Yep, it's Tasty Tuesday, so time for some down home comfort food like Momma used to serve up. When you think of those sorts of dishes, doesn't meatloaf and mashed potatoes come to mind? I thought so.
Hope you enjoy my version, which is really a combination of my recipe, my Mom's and my grandmother's. Three generations of meatloaf mixin' means something good from the oven! And as always, it's cheap, quick and easy. Yay!
Tune in tomorrow for a great interview with Harvey Stanbrough. No matter what you write, you'll find a nifty nugget or two, I promise.
Down Home Meatloaf
3 lbs. lean ground round or beef
2 eggs
1 small can tomato paste
1 white onion, chopped fine
3 pods garlic, smashed or chopped fine
3 Tbsp. Worcestershire
1 pkg. dry onion soup mix
Seasoning (I use sea salt, Tony's Cajun seasoning and garlic powder.)
Chop and saute onion and garlic in a small amount of olive oil until veggies are clear and beginning to brown. Stir often.
While that's working, add all other ingredients to a large bowl. When onion and garlic are cooked, add to them to bowl and mix everything with your hands until meatloaf ingredients are well distributed.
While that's working, add all other ingredients to a large bowl. When onion and garlic are cooked, add to them to bowl and mix everything with your hands until meatloaf ingredients are well distributed.
Spray two large bread pans with non-stick spray. [The ones pictured are some passed down to my Dad, and have been well used.] Divide meatloaf and put half in each pan. Tamp down a bit to make tops even. Squeeze on ketchup. Cover tightly with foil.
Cook in 350 degree oven for an hour, or until meatloaf begins to turn brown. Remove and drain. Turn temperature up to 475 and return meatloaf to oven uncovered for 10-15 minutes, or until top is really brown. Slice, serve, enjoy.
I like meatloaf! I make mine with cheese inside. ;-) Your recipe looks delicious.
This looks yummie and a lot like my own recipe. I'll have to try yours. Thanks for sharing!
May I add an extra step? Place on counter to cool. Leave room for a moment to allow terrier--or whatever adorable carnivorous critter applies-- to sample. ;-)
Hey Cuz,
Thanks...it's 5:55 A.M. and I'm five minutes away from round to of the yuk juice and first thing I read it about MEATLOAF! I haven't eaten since Sunday night and you pick today to post on MEATLOAF! THANKS A LOT ! *muwah *
Meatloaf and mashed potatoes are my ultimate favorite comfort food. Mine is a similar recipe except I've never added tomato paste. Something new I'll try.
OMG, love, love, love meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
Since we're in share mode . . .
1 Box Stove Top Stuffing
2 Eggs - beaten
1 Cup Water
3/4 Cup BBQ Sauce (any kind)
1 Pound Ground Beef
1 Pound Bulk Sausage (Bob Evans, etc.)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray 9 x 13 pan (the kind you make brownies or sheet cake in - glass works better) with non-stick cooking spray. Combine first four ingredients - mix well. Add ground beef and sausage - mix well. Shape into two loaves and place in pan. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and drizzle BBQ sauce (this is additional sauce straight from the bottle). Bake loaves an additional 30 minutes.
This is not my Momma's meat loaf, but YUM!
Angie, I'll have to try yours. It sounds delicious. Hmmm, I wonder if today is meatloaf day at the meat and 3 . . .
Jessica, me lurve cheese. Will have to try that. A gigantor cheeseburger?!
Eileen, my pleasure.
Aww, Rebecca, are you one of them vegetenarianables? :)
Carol, I'll be thinking about you. Hope the precedure is flawless and fast!
Michelle! Huggage back. One day I hope we can share some 'loaf & taters.
Scott, your recipe sounds di-vine! I shall try it. Maybe when I cook for the men's shelter at the end of the month. Thanks.
Meatloaf is one thing I don't really care for. Actually, I think they revoke my "Southern belle" card for that one, don't they? I don't like sweet tea either. People think I can't possibly have been born and raised in the South, but I was!
Wow, if only I had found you three days ago when I made meatloaf on Saturday! That looks dee-lish!
I can't believe I FINALLY stumbled upon another Louisiana blogger. Yeah, I'm so happy! "Laissez les bon temps rouler!" I'm trying to find my way back home since I'm now stuck (kicking and screaming) in Montgomery, Alabama when I miss my New Orleans life and my family roots, which are planted in Houma. You don't realize how much you miss Louisiana until you leave it and I've been gone now for almost four years. The people, the food and the culture - there's nothing like it.
At least now I can converse and read about the place I love so much. So glad I found you! I'm your newest follower!
Mmmm, nothing like a good meatloaf. :)
I think you've just decided for me what I'm going to make for dinner tomorrow night! I'd make it tonight, but the hubby is all set for some tacos...so yep...tomorrow night it's meatloaf and mashed potatoes! Might even have to have some black-eyed peas too!
I used to always make meatloaf--not anymore. Honestly, if you saw how bland and plain we eat here you would run not walk to the nearest restaurant.
Stephanie, I don't like sweet tea either. I won't revoke your Southern card just yet...unless you don't drink coffee or talk to everybody you see (including strangers). :)
Sorry you've been cut off from the Land of Milk & Honey, Mandy! (Can I send you a care package?) Go check out Marguerite's Cajun Delights blog too...but bring a drool bib. Thanks for dropping in!
Amen, Jennifer!
Go for it, Anita. Bet the hubby will enjoy it.
Terri: when/if we ever meet up, I'll bring a snack bag and a can of Tony's. hehe
What a wonderful-sounding recipe!
Have you ever heard of raisins in meatloaf?? YUMMY! May sound awful, but not so!
Whoa! I love the smell of meat loaf baking in the house. I'll try the onion soup mix next time.
Meatloaf sandwiches! Nothing better.
You are really cookin' now, sha! I'm with Deb; the best thing about meatloaf is a nice big meatloaf sandwich. Now, I'm hungry for one! Thanks for sharing.
Boomer: never heard of raisins in the mix, but sounds interesting.
Do try it, Midlife. It adds an extra layer of flavor. (Especially good when sammich time comes.) :)
Amen, Deb & Marguerite!
That looks delicious. I may just have to make meat loaf this weekend. :)
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