I got my contributor copies of Volume 6, Issue 23 of OCEAN Magazine in the mail yesterday. It is a beautiful publication produced by Diane Buccheri. The magazine's mission is "to celebrate and protect" ocean creatures and environs, and all prose, poetry and photography reflect this purpose.
Check out OCEANS when you get a chance and/or consider a subscription. You'll be transported.
I rarely post my own work here, but thought I'd share this poem with you. As always, commentary and opinions are welcome. And I'd love to hear if you're working on poetry, WIPs or other writing projects this summer.
Beach Glass and Other Things
"...maybe life washes itself here, cools off." ~ Thorpe Moecke
Sea hands wash gently
then roughly, turning trash
to treasures of sea glass
water and sand swish,
smooth castaway containers
into vintage mermaid tears
spilt for beachcombers' baskets,
perigean spring tide prizes
preserved on wooden mantles
A sign says do not pick
the sea oats, resist the urge
to pluck nature's gifts
holding back time's tidal surge;
these pristine beachscapes
need preserving to persevere
against coastal encroachment
Whitewashed sand dollar, virgin
bride with bright desires, untouched
yet by man's hand, waiting
there on sun-warmed vistas, thin
bloodless communion wafers
to be taken, broken, consumed
the husks cast back to sea
bleaching out completely
leached of life, but for a few
fragile ghost doves { space } witnesses
(c) 2009 Angie Ledbetter
Lovely poem! I'm knee deep in editing and revising after having put my second novel on hold. Maybe by the end of the summer I'll be back to working on it.
LW, Thanks! Are you revising WIP one? Hope it's fast work for you.
Yum - scrumptious poem. So glad I popped by today - must have known I'd find a delight. xxx
oh, it's beautiful, Angie!!!
Great job Angie! I loved getting to see something you wrote! What a treat!
Oh, what a lovely, lovely poem, Angie! I was transported to the ocean while reading it!
I love this!! Most especially the third section about the sand dollars. I'd love to have that on a print in my bathroom, it's all done in seashells...that's a beautiful poem, Angie.
Wonderful detail--you should post more often! You are a beautiful writer!
I loved the imagery of this poem produces.
I'm crazy about the beach, the ocean, the waves washing things ashore for me to ponder and collect. Sand dollars
My WIP has been through two revisions and is on its third. Making chapter-by-chapter this time through, taking my time and trying to increase the word count a little more as I go.
Very nice! I took a creative writing class and my teacher loved poetry, so that's what we studied. One thing I learned about was ending a line on a strong word. Each of your lines is so powerful. I love how you arranged your words.
Angie, your poem is a lovely contribution to OCEAN's Summer 2009 issue! Send more writing when you have it for OCEAN.
Hi Angie,
Thanks for letting me know about your blog, and for your kind comment on mine. I see you're still writing excellent poetry. I'd be happy to do that interview you talked about, preferably by email.
Jinksy, appreciate the kind words from such a "poetical" lady. :)
Thank you, Unbreakable/Kimmi!
Jody, y'all are making me blush. Thanks.
High praise, Red Bird. I LOVE your poetry!
Sharla, too kind! (You've got my permission to copy and paste that section to ghost over a photo or graphic.) **I'll smile thinking of my words hanging in your loo.** LOL
Awwww, Terri, thanks. You should post some of YOUR work!
Glad you're making progress, Dorothy, even if it's slow. I'm in neutral right now, except for poetry.
Jessica, a wise teacher you had. I was lucky to have Pulitzer nominated poet Harvey Stanbrough speak to my writing group a few years ago, and he taught me the same thing about strong end words. More on him at stonethread(dot)com
Oh, Diane, it'd be an absolute honor! *gush gush* :)
HARVEY!! Thanks for dropping in. I'm gonna take you up on your kind offer because I KNOW my bloggy friends would so benefit from your expertise across the prose/poetry boards!
You sure do paint pretty word pictures . . .
Oh. My. Goodness! That is beautiful!!! I LOVE poetry. It's where my heart truly goes. And I love the ocean. This just transported me. Thank you!!! I should put more poetry up on my blog. :D
Thank you, Amie. Poetry is a great an therapeutic escape. :)
Lady G, thank you for the affirming words. Coming from such a wonderful writer, they make me feel good. And DO put more of your work up. Blogland needs more poetry!
I'm blown away by the imagery! I've been spending a lot of time at my family's beach house lately (it's very therapeutic in times of trouble :-)), and reading your poem was like being there. Thank you!
Great poem, coming from someone that can't strings words together too well. Saw JL today. Great seeing how he has grown up.
This is beautiful indeed. I especially like the ending, the ghost doves witnesses. Very beautiful poem.
Great imagery, Angie! I particularly like, "vintage mermaid tears" and can totally see them. It makes me want to beachcomb for sure. Nice poem! On a side note, I got your Haiku Hoopla package in the mail late last night. Thank you so much!! I can't wait to get back in the kitchen and start cooking again!
gorgeous words evoking lovely imagery, ang.
now this is a cause for bubbly!
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