Have you ever read a blog post that made you go beyond just thinking Wow!? One you just have to share with your friends? It happens fairly often with me, owing to the fact that many of my blogging buds are supreme writers and poets...but I can't not pass this one along from Deb Shucka at Catbird Scout.
In the Balance is the perfect bit of weekend reading, like the most scrumptious sweet after your favorite meal. Go feast your eyes!
Thank you for that link. That is some amazing writing there.
Very cool- thanks for pointing that one out!
I did. I feasted. Thank you.
Lori, did it make ya go, "Ahhh" like I did? :)
Very welcome, friend Colby.
Glad you feasted well on this Sunday, Sandra.
Beautiful share. Happy to have found your blog via Kimmi's site, and this lovely delight too. :)
Ana, welcome, and hope you come again soon. If there's a blog connected to your name, I'll be right over. :)
Angie...I went and enjoyed! Very soulful!
Thanks for sharing!
Carol, so glad you came by! Enjoying the emails too. Hope we really are related. :)
Colby's nun pics are eye-candy enough for me. Yeah, I am a simple man with simple pleasures.
I love a good referral! Heading there now.
Angie, this indeed was a feast. thank you!!!
hugs and praying and pressing the above button for you, my friend.
Wow. Thank you so much, Angie. I'm beaming and so honored.
I'll head on over. Thanks! :-)
Tsk, tsk, Mr. Oren. I shall refrain from comment. :)
TTWC, hope you enjoy. And speaking of that, I thought your most recent post on childhood events was riveting!
Thanks so much, Kimmi/Unbreakable. You're kindness itself. :)
No, Deb, thank YOU!
Twas great, hunh, Jessica?
Thanks for sharing. I love it when people pass on good info. Off to read now.
Thanks, Angie. That was indeed a treat.
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