lucky group of guys! Looks dee-lishous! Love the pic of your Magnelite pots. Nothing like em', anywhere!
awesome! 40 for under $30. will keep this in mind....
I can just see their faces *smiling* you are a good soul, Angie my beautiful friend.
I just looked over at my manuscript just as I was about to hit "post comment" -- i haven't hit a lick at a snake for days ...my deadline loometh . . . I can see you giving me that look - and that encouragement...so off I go I go to work I go I go ....
Thanks Unbreakable. Would be good if you ever have to serve Habitat for Humanities workers. :)
Michelle - Ultimate comfort foodage.
Marguerite - Thanks. (The Mags belong to my parents where I was cooking, but I've got some at home too.) :)
Jeannie - Remember: good, easy, cheap. LOL
Kat, how'd I miss your comment? You'd love going with me to the shelter. Maybe you'll be here on one of my nights. :) You're too sweet -- NOW GIT YOUR BAHONKUS BACK TO WORK! WE ARE AWAITING VK #2!!!!!
In all seriousness, I have a cookbook that is only for dishes for 50 people. Of course this is 50 regular servings, not 50 of ours. Guess this will need some 'splainin later.
We get our kids back Monday. Can't wait. The cookbook gets quite a workout with them.
Mmmmm sounds delish!
Perfect timing! I think I'll try your recipe for a pot lunch I'm attending on Friday with a bunch of other writers!
Wow! Looks delicious!
You are amazing, Angie. First of all, you are doing a great service. On top of that, you have the courage to tackle dinner for 40. Oy. The recipe sounds delicious. I'll remember this if I ever find that I have to cook for that many people at once.
Queen of the Weight Watchers Frozen Dinner
My husband would be in heaven....he loves pasta and let's see, a recipe that serves 40 would mean he could have at least 38 servings all to himself. :>)
I wish my computer screen had smell-o-vision (or better still, taste-o-vision)!
Wow, you give the recipe along with pictures, just like "Southern Living!" Not only that you gave of yourself to those who have no way of thanking you.
God Bless You.
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