Hello, Blogland pals...............STOP
Down to wire on Feb. writing goals.........STOP
Will visit favorite blogs (yours) as time allows............STOP
And try hard to post daily, even if re-runs..........STOP
Not neglecting you. Will return to regular blogging route & posting schedule asap.........STOP
Don't forget me.........STOP
Send prayers, good thoughts & mojo that ms revisions complete by 2/28.............STOP
See you soon & plenty huggage!...............END
Eeeh! GO! GO! GO! Angie! You can do it! And I know you can win the award too! It's ok, we still love you! LOL! RUN! FINISH! LOL! And I'm right with you actually. LOL! I've got 12,500 words to write by the end of next week! YIKES! I'm off to write some more! Gotta love Just Write It Challenge Month! Melissa is that best! BYE! Jenni
Thanks & yes she is! Go, Jenni girl, go!
got it.....stop
working on column....stop
working on proposal.....stop
attending field hockey........stop
must stop at liquor store..........GO
--. --- --- -..
.-.. ..- -.-. -.-
Which should translate to 'good luck', if I've typed correctly. Must dash----
hugs, hugs and more hugs, Angie!! Go get 'em!!!
LOL, Vodka...trade ya a field hockey bleacher ride for a baseball concession stand stint, and raise ya one. :)
Jinksy - laughing. Touche!
Hugs back to you, Kimmi. Six more weeks and your book will be out. Hoooooooahhhhh!!!
Angie, You go, girl! Did I miss something? Are your ms revisions for an agent??? (She said hopefully!)
Debra, don't I wish! Just trying to meet my goals for having revisions done so I can begin querying in March. *Gulp* Hope your work on ms is going well!
You got it, lady. Hugs!
I need to do the exact same thing - thanks for the nudge!
Don't work too hard but get it done girl! Have a good weekend, too.
Prayer said. Won't... STOP
LOL Why are you so funny?
'huggage'. I like that. Sending positive thoughts - eagerly awaiting book.
Good luck...stop.
On revisions...stop.
Don't forget to eat...stop.
And pick up doggie poop...definitely don't STOP!
Love this post!! You are always so creative.
Backatcha, Janna.
Carrie, good, we can git bizzy together.
Same to ya, JyLnC.
'Preciate you, Suld... :)
LOL, Jessica. Because my mom & dad made me that way?
Thank you so much, Sandra.
Michelle - L.O.L.. I won't stop.
Thanks for the kind words, Barbara. :)
Set a good pace and finish strong. Don't stop.
Give all a hug.
Whoo! You sound busy! Stop!! Hope to catch up with you next week--write hard!
LOL Sending good vibes your way. Good luck.
Go go go.. and good luck. :)
Good luck!!!
And have a good weekend!
Oren, thanks for the good coaching tips!
Will do, Terri. Welcome home, if you're back yet. :)
Thanks, Kasie. I feel 'em!
Making strides, Hilary.
You too, Jane girl. :)
You can DO IT, Angie!!!!
Go to every other day...STOP. Running out of time to read daily...STOP. Love you anyway... STOP.
man, angie, i go through the same thing, where i just get behind on my blogosphere friends. i'd say i wish there were 30 hours in a day, but if my wish were granted, then i'd be wishing for 40 hours. and who wants to be awake for 40 hours?? not me.
lots of mojo being sent from GA that your manuscript revisions are done, finished, and polished up by 2/27...see how i changed that due date for you? that's what a 40 hour day and positive mojo do.
you can do it!
all the best. :)
Thanks for the belief, Melissa. :)
Debbie, LOL, and love ya back.
Appreciate the Jawja mojo, Amy, and the well wishes, t i m!
Happy writing! Sending you lots of warm energy and love.
What is this challenge? I totally missed it. Too bad because I probably could have used the motivation.
Anyway, hope you're headed straight for your goals. Don't worry about us. We won't go far.
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