Today's quiz, boys and girls, shows just how addicted you are to the blogging game in a series of 10 multiple choice questions. Find out how far gone you are by taking the How Addicted to Blogging am I? quiz. It only took a few minutes.
I can't wait to find out your degree of dependence!
My test results said:
My test results said:
You are 84% addicted to blogging. You will soon be a famous blogger!!!
Have fun, and I hope your week is a wonderful one!
I'm @ 66%!
Angie - I think you have a serious problem. Drink margaritas instead! Kidding.
For me, blogging is about a few mintues here, there, and everywhere! I try to stay away from the blogsphere on Saturday/Sunday, and after 7 PM at night!
BTW - I think your famous already.
60% hmmm however are you so addicted????
Lol, I'm 65% addicted. That's awesome! And yes, Angie, you are already famous. You need to step away from the computer and drink more margaritas, as Scott suggested. ;)
I'm right there with you! 81%!!
Yikes! I'm 85%! Maybe I need a vacation!
Hi Angie,
I'm afraid to take this quiz!
BTW, I wanted to drop by and let you know that you won my book giveaway!!!
Congrats...please send me your mailing address at kirti418@yahoo.com and I'll send it off to you ASAP!
Thanks for signing up...I so appreciate it...
Yikes! I'm at 81%. Not sure if that's a good thing or not. LOL
Lynnette Labelle
Well Angie, I'm right up there with you at 84%!!
Must be a Cajun thing. lol I don't know about famous, but addicted, YES!
LOL I'm 87% too. Hmmm... :-)
I'm at 61%. Still hope for me to retreat.
74% I guess there's still hope for me. ;)
Scott, I KNOW I have a serious problem, and that's part of the reason I'm resisting FB/Twitter. eeek! And, about the famous-ness...I'm a legend in my own mind! :)
I think my score doubled when I admitted how many blogs I read per week, Terri. LOL
BJ, um, I might trade a good addiction for a bad/expensive one if I broke out the margarita pitcher! :)
Missy, welcome aboard the addiction train!
Lazy, wanna get a room for two?
I understand, K, but admitting to the problem is the first step to recovery. *grin* Oh boy -- I won that nifty-fied book?! Thanks!
Lynette, I guess it's in how ya look at it. Let's just say we're doing a good job blogging. LOL
Marguerite, you're right...we're just good crazy yappy Cajun gals! :)
Dear Jessica:
Welcome to B.A. We serve coffee and refreshments at our Monday night meetings. hehe
Midlife....you're just fooling yourself! :)
*tsk tsk* Hilary, see note to Jessica. LOL
I'm on my way to take the quiz! Happy Monday!
oh sweet jesus I'm 92%
i knew I was addicted.
77% addicted. Could be worse. 23% worse, right? LOL.
Hell, I knew you before this started. I could have told you that. My vacation starts the first Monday after school starts. We get to see our kids everyday. Yahoo.
I came in at a mere 69% I feel so good about myself right now. I was afraid it would be worse. lol.
71%, not sure if I'm proud or not about that.
I am so addicted, I took this months ago. Crzay thing did not say 100% so I'm not sure how reliable it is.
71% . . . but apparently also on my way to being a famous blogger. Good to know!
Same to ya, Cheffie Mom.
Vodka Mom, finally, a test we do well on. :)
Right, ElanaJ!
Oren, bet you can't wait for school/coaching to start again. Yay!
Sounds like a good safe number, Elizabeth.
LOL Carrie. :)
Debbie, maybe the test couldn't measure an addiction of that magnitude. *giggle*
Ooo, congrats, Amie.
I'm pretty sure you're already famous!
I'm 93%.
Not sure that would surprise anyone who knows me.
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