King Rufus may shortly be residing in the doghouse. Why? Because today is the 25th anniversary of our wedding day...and he has suggested several possible gifts for me to celebrate the big Silver Anniversary.
So far, so good, right? Yeah...but here are the ideas he's run past me so far and in his own words:
A.) "Hon, how's about a new rod & reel, or I can paint your old one silver?"
B.) "What about one of them 'Dykeson' vacuum cleaners with them roller balls? I think they're silver colored."
C.) "Wow...ya wanna new bass boat? I saw a fine sparkly silver one at Bass Pro."
D.) "How's about a new mixer?"
I would certainly appreciate your ideas on an appropriate gift for the mother of King Rufus' 17-, 18- and 19-year-olds...not to mention the twenty-five years of wedded bliss. And most assuredly he will appreciate your help so that he will not be banished to his new abode in the backyard.
Yahoo on the special day. We will be there next year. I guess she is too busy teaching to retrain a new husband.
I'm sure he'll come up with something wonderful. Happy Anniversary!
Congrats on 25 years. A nice Silver piece of jewelry would suffice, yes?
Happy Anniversary!
The best thing that I could come up with is a cruise with just the two of you.
Happy Twenty fifth!! That is a mielstone! Tell that man to dress up, take you to a play or show, dinner and a night in a motel PLUS a new piece of jewelery:)))
Congrats on this wonderful milestone Angie! I think a lovely, sparkly piece of jewelry is definitely in order:)
Congrats! I think a 25 day trip to the place of your choice would be the perfect gift!
Heeeheee! Hilarious!
Congrats on the anniversary. That is SO awesome to be married that long.
So your hubby fishes? Mine's about to be a captain. He's a crazy fisherman. :-)
I hope he ends up teasing and that you get exactly what you want. :-)
Applause for you and your husband!
New laptops can be silver. . .
Congrats to you and hubby! Still cracking up over your post!
May I recommend silver jewelry covered in diamonds???
Angie: A new car? Furniture? I know I'm talking big here...but twenty-five years!!!! Okay, King Rufus, how's about an emerald necklace?
True story here. My husband's nephew got his wife a mop on their first Christmas together. Grr
At least King Rufus hasn't mentioned that. :)
Last year for our 25th we spent a week in Cancun. Just saying...
Happy Anniversary! How about a silver bracelet with twenty-five silver charms representing things you love? http://www.charmfactory.com
Oren, early congrats. And you know Ms. Oren wouldn't trade ya in no matter what!
I hope so, Lori, and thanks. :)
Karen, lovely idea.
A cruise would be nice, Charlie...but I'm one of my Mom's caregivers, so not possible right now. :)
Terri: I'll suggest it, but he'd feel like I was punishing him if he had to dress up and go to some "boring ol' cultural thing." LOL
I so concur Debbie.
Scott: He'd suggest a fishing trip or hunting. No thanks. :O)
Well, Happy Anniversary! That deserves a jig. *dances*
A month-long maid service?
A weekend away (with or without him)?
Jewelry, your choice.
Some piece of furniture you've been wanting forever but haven't gotten around to buying.
I hope it's grand, whatever it is. Hugs!
Jessica: He fishes in the "off season." (The two months of the year that don't involve hunting or getting ready to hunt.) :) Hope you're right about the gift.
Liz: hmmmmm, there's an idea!
Thanks Donna. Jewelry is what our just-turned-20-yesterday daughter has been telling him. :)
LOL on the mop, Robyn. The closest to that I can come is the puce green ceramic frog toilet brush holder on of his family members gave me for Christmas one year. I'll pass along your suggestions.
Schube...we're talking Mr. Chuck vs. King Rufus the Mighty Cajun here. Nuff said.
Thanks Rebecca. Going look now!
Happy Anniversary to both of you. 25 years is indeed an accomplishment to be proud of. In order to really make this one a good one I recommend he do or give you something that is unexpected. Perhaps he can start by taking you to dinner, followed by looking through a photo album he prepared with pictures of your journey together through those years. Right before bed he can give you a piece of jewelry...what kind? Well what would you like to have?
Janna & Brian: many excellent suggestions between you. Thanks! I'm forwarding to Rufus. :)
Congrats on 25! Hmmm. I would say jewelry! A big fat diamond ring. ;)
Wait, didn't that 19 yr old turn 20 on Monday because I just wished her Happy Birthday yesterday? LOL Congrats, Angie & Dennis. What a milestone... Tell King Rufus that I'm available to shop for that "special someone" because I would definitely take care of my friend. Also, I have a large can of silver spray paint that I would be glad to paint "his doghouse" for him as a reminder if he messes this one up! Love both of you & all the kiddos. Trudy
CUZ are you nuts?? That Dyson is the bomb!
I been dreaming of one! LOL!
Happy 25th you guys!!!
First of all congratulations on your anniversary! Gifts... yeah. Well, you're lucky to get anything - that he's even thinking of it at all! I rarely get gifts. My hubby has a hard time with that. He's happy with taking me out to eat. Good thing I am too. :D
First, a romantic card, expressing his gratitude and love for you, plus 25 red roses. Second, a romantic dinner, at your favorite restaurant, with maybe a beautiful diamond ring, hidden in the dessert. And third, a new silver convertible to commemorate the occasion, once and for all. Happy 25th Anniversary!!!
Congrats on 25 years!! Hmm....all I could think of was maybe a weekend at a spa retreat or something like that! Whatever it is...I hope you have 25 more wonderful years together!
I'm betting you'll be pleasantly surprised. And congrats.
Congratulations, Angie! What a wonderful milestone! I personally like the maid service suggested above. Travel is good. Jewelry is even better. May your 25th sparkle!
BJ: Maybe with 25 honkin' diamonds on it? LOL
Trudy: So glad you dropped in. You're right, Queenie's 20th birthday WAS yesterday. I got confused pre-posting ahead of time. Thanks for offering to take Rufus shopping or to lend him spray paint -- I'll pass on the info. :) Love to you/yours.
Carol: LOL & thanks!
Lady G: Good thing we ain't queenie divas, hunh? :)
Marguerite: Being familiar with the menfolk around here, you know those gifts ain't gonna happen. *grin*
Thanks, Anita! Hope your stressors and move go smoothly.
Travis: Whatever it is, I'm SURE I'll be surprised too. LOL. Thanks.
Stacy: Thanks so much. Hope your leg is about healed up by now. :)
I like the idea of a diamond ring! Or a gift certificate to the jewelry store, so you can pick out your own.
Don't forget the 25 long stemmed roses and a huge box of chocolates!
Happy HAPPY Anniversary to the two of you. These days, that's quite an accompliment. Too bad it has to end here.. or does it? ;) How about an overnight cruise.. that way you can watch the silvery moon together.. and it'll save his "moon" from the doghouse.
A weekend at a hotel with a spa. Then get the tandem massages. We did that for our 15th.
Sinceit is #25, he should also present you with a piece of jewelry.
Thanks, Jen!
Hilary: You "crack" me up. :)
PHST: Great suggestions all. Thank you.
I like the new laptop approach myself. For some reason I'm the one that always forgets our anniversary, even what year it is. Hubby remembers though, he's awesome.
Congrats, 25 yrs is something to celebrate!
Well congratulations! How about dipping your toes in the silvery sands of a tropical island? That would be my vote...
Men aren't always as clever as us ladies when it comes to gift giving (I actually bought my husband a copy of 1,000 romantic ideas. Hint was totally lost on him) but we love them anyway!
I say a nice, big fat emerald ring (or stone of your choice) tied around an equally fat Barnes & Noble gift card.
Wow, happy anniversary! Hopefully, he's just trying to throw you off because he has a fantastic gift in mind!
Thanks, Elizabeth.
SharonK, we gotta love 'em...or who else would? :O)
Great suggestions, Melissa.
Wendy: Thanks. And we'll see about the gift when I get home from my parents'. :)
I have every confidence in his abilities to bring home the big one. He will do great.
Happy anniversary to a great family.
Whoa! 25 years! Congrats. How about a pair of silver shoes???? You know me and shoes! I'll send you a pair in case he doesn't follow through!
Oh man, call me crazy but I would LOVE one of those Dyson vacuums. LOL!
congrats on the silver anniversary!
we took a short road trip for ours but have plans to spend a week in Cabo later in the year.
Give him a silver dog dish and tell him to start drinking from it. Stat.
Happy anniversary! 25 years? IMPRESSIVE.
I'm thinking a weekend in a very nice hotel with room service for breakfast, followed by a picnic in a park, a nice nap, and a candlelit dinner.
Why, so you can tell him you don't want a rod and reel ever again.
Happy anniversary. One to be honored for sure.
Happy belated anniversary--I hope he saw the light and got you something sparkly . . . maybe in addition to the Dyson vacuum . . .
Happy anniversary! Two words: weekend getaway! :-)
Happy Anniversary, darlin'. I'm sure if you've stuck around for 25 years, he's good at comin' up with the just the right gift for special occasions! Let us know!
Big congratulations, Angie! I can hardly wait to see what he really gets you. What are you getting him?
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