I had to think hard to come up with a good post to follow Kat's interview yesterday. After a little wheel spinning in the ol' cranium, it dawned on me to ask Kimmi for more indebth information about her debut novel. Ain'tcha glad I came up with that lightbulb moment?
So get a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back and enjoy the discussion...then get a copy of Kim's book if you don't already have one! [It's not an easy read, but it's an important one.] Then go hug every child you see, and lastly, bug your friendly neighborhood librarian to stock THE UNBREAKABLE CHILD. *Imagine the strength and balm an abused child would find there waiting in the library shelves if it's available to him/her.*
So get a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back and enjoy the discussion...then get a copy of Kim's book if you don't already have one! [It's not an easy read, but it's an important one.] Then go hug every child you see, and lastly, bug your friendly neighborhood librarian to stock THE UNBREAKABLE CHILD. *Imagine the strength and balm an abused child would find there waiting in the library shelves if it's available to him/her.*

GW: Do you ever regret publishing your book?
KR: No. And I get to justify that answer again because it was only just a few minutes ago I hung up from talking with an abuse victim who told me they had just finished The Unbreakable Child yesterday. She said today for the first time, she went into work feeling so much stronger from having read The Unbreakable Child. And all her siblings were reading the book and getting so much strength from it.
GW: Through your trials (literally and figuratively) how did you keep your faith and sanity? What do you do for escape?
KR: The attorney, William F. McMurry, walked the journey of the book with me. And I dragged him along through the rain-drenched streets of my mind with hideous draft after draft, even though he knew nothing about the publishing world. At the time he was the calm I needed to fight the storm. Faith comes from my most precious gift--my family. And exercising helped. Especially those black punching bags at the gym, ya know, the ones you get to name before the first kick. ; )
GW: Are you writing another book? If so, give us the scoop!
KR: I have two projects on the back burner and a collection of poetry I'm working on. But for now I'm focused on touring and am heavily committed to the promotion of The Unbreakable Child.
GW: What can supporters do to help get the book "out there" and also to help stop child abuse?
KR: I believe it takes a community to raise a child. It also takes a community to abuse a child. As a wife of a police commander I know child abuse is an issue that knows no boundaries. It is a commmunity's responsibility, a watchful eye and strong voice that we owe to our most precious gifts – our children. And although this book references clergy abuse there is no doubt that the opportunity for abuses exists in any childcare setting. Child abuse is not limited to any one group and is not really a religious issue as much as it is a HUMAN issue. More importantly: I hope government officials, religious authorities and childcare institutions, their employees, instructors, etc. will take a more active and aggressive role to arm themselves with education to prevent child abuse and to insure the safety of vulnerable children. I hope The Unbreakable Child will become a tool for those in the childcare, healthcare and legal societies, and a healing for the many many victims of childhood traumas and as well for any person just looking for a story of justice, strength and redemption.
GW: Tell us some secret about your personal writing process.
KR: :laughs: There were so many unpredictable and strange twists that happened along my writing journey. One of my betas -- unbeknowst to me at the time, was a former nun now turned soccer mom. SaWeet!
GW: What's the best Cajun/Creole food you've ever had?
KR: Easy-breezy, hands down, that would be the author of Tender Graces, Kathryn Magendies's husband, Good Man Roger's, creative cajun cuisine!!THANKS!
Kim, thank YOU for taking time away from your busy schedule to share with us! And best of luck promoting your special book.
One last writerly nugget from Kim which I read in a recent interview~~"Be the little engine that could--- keep chugging and remember rules are nothing more than just guidelines. Don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone."
For more about Kimmi, check out her website. And if you're not already a regular at her blog, hop over via this link---> Kim's spot in the Blogosphere.
I love me some Kimmi! Great interview.
Wonderful interview. I'm rooting for this book, too!
Oh, it must be amazing to write a book that can help people feel stronger. That is such an accomplishment and I guess something we can all at least aim at.
Ditto, Debbie!
Me too, in a big way, Karen (Scobber). Deserves a big wider audience. And how's JANEOLOGY doing out amongst the reading public? :)
Lori, you are EXACTLY right!
That does sound like a book that would be hard to read. Kudos to you for writing it.
*laughing!* I will be sure to tell GMR this! We loved having you and Mr. Wonderfulman to our house, Kimmi --- and GMR loves showing off, er, I mean, cooking for people *tehhehehe*
Wonderful interview. You never know who you may touch who has been hurt as a child.
Hi Angie!
I've noticed your comments on Fiona Robyn's blog and thought I might come for a visit here!
What a wonderful, wonderful blog you have- and I'm not just saying that because of the bacon post! ;)
I really appreciate the writing tips and the encouragement that just oozes from each and every post!
And thanks for this interview as well- wow, powerful and heartwrenching.
Great interview, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for increasing our awareness!
Wonderful interview! I definitely look forward to reading this. I love that portrait of the author - it's very obvious her spirit is far too fiercely in love with life to do anything but triumph.
Jessica, as strange as it sounds, the book is both hard and beautiful at the same time!
So true, Kat. And tell GMR I'm really hungry for some of his professional cheffery. :)
LOL, Redbird. I'm sooo glad you dropped by! I'll be coming your way shortly. Glad you like my blog digs.
Embee, my pleasure.
That's right, Carrie girl!
Julia, I thought the same exact thing about Kim's photo. Totally indominable and beautiful beyond words. (Kinda hate her for that, but love her book. LOL) Thank you for visiting! :)
I really hope her book breaks through. It's important and beautifully written, a powerful and poignant combination.
I followed you back from a comment on my blog. Looks like I'm in writer's haven! Excellent. I might have an outrageous blog full of nonsense but I can write. Perhaps I'll lurk for awhile. Nice interview...
Angie, thank you for the interview and linky love!! And thank you to all your commenters above, kindly appreciated.
::cough:: amazn' how airbrushn' can replace Butt Paste creme for smoothing out the face! ; )
Love you, guys, many many thanks for your support.
Go, Kimmi, go! And thanks for being a voice for so many children who don't feel they have their own. In my opinion, there is no action in this world more horrifying than the abuse of a child.
(Love your promo pic, btw!)
I didn't follow anything except the aroma of DL and AL's cooking. This book probably needed to be written. Hope all is well.
I remember seeing her booksigning pics caused I love her hairstyle! Great questions.
Rodell, from your lips to God's ears.
Welcome to our friendly place, VE. So glad you came by. I enjoyed my visit to your blog.
Kimmi, pleasure's all mine. And as if you had any air brushing or spackling on that lovely mug. :)
You speak da truth, Schube! We must all be vigilant for the kidlets and follow Kimmi's example.
Cheffie, thanks!
It's a book meant to be, Oren. (Should be required reading along with the Scout's child protection courses!)
Terri, I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. :)
This sounds like a very strong book! Thanks for doing these author interviews.
Yay for Kimmi! I'm waiting for my copy of her book to be delivered as we speak! Can't wait to read it.
Keep me posted. You know the kids are my heart and it would not do for me to get my hands on someone that abused kids. Justifiable?
Wonderful interview! I hope the book reaches and helps many, many people!
B.J., thanks for coming by to read. It IS a strong book. An important one.
Colb! Hugs to you, and I love your new line of stoopid slap bracelets. LOL
Don't read Kimmi's book, Oren. I don't want to be coming to visit you at Angola. :(
Carol/The Writers Porch: May angels carry it to those it can help and educate most!
The interview was great. Thanks for doing it. I stopped by Kim's blog and she pointed the way here. I loved her responses to the questions you posed. I loved her book and it does have healing in it's pages.
Dorothy, thanks for coming by. Kim's an amazing person in every way. :)
I just started Kim's book. As a child who survived abuse and built a rich life from the slime, it both breaks my heart and thrills it to witness Kim's courage, and to read her powerful writing.
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