Whut? Hunh? I hear you asking those questions with your eyebrows all squinched together like I'm nuts. Just leave a comment with a suggested item (edible or not), and if I can't use it to make a delicious cyber gumbo for us all to share, then I'll suggest a side dish for your ingredient.
Don't be shy...there's no right or wrong thing to give to the cook! (See that huge sugar kettle turned gumbo pot in the photo? It's bigger than my butt...and that's saying something! So we have lots of room and plenty of time to let it simmer and stew. Then we'll pass out the gumbo bowls, add a little rice and have a durned good meal we all helped make. Sorta like a Cajun "rock soup."
For dessert, we'll have King Cake Mardi Gras is coming up on the 24th! Hmmm, I just might have to organize a little blog contest so I can send the lucky winner a real live King Cake of their very own. [More on that later.]

So, what're you contributing to our gumbo?
How about a steaming portion of sassiness?
Mine has got to be laughter - it will spice up any recipe, and if it all goes haywire, at least the cook might escape being decapitated by hungry party goers, if they're too busy laughing!
I'm partial to kindness. :-) How about a gentle answer for wounded souls? Hehee. Laughter is good too.
Optimism - and don't be stingy with the amount thrown in to the pot. You can never have too much optimism.
Edible: cornbread
Audible: Fauré
Intangible: spirit
This is going to be fun. How about I bring the rice. Let me know how many pounds you need. Yeah, friends in other parts of the world, we measure food in pounds here. Come on down and pass a good time. We will even throw some beads at you. Really big ones if you're really good.
Bella, I knew I could count on you for the spice! (I'm not partial to Tobasco anyway, so the sassy will replace that.) :)
Indeed, Jinksy. Without laughter, the gumbo will be mighty flat. Thank you.
Ah, Jessica, an ingredient that's becoming rarer by the day. Thanks for going to the trouble to round up some for our gumbo.
JyLnC, good one. You've added that secret ingredient not many people know about. Kinda like the file'!
I'll spring for the seafood since I'm hosting: crabs, shrimp and some huge crawfish claws. :)
How about a little hope:) can't live without it and it fills me up really good!
I'm whipping in a heaping dose of confidence and a few dashes of impish behavior....
Tut-tut, thanks for all three! Our gumbo's looking and smelling better and better. I'm getting hungry.
Great contribution, Oren. Can't even think about a gumbo without the rice. (Can ya get the one from Crowley that tastes/smells like buttered popcorn?) :)
Thanks, Terri. I'll add some nicely seasoned (but not too spicy) andouille sausage to help fill up the growling stomachs.
There ya go, Lori. Mmmmm, getting better and better. Go heavy on the confidence and impishness, Lori; that's a big pot!
A large pinch of good thoughts and a generous dollop of love.
Ooo, an essential ingredient, kimmi! Now our gumbo's getting rich and savory.
How about some contentment and avocado?
Wahoo! Where would be be without Giddiness? don't forget the tabasco either!
(Gave a shout out to you on my blog just now! Oh and in answer to your ? nope, I should be worried I know.. but I know too many people who got editors and agents by posting their WIP's I won't do it all, but it never hurts to give em a taste! LOL!)
I love King Cake.
I'd add a big heaping pile of kindness to the gumbo so everybody could have a spoonful of the heartwarming taste me and my family has been dining on.
"It's bigger than my butt" - now that had me guffawing! I'll throw in a dash of attitude, a handful of empathy and a cup of altruism.
Becca, contentment will add good subtle under-flavor. We'll make avocado salad with the material ingredient -- cut in half, remove pit, add a dash of Italian Ceasar dressing, enjoy. :)
Oh, def on the giddy-ness, Jenni! That's one of the things that'll give our gumbo a nice dizzying aftertaste. (And thanks for the info. You're right, of course.)
Aww, Travis, you're giving back to the gumbo the spirit of community that is an essential ingredient! *I Loves king cake way too much*
LOL, Helen. Attitude's a good thing. Makes the finished dish memorable. The empathy acts like "fishes & loaves" to feed more peeps. And the altruism...well, it just ain't gumbo without some! Thank you for your contributions!
Well, I don't go anywhere without an extra supply of sarcasm so let's throw that in. And mama didn't raise me to show up empty handed so I'll also bring tomatoes. You can't cook without tomatoes.
Kimmi beat me to the love, so I'll go with understanding. And black beans. (I like 'em better than red.)
Ohhh - kingcake! Yum yum yum!
Let's see - I add --dang, some tofu? *LAUGHING* just kidding ...hawwwwww....some turkey andouille
and a bit of boop oop a doop!
I'll add in a prayer for us all. :-)
Debbie, sarcasm is great in the roux! I'll add your "maters" to the avocados, yummy!
Understanding is a great one, Janna. As for the black beans...I'll make a little salsa and chips as an appetizer. (I've never had beans in a gumbo before.) :)
Kat, thanks for the gobbler andouille suggestion. And really now, what real gumbo is complete without a big mess of Boop oop a doop?!
Darn, Debbie stole mine. I was going to say that we wouldn't get far without sarcasm. But hmm, how about some humor because we all know we need to lighten up to make it in this world.
Positivity. There's nothing worse than a sour pot of gumbo!!
Can't get started without a roux! I'll bring the roux, and some gumbo file. For those of you not in the south that's pronounced fee-lay.
And I'll bring my teenage daughter's eyerolls and deep sighs, so we can all laugh at the drama. :)
I do believe I'll add some blessings to the pot. I hope I add enough to go around. Seems like a pretty big crowd with bowls in their hands ready to eat!
You're trying to turn me into someone that likes to think/talk about food, aren't you? Cause it's all about me.
I really like doughnuts :)
How about a couple of Smarties (aka smart pills)?
Gotta add gumption and a thousand hugs. Oh and some purple eggplant!
Melissa, I was waiting on that! Now the gumbo's almost complete and we can dig in! Thanks. :)
And ya can never have too much humor, Kasie. Thanks much. Smelling good in the ol' sugar kettle, y'all!
Jaycee, you are so right! *grin*
Great additions, Sharla. You a G.R.I.T.S. (Girls Raised in the South), ain'tcha?
Cain't never have too many of them, Suldawg! Be sure to grab a bowl for you and THE WIFE!
LOL, Carrie. You're uncovered my nefarious plot.
Ummm, Mrs. Parks, we'll use your donuts as dessert with our King Cake, but won't throw em in the gumbo. :) Now, if they're day old and a bit stale, we'll slice em open and grill them in a little butter. Oh.my.goodness. Better than fresh ones off the Krispy Kreme conveyor belt!
Stacy, smarts is always welcome! Thank you for your generous contribution. (And thanks for following.) Love your bloggy.
Gumption, one of my favs! Hugs are always good too. On the purple eggplant, I'll slice it, drain the water out, and make a side dish of eggplant parm. :)
THANKS, Y'ALL, THIS WAS A HOOT! Can't wait to eat.
I'll add a few puns. As they get cooking they'll turn into groans. And garlic.. you can never have too much garlic.
Oh and a cat! ;) I just wanted to see the look of horror on your face.
How about some more music - bluegrass, maybe? and a bit of the sunset I watched tonight. (I saved some for you!)
Hilary, garlic and puns -- two things you can't overdo! Thank you. I was just about to move you to the front of the serving line when I saw your addition of the beast-which-shall-go-unnamed!!!!! ewwwwww. NONE OF THOSE ALLOWED AT OUR FETE! :)
Music, yes! Thanks for thinking of it, Sandra. Bluegrass will mix wonderfully with some Zydeco. The lovely sunset followed by a gigantic full moon shrouded in clouds. Ah. A nice end to a day of community fun and cooking. *grinnin' big*
cupcakes!! Maybe they'd be a better side dish. LOL
perseverance... every writer needs that :)
chocolate. That is my whole hearted answer.
Desire; contentment; hope; longsuffering (it takes a while to make gumbo, eh, cher?), some welcomes, smiles, and some Zatarain's!! And don't forget the "Bam!"
Oh God, I sooooo remember that king cake from when I went to college in N.O. Bring me a slice PLEASE
Or should it be Tony Chachere's?
Jenn, perseverance and cupcakes to add to our dessert table. Both great things!
Colby, thanks! Chocolate box added to our sweet tooth table.
Janie girl...you speak da lingo! We need all dem tings, 'specially for an authentic gumbo. Tanks, sha. :) (Not so much on the Emeril products.)
bernthis...you got it! Hope it's the piece with the baby in it so you'll have to provide the next cake. (Loyola or Tulane, or some other?)
Janie, gotta have it. We have Salt, Pepper & Tony's shakers on our table.) :)
Throw in a mess of turtle meat (ha, ha!) http://daseinist.blogspot.com/2009/02/contemplative-turtle.html
Someone beat me to chocolate, but I don't think I saw compassion or acceptance in the mix. What a lovely stew, created by an amazing woman!
Can I add Gerard Butler? I really think a good gumbo needs a cute Scotsman.
Also, did anyone say wine? I can't remember. If not, I'm throwing in a nice, big bottle of Shiraz. Maybe a Riesling, too. Wine makes everything awesome, in my cookbook. But I think Gerard Butler prefers Guiness.
JKS, thanks for the turtle! (Best used in turtle soup, though, so I'll make a side pot o' that.)
Awwww, Deb Shucka, you make me blush. Love the additions you bring to the pot!
amy, thanks much for the Scotsman and the wine gifts. They'll make our gumbo hum. :)
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