Thanks to my dad for sending me another great Boudreaux & Thibodaux joke for your Sunday viewing pleasure!
Two businessmen in New York are sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be open new store. As yet, the store isn't ready, and only a few shelves are set up.
One says to the other, "I bet any minute now some tourist is going to walk by, put his face to the window and ask what we're selling."
No sooner are the words out of his mouth when, sure enough, Boudreaux, in town for some important "bidness" walks by the window, stops and peeks in. The store owners listen to his Cajun accent, trying to understand what he's saying:
"Mais sha (may shah -- hey, cher/friend), what y'all sellin' in dare (there)?"
The two men laugh, thinking Boudreaux is some dumb hick from the swamps. One elbows the other and replies, "Oh, we're selling a-holes in here!" and they just about kill themselves laughing.
Without skipping a beat, Boudreaux says, "Hoo-boy! Well, I see y'all doin' a durn good job; you only got two leff (left)!"
Moral? Don't mess wit (with) dem Cajuns!

Funny! I have to share it with my husband who always loves a good joke.
Thanks for the morning smile!
Cute. :-)
Lori, Laura & Jessica - good morning, and glad you enjoyed a smile. :)
Yeah, you right! :-)
Always a hoot wid dem guys. :) Thanks for the morning smile.
Great chuckle to start my day!
Love it!!! Selling a-holes - now there's a profitable, long-term venture!!!!
LOL! That's awesome!!
Thanks for the backup, Mandy. :)
Hilary - you're welcome!
Debbie - glad you got a laugh.
Schube - Low/no overhead or start-up costs either. LOL
B.J. - *smile*
Be careful what questions you ask, you just may get an answer. Have not heard this one.
See ya next Sunday. White Chocolate Bread Pudding in the cast iron.
Hah! needed that laugh!
Duly noted! : )
Never mess with a Cajun's wit! Good one!
You caught the dialect beautifully; I could actually hear the gentleman.
yes, just the sort of thing I can appreciate on a Sunday evening. I'll be back!
Dat is a funny. Thanks for makin' my day! :)
Many Northerners like to make fun of Southern accents, they tend to make the assumption that anyone with a Southern accent is dumb. What's up with that? I like this joke.
Very funny! Mais sha...I like that.
Giggle! I LIKE IT!
haha! Awesome :D I love it!
Launging my butt off. I can't believe it. That's best yet. Thanks.
While I was off doing chores and other Sunday family stuffs, I'm glad the rest of you kind visitors enjoyed seeing what dat Boudreaux was up to in da big city!
Thanks for coming to visit and for leaving comments. *smile*
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