I've been scarce lately, but plan on getting around to your blogs today and catching up before I go into severe withdrawals. Besides juggling the three teen kidlets and one of their graduations, the writing contest took up quite a bit of time...and we're putting together the summer edition of The Rose & Thorn Literary zine. I hope when it goes live, you'll all visit and enjoy the awesome prose and poetry selections served up for our readers.
Now, on with some mo' of dat craziness of those two crazy Cajun friends, Boo & Thib~~~
Boudreaux live across dat bayou from Clarence who he don like at all. Dey all de time yellin' across de bayou at each udder. Boudreaux, him yell to Clarence, "If I had a way to cross dis bayou, I'd come over dere an beat you up good, yeah!"
Dis went on for years. Finally one day, de State done built a bridge across dat bayou right by dere houses and Boudreaux's wife, Marie, say, "Now's you chance, Boudreaux. Why don you go over dere an beat up dat Clarence like you say?"
So, Boudreaux, him say, "OK," and start across de bridge. But he see a sign on de bridge and he stop to read it and den he go back home. Marie say, "Why you back so soon?"
And Boudreaux say, "Marie, I done change my mind, cher, 'bout beatin' up dat Clarence. You know, Marie, dey got a sign on dat dere bridge dat say, 'Clarence 13 ft. 6 in.' You know, he don't
look near dat big when I yell at him across de bayou!"
What a great way to start my Sunday, thank you for the laugh!
'Mornin, Sharon. Glad you enjoyed your Cajun kickstart. :)
*laughing!* oh that boudreaux!
See, being bigger than the average bear is good. See ya soon.
You're a busy, busy lady!
Heeehee! That's too cute.
Loved it. I'll probably be chuckling all day.
kathryn, admit it, you miss us Cajuns, dontcha? :)
Don't I know it, Oren! :)
Carrie, more than I wanna be, believe me. LOL
Glad you likey, Jessica.
Amy, glad you came to visit and enjoyed!
Make sure you stop and take some time to take care of yourself.
Another bundle of chuckles from up north . . . I so enjoy da boys!
That's funny!
I love these! I took my kids to hear storytellers quite often when they were young and we loved all stories similar to this.
Oh, you reming me of home. I'm a lost southerngirl. But I still have cousins in Mobile. I just busted a gut at Bo...oh, does that bring back memories!
Thanks for sharing.
Sorry, can't spell today..."you reminded of home" is what it's supposed to say.
Really admire your stamina, Angie. Just the three teenagers would do me in. Hilarious Boud.-Thib.joke.
Oh Angie, you are super woman when raising your kidlets and still finding time to do everything else.
Great joke!
Deb, caught me a good nap, yeah! :)
Da boys is some kinda glad'a dat, Joy.
Jenna & Debbie, glad you got some smiles.
You're welcome, Dorothy. And as you should well know --- "There's no place like home!" LOL
Marguerite, yeah, I definitely take my daily vitamins. :)
Um, Michelle, I wish someone would tell me where they hid my cape! Hugs
Too funny. Laughs are always appreciated. :)
I hear dem Cajuns a'talkin all de way to Houston. I be tellin Mike this 'un and he's gone bust him some stitches. Gotta love it. Thanks for da smiles...
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