Howdy bloggy buckaroos, prose & poetry podnuhs and writin' wranglers -- it's time for another Haiku Hoedown at Gumbo Writer's Ranch. And, yes, there will be a prize awarded! So round up your 5-7-5 syllable lines and let's do-si-do. Here's all ya gotta do:
- Post your haiku in a comment. {Haiku skills rusty or untried? Go here to study up.}
- If your email isn't connected to your blogging ID profile, make sure I have some way to get in touch with you.
- Contest runs from now through Sunday midnight, so pass the word around via your blog, word of mouth, twitter, whatever.
- Myself and another writerly/editor-ish person will judge the entries.
- Winner will receive a Yeehawww Yummy Cajun Goodies package!
- Feel free to enter as many times as you're inspired to.
- Themes on the WRITING LIFE get bonus points.
So...whatcha waitin' fer? Git ta writin'!
When I try to be / Concise in my thoughts and dreams / The haiku works well
I so long to be/ Xena Warrior Princess/so I could kick a**
Thoughts tumble from the sky
lemon drops and lollipops--
sweet words on my tongue.
Silence in the house
the story comes back to life
my kids back in school.
Characters call me
in the middle of the night
now where is that pen?
Laura - Yeehaww!
Becca/Xena - good one. :)
You've had your Wheaties and coffee today, hunh Stacy? Thanks for entering!
A week's new journey / Balance between work and play / Embrace beginnings
Slow moves, ocean sway / Time to reflect and relax / No worries all day
The evening winds down / Time for rest and reflection / Slow pursuit of dreams
Laura - Thanks for the three-fer. :)
Hmm, I will have to think about this one and come back and post something later. (Kudos to all of you who can just pour out lines immediately!) Thanks Angie for offering up the chance. A package full of goodies from you sounds like the best prize imagineable! Have a great day!
If you need some help gathering the prizes, let me know.
Come back later and enter, Mandy. And thanks for the kind words.
Oren, I'm thinking about pralines, CC's coffee, grits, cobbler, LA FishFry...everything I need right at Hi-Nabor's. :)
It's So Very Hard
For Scott To Do A Haiku
He hasn't A Clue
Here are a couple to start...probably more later!
Cursor blinks, waiting
Pressure to put words on page
They are elusive
Pencils won’t stay sharp
Beauty flows onto the page
Need more number twos
LOL Scott.
Nice ones, Embee!
I'd better have another cup of coffee, before I attempt a haiku. Sounds like a great prize.
Marguerite - It's probably the stuff you eat & drink on a regular basis. LOL
First day of first grade / my daughter is excited / my heart misses her.
Rumors of haiku
Angie's irresistable
I must go compete
Should be writing now.
I'm haikuing instead.
Oh well. Hope I win.
OK I'll stick with the cowboy/wrangler theme which also happens to be the theme of my post. And I'll borrow from one of my own photo descriptions:
Paper-clad outlaw
Paper hat, shirt, pants and boots.
Wanted for rustling.
Haiku the challenge
Five-seven-five so easy
Cinquain much tougher!
Oh my goodness- I have till Sunday, right? I better get crackin'!
Thanks, Angie- I'll be back!
Ooo--Haiku! Fun!
Bacon and pancakes
Nacho BellGrande and Coke
Yum! Breakfast and Lunch
P.S. I love your blog and am giving you an award tomorrow at mine (don't feel pressured to accept though, I'm just spreading the love!).
hello there good buddy! :) Just joining in for fun - too many allergies for the cajun goodness.
Impossible dream:
My name upon a book's spine.
I choose not to wake.
Good entries in here!
Janna - Hope her day and school year is grand!
CKHB, Kriten, Hilary & Suldog - Y'all done good. Thanks for coming by the ranch and taking a swing around the haiku dance floor. :)
Red Bird - DO fly back by. Enter more than one if so moved.
Awww, Jill, thanks. And ya made me hungry!
Rebecca - Awesome entry, Ms. Twitter UK!
Give it a try later, Melissa. (Maybe about the artist daughter and momma writer!) :)
Good Luck everyone!
Pity the writer
who grew old and weak of mind,
waiting for the muse.
Believe those who say
"Faint heart ne'er won fair maiden".
They learned the hard way.
The loveliest song
soars above the northern trees
on wings of eagles.
Cool contest:
A blank page stares back,
A dare to write word or thought,
A pen-stare breaker.
Yard Sales, Lightning Bugs,
Sipping Some Bojangles Tea,
This Girl Won't Move North.
Life answers our call,
We listen but do ignore,
Our chance slips away.
Okay, Angie- here's one!
Pen to paper- write!
Crossing out, filling in- again...
Wad of paper- toss!
Hey Kat. :)
Sandra, Karen, Michelle and Red Bird - Thanks for the wonderful haikus!
Laura - thanks for stopping in and entering the contest. Hope you'll visit again.
I think I'll throw one more in, since I can't resist a rhyming opportunity.
Do not feel so blue
Can be hard to write Haiku
Words will come anew
Sitting in my jammies
Staring at the blank white screen
Empty as my mind
Send out Manuscripts
The rejections come so fast
My head is spinning.
Simmer, stir, breathe in
The roux is almost ready
Throw ‘dem crawfish in
Jazz sounds fill the air
Arms reach, beads caught, beer in hand
Welcome Mardi Gras
As soon as I read your email, I wrote a haiku in my head...Unfortunately, the post op syndrome was well in evidence, and it went almost as soon as it came!
Here's a second appropriate attempt!
Pen x
Sitting in silence,
quiet patients wait their turn,
test patience level.
Shadow words in brain
wait for transfer to paper;
a poem is born.
Three Haiku comin' up!
Many distractions,
Make it difficult to write;
I must learn control.
Voices in my head
Whisper of my fantasies,
Calling me away.
A brand new notebook
And a lovely to match,
Makes a writer’s day.
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